The ACT Legislative Assembly will return for its first sitting in two months with the territory budget, handed down in June, set to be debated.
Debate on the budget is expected to begin on Wednesday and will take up most of the week with other matters to be debated on Tuesday.
The budget's big items include building a new northside hospital, a $345 million housing package and extra police.
The Assembly will consider a bill from the opposition for a payroll tax exemption for general medical practices. ACT Opposition Leader Elizabeth Lee will bring forward the bill on Tuesday afternoon.
"If Andrew Barr and his Labor-Greens colleagues are serious about ensuring Canberrans have access to affordable healthcare, they must support my bill," Ms Lee said.
But the government has queried whether Ms Lee's bill will be eligible under standing orders. ACT Health Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith said only ministers can bring forward bills related to appropriation.
The government has already announced general practices will be exempt from paying payroll tax if they bulk bill 65 per cent of all patients.
Chief Minister Andrew Barr will also formally table the government's response to the board of inquiry into the handling of the Bruce Lehrmann trial, which was already released earlier this month.
The Assembly will also debate a bill to amend the Crimes Act, which includes making it a crime to display Nazi symbols in public.