A campaign launched following the death of a Perth man has attracted the support of actor Colin McCredie.
The home-grown Taggart star has backed the initiative which has seen sports clubs and businesses come together to encourage local people into sport and away from crime.
He said: “Perth seems to be a more violent place than when I was growing up and I am pleased to be backing the campaign.”
It was launched in the aftermath of the tragic death of Cameron Rae, 20, last month.
‘Cammy’ died following an incident on South Methven Street on April 8. His death sparked an outpouring of grief across the community and hundreds attended his funeral at Riverside Church on Friday.
Boxing fan Craig Donald, a long distance lorry driver and a friend of Cammy’s uncle, decided to take action, looking into boxing projects in the city to bring people together under the slogan “Stop the Stabbing, Stick to Jabbing”.
Craig took inspiration from Aberfeldy Boxing Club, based in London, which came up with the phrase after knife issues in the UK capital.
He has ordered t-shirts to help spread the message.
Cammy’s parents Kerry Burgess and Scott Rae have voiced their support for the effort.
Kerry said: “Oor King Cammy. He was one loved laddie that’s for sure.
“We think it’s amazing what Craig is trying to do and we will support him throughout.
“We can help save lives in Perth.
“I know from my own family that these contact sports are a remarkable way to channel your energy, particularly for the young. Practicing these sports gives you confidence and respect.
“Craig comes up with these fantastic ideas. I think this latest one is a cracker.”
Actor Colin McCredie, who met Craig recently when in Perth, said: “It’s a great initiative to encourage people to engage in a more positive and healthier lifestyle.”
Now several Perth gyms have pledged support, including Omega MMA Strength and Conditioning gym, an independent provider of British Weightlifting courses.

Owner Paul Garvie ordered shirts with the motto for all his instructors at the Tay Valley Industrial Estate unit, which offers training in boxing, sparring, kickboxing, Nogi grappling, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai.
He says “hundreds” of people are taking the classes and that he has kept the cost of under 16 membership as low as possible to encourage youngsters.
Police Scotland’s Chief Inspector Tom Leonard said: “We welcome initiatives to provide people with positive opportunities and are open to discussions on how we can contribute.
“Local officers work closely with partners, including local authorities and schools, to address any issues and find meaningful solutions to direct our young people away from harmful behaviours.
“This includes work to deliver the No Knives, Better Lives prevention, early intervention and education programme in schools across Perth and Kinross.”