A year ago, on December 2, 2023, Kiss bowed out after 50 years of spectacular live action. Wrapping things up with a fiery finale at New York's Madison Garden, their departure left a gap that can probably never be filled, until the promised avatar show makes its debut and they can franchise the entire thing in multiple cities simultaneously.
To celebrate the anniversary, Kiss have released a live video featuring 20 minutes of footage shot at the show, and it sums up the band's show perfectly. Riffs. Choruses. Explosions. More explosions. Fire. Blood. Solos. Platforms that rise and fall. More explosions. That thing that allows Paul Stanley to fly above the audience. More explosions. A beautiful, final mix of poignancy and pyro.
“I know that I’ll be proud and excited standing on that stage for that very last time," Gene Simmons told Classic Rock ahead of the show, "but I’m also reasonably sure I’m gonna cry on stage like a twelve-year-old girl who’s been dumped by her first boyfriend. They used to call me Mr. Spock when I was a kid, because I didn’t get as emotional as others, I was always pretty buttoned-up and straightforward in matters of the heart.
"But in the past weeks, when I’ve caught sight of a five-year-old child dressed like me, in my make-up, sitting on the shoulders of their father, who’s also dressed like me, and I see that kid stick his tongue out at me, copying me? More than once recently, I’ll admit, I’ve had to turn my back, because, you know, the big man is not supposed to cry. How am I going to react on December two? You’ll be there, you can see for yourself when the time comes."
Gene and Paul have also released a second video, in which they confirm that while the road is at an end, the journey is set to continue.
"Hey kids, it's Gene Simmons," says Gene. "We are fast approaching the end of 2024 and 2025 is right around the corner."
"Paul Stanley here," says Paul. "Thanks thanks to all of you. It's a year since the end of the End Of The Road."
"While it's true we stopped touring this is not the end, no siree Bob" continues Gene. "I wish I could tell you the amazing things that are brewing but you will soon be able to experience it. Beyond anything you've experienced."
"You're not forgotten," adds Paul. "The 50 years aren't forgotten and the years to come will not be forgotten either."
"Hang in there," finishes Gene. "Kiss is forever."