A new health centre providing free care will open in Casey, with the ACT government confirming it has budgeted money for the centre's design and construction.
The North Gungahlin Health Centre is one of five health centres promised by Labor at the last election.
The ACT budget will include funding for the design and construction of the centre.
The government is also planning to build a new emergency services station and indoor sports facility on the 2.4-hectare site on Kingsland Parade in Casey.
The health centre is different to the nurse-led walk-in centres as it will offer specialist and other allied services as well.
There will also be appointment-based services available, unlike the walk-in centres.
The government said it would offer preventative health services and treatment for chronic disease. It will be staffed by nurses and allied health workers.
"Investing more in preventative health care and support for chronic conditions will keep Canberrans healthier in the community, taking the pressure off our acute hospitals," Health Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith said.
"The new health centres will complement our existing network of nurse-led walk-in centres, community health centres and the territory's hospital system."
Costings for the centre will be outlined when the budget is handed down on June 25.
Labor promised five new health centres in the 2020 election, which were due to be rolled out between 2021-22 and the middle of the decade. Only one centre has opened.
New centres were promised in south Tuggeranong, west Belconnen, the inner south, Molonglo and north Gungahlin.
A centre in Molonglo has already opened and planning work has started on a south Tuggeranong centre in Conder.

A health infrastructure plan from last year identified sites for centres in Griffith and Ginninderry.
Ms Stephen-Smith was asked about the status of the west Belconnen centre in question time last week. She said the Ginninderry centre would be the last to be rolled out.
She also said the government would have more to say about the centres soon.
"We will have more to say formally about the locations for the inner south, north Gungahlin and west Belconnen very soon," Ms Stephen-Smith said.
"We have also allocated funding for the detailed work to design for the inner south and north Gungahlin."
The government is also working on an estate development plan and subdivision design application for the Casey site.
A joint ambulance and fire station and indoor sports facility is set to be built on the site.
Chief Minister Andrew Barr said a lot of work had gone into the subdivision application.
"We have seen rapid growth over the last decade in the Gungahlin district, and this investment will help connect Canberrans in northern Gungahlin with more local health services and community facilities," he said.