Aayush Sharma recently recalled getting trolled after he got married to Salman Khan’s sister Arpita Khan. The actor says people still address him as ‘Salman Khan ka jija’.
Talking about the same at an event, Aayush said that the very next day, after he got married, people were trolling him. While some said he married Arpita for money, other said he did so to become an actor. Aayush also recalled people calling him businessman from Delhi, which apparently he is not.
Elaborating further, Aayush added that though he has successfully gotten over most of the stories and theories about him on the internet, the actor stated that he is still called, ‘Salman Khan ka jija’. While Aayush said he is not a star kid, he also admitted that he didn’t have to struggle like an outsider.
Aayush also went on to talk about being judged for his performances in films. The actor revealed that he was called a "white dog" and that Salman paid a huge dowry to get his sister married. He recalled how his confidence was shattered. The actor added that although he is open to criticism, he does not give any right to people to take away his dreams.
On the work front, he was last seen in ‘Antim: The Final Truth’ which also starred Salman in the lead role.