Cancer is a lifestyle disease, the cause of which can be traced to several factors that include genetics, exposure to UV rays and other harmful rays, aging, consumption of tobacco, lack of physical activity and a poor diet. Food habits play a very important role in determining the probability of developing lifestyle diseases such as obesity, cancer, diabetes and others. We are what we consume and a balanced and healthy diet plays a pivotal role in preventing diseases that stem from imbalances in one’s lifestyle.
Symptoms of cancer include formation of odd lumps, weight loss, a change in bowel movement and habits and fatigue. With rapidly occurring lifestyle changes, studies have found that the probability of people being diagnosed with cancer are extremely high with one in two individuals being susceptible to it. The best one can do is to ensure that they take all measures to prevent the disease. Having a healthy lifestyle which operates on striking and maintain a balance is key in the prevention of cancer.
The drink that could increase your risk of Cancer
A recent study aimed to find the major factors that could lead to cancer. Consumption of tobacco, being overweight and aging were pre-dominant among other factors that led to Cancer. In addition to these, a drink was found that contributed towards increasing the risk of cancer and abstaining from it cuts the risk by 31%. It is extremely noteworthy as to how cutting out a drink from one’s regular consumption could reduce the risk of a disease as fatal as cancer significantly.
The aforementioned drink is alcohol that was mentioned in a study conducted by the International Journal of Cancer. The researchers used a method that investigated gene variants linked to alcohol consumption in Asian populations. Individuals with a genetic intolerance for alcohol were found to have a 31% lower risk of developing specific kinds of cancer. If these people with lower tolerance consumed alcohol regularly, they were found to be at the highest risk of developing the disease and people who were not intolerant but regular consumers had higher risks of developing cancer, too.
Ethanol is a main component of alcohol which breaks down to give acetaldehyde, which is a known carcinogen. Acetaldehyde not only damages the DNA but also hinders the process of cell repair, making the damage permanent and almost irreversible. This also allows cancerous cells to proliferate and grow and can affect how other cells grow and divide, leading to damage in the tissues and increased absorption of other carcinogens. Alcohol can also cause damage to salivary glands. It can cause gum disease, tooth decay, oesophageal ulcers, internal bleeding and haemorrhoids. In addition to these conditions, alcohol is known to cause acid reflux and other digestive disturbances in the body and should be consumed in moderation with appropriate precautions.