A new manager has been appointed to run five of Canberra's public pools - one month out from their scheduled opening date and nearly six months after the tender for the contract closed.
Belgravia Health and Leisure Group Pty Ltd - aka Belgravia Leisure - has been appointed as the new operator for five of the ACT government-owned pools: Canberra Olympic Pool, Gungahlin Leisure Centre, Stromlo Leisure Centre, Lakeside Leisure Centre and Dickson Aquatic Centre, following a public tender process.
The contract for all pools is for five years, with an option to extend to 10 years.
Belgravia Leisure CEO Nick Cox said he looked forward "to providing certainty" to the community now the tender process was completed.

A statement from the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate said Belgravia Leisure managed more than 160 swimming pools for clients in Australia and New Zealand, with the company having more than 30 years of experience in delivering aquatic and leisure services
"Belgravia Leisure will transition in over the coming weeks and there will be minimal disruption to pool and gym services at Canberra Olympic Pool, Gungahlin Leisure Centre, Stromlo Leisure Centre, and Lakeside Leisure Centre during this period.
"Dickson Pool will open as scheduled for the summer swim season at the end of October."
The government said Belgravia Leisure would "make available the opportunity for current staff to transition to their employment".
"This appointment is a promising step to providing certainty for both patrons and current staff," the statement read.
The news comes as all the signs point to the privately-run Phillip pool also re-opening this summer, with ads being placed for casual lifeguards to be employed at the facility.
The appointment of the new contractor for the public pools, meanwhile, comes after the previous long-term managers wanted out of their contracts and pressure was building on the government to replace them.
The Y (YMCA) NSW had managed pools in Canberra for nine years but has never expressed why it wanted to leave the market.

Dickson Aquatic Centre Pty Ltd had managed the Dickson pool since 1996 but wanted out of its contract a year early because of frustrations working with the ACT Property Group, informing the government of its plans more than a year ago.
Belgravia Leisure CEO Nick Cox was upbeat about the appointment, saying it was an honour to be the new manager of the five Canberra pools.
"These venues are designed to be community spaces that welcome all ages and abilities, including those with special needs, which certainly aligns with our commitment to create and deliver programs that are safe, fun, innovative, accessible, diverse and consistent in their quality for healthy communities today and in the future," Mr Cox said.
"We look forward to providing certainty for the communities in which we will operate now that this thorough tender process has concluded, and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to make a positive social impact on these communities across Canberra."
The government also thanked the outgoing operators for their service to the community.
"Sincere thanks are extended to the previous operator of Dickson Pool, Dickson Aquatic Centre Pty Ltd, for their stewardship of this much-loved community pool for an astounding 26 years. The operators have done a fantastic service to the community," it said.
"The government also thanks YMCA NSW, who for nine years have been at the helm of four of Canberra's public pools, providing a vital service for many in our community during this time.
"Both organisations have contributed to the lives of thousands of Canberrans and we look forward to continuing to work with them throughout the transition period."
The contracts with Y NSW for the Gungahlin, Civic, Tuggeranong expired on June 30.
The Stromlo contract was due to expire in June, 2026 but the Y still wanted out of that early.
The Dickson pool contract was due to expire in June, 2024.

The tender to manage all five public pools on behalf of the ACT government closed in April. The ACT Property Group started work on the procurement process late last year and a tender was issued to the market on March 3.
"Public pools across our city provide highly valued sporting and recreational amenities to thousands in our community, from our youngest Canberrans to our most senior," the directorate said.
"This procurement process has ensured that we have long term operational agreements in place that enable community pools to continue operating smoothly."
The ACT government has seven public swimming pools managed on its behalf by contractors.
There is also Manuka (operated by Big Island Sports and with a contract until June 2027) and Erindale Active Leisure Centre (run by the Erindale College P and C which engages staff directly and has no end date to its contract).