Eerie pictures give a peak inside a widow's old home where dressing gowns still hang off the bedroom door after almost two decades.
The woman lived alone at the property, dubbed the 'House of Sadness', after her husband died years ago.
But her clothes are still folded in her wardrobe while her false teeth remain resting above the decaying sink.
Documents found inside the abandoned property suggest that the woman's name was Ann Harrison who died in 2003 aged 73.
Now it is a time capsule full of memories including old artefacts, ornaments, wedding albums, photographs and calendars.
It is believed Ms Harrison spent her final days within the small country house, which is located in the village of Hirst Courtney in North Yorkshire.

Urban explorer Kyle Urbex captured the inside of the property and said the House of Sadness was "a fitting name for a location with such a sad story behind it."
He added: "She must have had so many happy memories in this house as the property, now full of cobwebs, is full of her lifelong possessions.
"Her dressing gowns are still hanging on the back of her bedroom door and her toothbrush is still in the stand above the sink.

"Then there are family photos sprawled across the table as well as the TV along with the phone all left to decay.
"Whisky bottles were also scattered around the house according to Kyle who speculated that the former residents used to "enjoy the odd drink."
Signs indicate that she only used the downstairs floor of the house towards the end of her life rather than climbing the steep staircase to bed.

Instead another bed was assembled towards the back of the dining room.
It is understood that the widow's son now lives abroad and inherited the house following her funeral in 2003.
But it appears he never got round to clearing out her possessions and the house has remained frozen in time ever since.
The rooms are caked in cobwebs while the walls are falling apart and piles of rubbish is left strewn across the floor.

The bedroom appears to be full of old family photographs and trinkets which cover every surface in the room.
And the kitchen has been left in disarray with dishes and pots piled up in the sink and strewn across the counter.
Draws have been left open, bursting with more junk, in what would have once been a quaint and colourful country kitchen.

Some of the windows have also been boarded up at the house while graffiti decorates the interior.
Nature is also starting to creep inside with branches climbing the walls and mould pictured in the corners.