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Cindy Gordon, Contributor

Accelerating Growth Using AI: A Focus On Relationship Intelligence- Blog 2/5 Series

This is the second blog in the growth acceleration blog series on advancing AI relationship intelligence (RI). The last blog discussed complexity science and its relevance to the metaverse growth enablement approaches.

This blog looks at the social network science and relationship or collaboration sciences that fuel growth outcomes. It provides clear definitions, highlights disciplines that enable relationship intelligence, and identifies leading companies enabling RI. The blog closes by recognizing illuminary leaders who nearly 20 years prior saw what was possible. Finally, the realities of relationship intelligence and its value to industries is here to stay thanks to the digital transformation evolution to cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and advanced visualization methods.

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Why care about Relationship Intelligence?

The term relationship intelligence (RI) is all about establishing, growing and nurturing relationships to build more trust. With increased trust, people simply engage more, purchase more and hence companies build more loyal customers. Relationship intelligence is also often referred to as relational capital (enabling companies to increase their profits over a longer-term horizon).

In today’s highly digital intelligent world, understanding the value of RI is an area that board directors and C-suite leaders must understand and recognize they need advanced software tools to modernize their operations to achieve what will increasingly be called “productivity revenue intelligence.”

No one would dispute that there is tremendous value in building relational capital/relationship intelligence (RI): the value of the company's relationships with the individuals and organizations with whom it performs its business role, including relationships with external groups: suppliers, dealers, partners, customers that contributes to a company’s reputation.”

Relationship dynamics are leading indicators to a company’s financial success. To put this in perspective, IDC research has found that “companies continue to be lost in administrative overhead where business users spend on average 7.36 hours per week trying to find information and on average 8.15 hours per week trying to find people or experts.”

I remember when I was a partner at Accenture and sourcing knowledge was one of the most important enablers in the company, knowing who the top experts are to answer tough questions or guide you to the best knowledge source was a revered operating process. Now with AI, sourcing that relationship or contextual knowledge can be done literally in seconds, equalizing intelligence access across a large global knowledge source.

Time is every company’s most scarcest resource - it is finite and limited.

AI however is not, as it never sleeps and can aggregate large, diverse data sets to create a predictive model on relationship intelligence, and bring a lense of clarity to a company’s operations that has never been able to easily see before.

Will this be eventually classified as surveillance capitalism as companies can now so easily monitor all employee, customer, and supplier interactions?

That is a big question given the powers of AI and its benefits in exposing the deepest insights in relationship interactions but also guiding companies more clearly to profitability pathways. Its now all about mining data breadcrumbs in every interaction touchpoint to paint a picture. Its almost like painting impressionism art work as the data patterns appear over time and the denser the dots become the invisible becomes visible.

Today, companies are storing relationship data that can be easily minded from data sources from both employee to employee interactions or employee to customer interactions and customer to employee interactions. Data sources that can be stringed together with rich social graphs can come from: emails, texts, phones, search history, calendar /meeting, etc. GPS, and even integrating financial history intelligence to include: revenue growth, profitability, share of wallet, etc.

In the past its been far too complicated to paint a clear picture of who is really talking to who and and understand what is the relationship strength of these relationships and the value to an enterprise in being able to predict revenue growth, or relationship degradation patterns to predict customer churn or losses.

This is no longer the case. Let’s look at this further in one sales productivity example, a world that I am an expert in.

Let’s imagine this scenario that you are operating in a large company, over $2B in revenue, 4,000 employees, in a major new customer deal cycle, valued over $5M, and that your sales team has limited account relationship depth in sales coverage.

Then let’s imagine that you can type in your target company name and immediately see if any emails have been sent to this company’s domain address and that you could type in the role matches you need to find if any leverage can be mined in relationship capital within your company, or within your supply chain network - as everyone knows someone that can help someone or provide pathways of value consideration. Immediately on your screen a social network is identified showing you the number of interactions between the customer you are targeting with a clear breakdown of relationship depth (# of contacts matching target customer profile, recency, frequency, even personality style correlations), etc. This type of relationship intelligence can unlock trillions of top line revenue growth and it is happening faster that you may know.

This is all now possible and in varying stages of evolution, pending the software infrastructures that you are using, but more importantly its choosing the right vendor or vendors with the right vision to keep advancing this use case foreward.

If you are like my career heritage and have operational expertise in global sales operations, you will have encountered sales professionals who exaggerate their depth of relationships with customers in account coverage, and understand the risk implications and impact when a trusted account executive leaves a company when there is insufficient account coverage, especially in major accounts.

When companies experience customer churn like this, they could have easily predicted the relationship risks by having a relationship trust score (RTS) enabled by AI/ML methods.

In my mind - the power of connecting the dots is like following the clues to unlock new possibilities that has always been there but hidden in patterns humans could not easily see before.

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What does Relationship Intelligence Mean?

According to leading CRM software market leader Salesforce defines relationship intelligence (RI) as software technology that generates actionable insights based on relationship data of clients, colleagues and partners.

When you live in a digital world where data is easily accessible in your digital footprint from the communication interactions that I mentioned above but can also be taken many steps further on relationship intelligence to include your: web-searches - even your company car driving patterns, expense reports, facial recognition, your health patterns and even how you walk and talk —- all this data and more can be analyzed by data science and AI methods to form an accurate profile of you and your customer relationship health.

This is the relationship intelligence trajectory that our society is transforming to - with different ebbs and flows, but in time all these pathways will connect into a collective intelligence that is hard to fully imagine -but take my word - its here and growing faster than you know of.

Let’s learn more.

The representational learning (RL) science supporting relationship intelligence is rooted in the study of social network interactions. A social network is an architecture made up of a set of individuals in an organization or organizations and classifying the digital (web) linkages between the individuals. These methods identify influential entities, factors and examine the network dynamics (frequency (recency), speed of responsiveness, density of interactions (length over time and frequency), etc.

Typically these methods are sourced from a variety of disciplines from: social psychology, sociology, statistics, graph theory, and are now supercharged with computing science and data science and AI disciplines and most important advanced visualization design skills for enabling“sense making” to contribute to actionable insights.

Relationship insights in social networks vary in size and complexity, from work projects, customer and employee communications interactions and vice versa to wide complex social networks found in Metaverse(Facebook), Microsoft LinkedIn, TikTok, or Twitter.

What is happening now is that relationship intelligence is oozing its way rapidly into core business operating processes to create more insights on customer, employee and supplier value chains and with AI are able to predict the relationship health of these value chains.

Although the market is still fragmented in all workflow interactions, there are a number of leading companies advancing the field of relationship intelligence in specific business process domains, and increasingly industries.

Relationship Intelligence /Productivity Market Leaders

Affinity - Affinity’s thesis is that relationship intelligence problems can be solved by tapping into a data stream that everyone already owns, but no one is thinking about it. The majority of the world’s relationship data lives not inside static systems like CRMs, contact books, or social networks, but in company’s communication streams. This is the single common denominator in the relationship-driven economy: a reliance on universal protocols for communication, like email and calendar. Affinity is a full stack company dedicated to solving this technology problem and has developed the most advanced, high-throughput infrastructure for syncing and understanding data from communication streams and 3rd-party sources.

CollectiveI - connects revenue-facing professionals who can help each other and studies buyer activity across every sales touchpoint to learn how each buyer buys — transforming those interactions into invaluable insights, forecasts, and opportunity odds for sellers.

Introhive creates relationship maps for your current business contacts. It helps strengthen customer relationships, automate CRM entries and gives businesses better sales insights.Whenever you or one of your employees is getting ready to head into a sales meeting, you receive a custom email report that contains information regarding any recent news about that company, notes about recent meetings and relationship insights. Plus, Introhive helps to identify new potential relationships across your business network. This helps identify new opportunities to build relationships and grow your existing network. Deeply embedded into the Salesforce CRM infrastructures, what I like about IntroHive is the simplicity of their user interface in not only connecting relationships depths in coverage but they also help the sales professional increase their productivity by sourcing relevant data breadcrumbs on contacts and pull them automatically into Salesforce CRM contact and account objects saving hours of administrative overhead of sales professionals who have limited time in B2B sales and with CRM adoption rates continuing to be an issue, Introhive has recognized the power of helping the individual sales professionals reduce their admin overhead and gives them back precious time to focus on what’s important - the real customer.

Microsoft - Relationship Insights is an embedded intelligence suite in Microsoft which continuously analyses how you interact with your customers by processing your data that is stored in your Dynamics 365 for Sales and Microsoft Exchange database to help you better understand the relationships your business has with its customers, evaluate your activities in relation to previous successes, and guide you to the best path forward. The embedded intelligence suite is compiled of three key features which all work in harmony to deliver a seamless AI service key areas include: relationship assistant; email engagement and auto capture of data. Microsoft’s purchase of LinkedIn, underscored their knowledge of the value and power of relationship intelligence when it acquired LinkedIn in 2016 for more than $26B.

SalesChoice has released innovations in unique areas in relationship intelligence from mining customer and sales professional psychographic profiling to identify culture and personality fit matches, and also uses sentiment mining (Natural Language Processing - NLP) AI methods to predict customer health in relationships for growth or churn risks. The company is also researching health risks in relationship social ties to predict growth or failure on more intrinsic vs extrinsic factors. This relationship intelligence is more closely affiliating with the Affective computing field and augments relationship insights in unique and differentiated ways. Matching the right personality profile to sell to the right customer profile creates a stronger relationship depth fit match, and happier more fulfilled sales professionals sell more and their happiness buzz motivates customers to buy more. Happiness scores are even stronger predictors of growth as validated by MIT last month. SalesChoice is mainly focused on making the invisible visible.

Salesforce’s  Einstein Relationship Insights, released in late 2021 is a AI-powered research agent that autonomously explores the internet and internal data sources to discover relationships between customers, prospects and companies to help sales reps close deals faster. Einstein Relationship Insights acts as a virtual agent for salespeople in all industries, scanning the web, social media, collaboration apps, email and other online sources to uncover and recommend related people and companies.


Relationship Insights is an important example of how AI can work with – not in place of – salespeople to help them close more deals and increase revenue. AI-powered tools are increasingly essential for over-burdened reps – without AI, sales reps are left to manually research critical relationships and networks around key decision-makers that lead to a connection.

  • For sales, AI increases leads and appointments by more than 50%, while at the same time reducing costs by up to 60%, with AI creating more value for sales reps by freeing up their time to spend more time on closing deals. 
  • Nearly 50% of sales reps surveyed in the State of Sales Report said there has been a major improvement of utilizing rep’s time as a result of using artificial intelligence.

In summary, relationship intelligence, is one of the most significant foundations that a business can develop and harvest from to enable more agile and rapid growth.

Why - every opportunity, impact, and revenue secured can be traced in some way back to a relationship. Seeing all these threads of communication interaction is underway but lets ensure we understand that without the data infrastructure in place that the relationship intelligence overlays will have point solution insights.

The volume of data for example that Google indexes in one year is approximately the volume of communication data globally exchanged every four hours. This data paints the deepest and most powerful picture of our relationships, but almost all of it goes to waste. The market players identified above are all taking diverse use cases and some definitely overlap which reinforces the companies that own the communication pipes where interaction flows from are in a market advantage position if they design the underlying architectures effectively and integrate into intelligent process workflows to mine more patterns.

It’s an exciting time to be pioneering in the AI/ML ecosystem - especially in relationship intelligence.

In 2005, I co-authored a book called Collaboration Commerce that discussed the importance of relationships and impact of not harvesting relationship capital. I picked it up this morning to look at some of the visionary reviewer comments and thought that I would share what they said in 2005 which was the value of relationship intelligence and the power it can yield for those that take advantage of building formal infrastructures to nurture and grow it. We have now the power of adding AI/ML software infrastructures to finally help us secure more advanced forms of relationship intelligence.

What is key to understand however and stressed in this book is that the knowledge flows to enable relationship intelligence are based on two key factors. 1) Trust is at the epi-center of the interaction health dynamic of a social network (relationship) and 2) reciprocity - the value exchange dynamic cannot be under-estimated. In other words, if you are not building healthy collaboration DNA culture behaviours across all your organization’s social network ties, your interaction health will have weak social ties - despite all the software tools you invest in - the growth outcomes will be blocked in healthy interactions with recency signals - why predictive customer churn or predictive sales health can easily be seen in relationship intelligence.

Turning the invisible to visible revenue intelligence productivity gains is something that should motivate every board director and C suite leaders to wake up inspired to learn more.

These luminaries understood the power of relationship intelligence and collaboration DNA and I wanted to extend a sincere thank-you as their visions continue to materialize and should give us all more confidence to invest in relationship intelligence software solutions, enabled by AI and machine learning methods.

"RBC Financial Group is continually looking through what the authors call the collaborative lens when we develop or enhance our business to improve the client experience. Dr. Gordon and her co-authors have done an outstanding job in highlighting real world examples of how C-commerce can take you to new heights when you're ready to look beyond the walls of your organization and partner with the best."— Martin Lippert, Former, Vice Chair and Head, Global Technology and Operations, RBC Financial Group.

"Whether you are an innovator or a forward-looking executive at an industry leader, Collaboration Commerce will be an essential resource for you. Knowledge and reputation flow through existing business relationship networks faster than ever before, which creates opportunities for re-inventing how business gets done in dozens of knowledge-intensive industries." —Konstantin Guericke, LinkedIn Co-Founder.

"In the past decade, companies achieved tremendous efficiency gains by streamlining their internal processes. Today's forward-thinking companies are using a collaborative commerce focus to achieve even greater efficiencies by optimizing their business networks and relationships beyond the firewall. “Winning with Collaboration Commerce" provides examples of how companies are using collaborative commerce to reach new customers, speed products to market and outperform their competitors." — Subrah Iyar, Former CEO, WebEx Communications (Sold to Cisco).

"Winning, in general, is getting harder and harder as the world becomes flatter. But this book contains many crucial insights into the fundamental changes that are required to master a sustainable edge in this emerging global economy. The book is not just theory. It contains great wisdom on just how important collaboration with partners is becoming and then how to implement a collaborative fabric within and across ecosystems. Yes, the game is changing but with the lenses of collaborative process networks there are new ways to achieve strategic advantage." — John Seely Brown, Former Chief scientist, Xerox Corporation; Co-author, The Only Sustainable Edge.

"Collaboration is critical to knowledge worker performance. The authors go well beyond the previous injunctions to "play nice together," and identify ways to improve processes and make money - through collaborative commerce."— Thomas H. Davenport, President's Distinguished Professor of Information Technology and Management, Babson College.

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