Watching television used to be simple. You turn on the TV, sit back, and watch one of a handful of channels at a time.
Now there are 100s of channels and new streaming services popping up every day — all with complicated pricing packages to navigate. We have cable. Satellite. Streaming. TVs, phones, tablets and computers. And then there's the matter of actually finding something good to watch. And where and how to watch it.
We're here to help you with all of that. We'll help you know the best way to watch what you want to watch. We'll help you find the streaming service that's right for you. And, most importantly, we'll help you sort through the latest shows and movies because time is precious. And we'll have fun doing it.
Who we are
We've got decades of combined experience working on entertainment brands in the UK and US as well as working with writers across the business who are passionate about bringing you the latest, most interesting and most informative TV and film stories.
So dive in head-first. We've got news, spoilers, reviews and recaps. And there's so much more in store.
The What to Watch team
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