An abused monkey who was flushed down a toilet is now enjoying her new life after being rescued. And she even has a boyfriend.
Milly was rescued after a video showed her being flushed down a toilet. She was seen clinging to the sides for dear life.
The marmoset was also offered cocaine by her owners, who also set a dog on her. The incident left her cowering in the corner.
The RSPCA seized her from her former owners and rehomed her at Monkey World in Dorset. She struggled to adapt to her new home at first but she has now built up her confidence by bonding with a fellow marmoset called Moon.
Moon was also rescued from the pet trade. He began responding to Milly's alarm calls and would stand by her side to reassure her. Now the pair are inseparable and love spending time in their large enclosure hunting insects and enjoying each other’s company. Milly is now featuring in an RSPCA Cancel Out Cruelty campaign.

RSPCA inspector Sophie Daniels, who rescued Milly, said: “This was a very disturbing case, but I am pleased to see Milly is doing well in a fantastic environment with her boyfriend Moon by her side.”
Her former owner, from Newport, Gwent was prosecuted. They are banned from keeping animals for life and also received a suspended prison sentence.