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On GamesRadar+ we always aim to inform, entertain, and inspire through our mix of news, reviews, features, tips, buying guides, and videos.
We are not condescending, elitist, assumptive, or deliberately argumentative. We are a celebratory site that reminds readers that games and entertainment are a force for good and for bringing people together. We're that voice of your pal bringing you cool tidbits of game trivia, awesome secrets to find, hidden gems, behind-the-scenes details, and more as we guide you to the best things to be watching, playing, and reading.
GamesRadar+ is also home to some of the biggest brands in the industry: Edge, Retro Gamer, Newsarama, and SFX.
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The majority of review products are sent to us by the companies involved, and the majority are a direct result of a review request. We only review products that we have selected ourselves and that are worth reviewing. We always return products on request or at the end of our agreed loan period.
You can read more about our approach to reviewing and scoring in our guide, which includes what our scores mean.
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Content Funding on GamesRadar+
The majority of the content on GamesRadar+ is created solely by our editorial team and its contributors. However, on occassion, we also work with external partners to create content we hope our readers will find useful and interesting. This article explains how we fund this content that's created for GamesRadar+.
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