If you’re picking out a quote from Barbie for Wheel of Fortune — Mojo Dojo Casa House, maybe? — this is one I would NOT expect.
But here it is, a puzzle from a recent episode that was solved without much of a problem: “Hi Barbie! Hi Barbie! Hi Barbie! Hi Barbie!” Yep, that was really a puzzle on Wheel.
LOL! I love it. It’s so weird and I’m not the only one who thought that. I can also imagine being a contestant and being slightly confused when confronted with the same letters showing up over and over again.
Here’s the solve:
Hi Barbie! Hi Pat! Hi Vanna! Hi Wheel! @barbiethemovie pic.twitter.com/BcelA8NuEc
— Wheel of Fortune (@WheelofFortune) October 17, 2023
Hi Barbie
HI Barbie
was on wheel of fortune today 😂— Cole (@ambercme23) October 17, 2023