Nurse practitioners and midwives would be able to prescribe abortion medication under proposed laws introduced in the ACT Legislative Assembly.
Health Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith introduced the bill, which follows a decision by the Therapeutic Goods Administration to remove restrictions on who can prescribe the medication.
The bill would also require health professionals who have a conscientious objection to abortion to refer people to another health facility so they can receive an abortion in a timely manner.
The government said this would bring the ACT in line with other states and territories.
"Improved access to abortion services will allow Canberrans to obtain appropriate, safe care, and avoid potentially detrimental impacts to their mental and physical health and wellbeing," Ms Stephen-Smith said.
"Increasing the range of health professionals who can prescribe abortion medication will improve timely access to safe and respectful abortion services.
"It is also important that highly skilled nurse practitioners and midwives in the ACT are able to work to their full scope of practice."

The laws are being introduced following moves to expand the territory's free abortion scheme.
Canberrans have been able to access free abortions for nearly a year but so far it's only been at one location, which is the MSI Australia clinic in the city.
Last week the government announced this would be expanded to some general practices which provide medical abortions. The general practices taking part are the Watson General Practice and Canberra Family Planning in Tuggeranong.
"Making abortions free supports people to make their own decisions about their healthcare without worrying about the financial burden or how to access a service," Ms Stephen-Smith said.