A mobility warm-up before exercise is a necessity. Why? Because it prepares your muscles and joints for movement, enhances your range of motion and reduces your risk of injury.
While there are many moves you can incorporate into a mobility warm-up, there’s one I always recommend as a certified personal trainer: the world’s greatest stretch. I like to do a fast-paced version with an added plank walk-out to gently raise my heart rate before I exercise.
Repeat this dynamic stretch five times on each side and see how it can boost your mobility, pronto.
The world’s greatest stretch
Reps: 5 each side
- Stand upright with feet hip-width apart.
- Bend over and place your hands on the ground, then walk them forward until you're in a high plank position.
- Step your left foot forward, placing it just outside your left hand. You’ll be in a deep lunge with your back leg extended straight behind you.
- Rotate your torso as you lift your right arm up, feeling a stretch through your upper body.
- Return your hand to the ground and extend your left foot behind you so you're in a plank position again, then step your right foot forward, to the outside of your right hand.
- Rotate your torso and lift your left arm.
- Return to plank then walk your hands back towards your feet, until you're in a bent-over position.
- Stand then repeat.
Dynamic warm ups vs static stretches
When you’re warming up, it’s important to focus on dynamic stretches—those that involve controlled movement rather than a static stretch, where you hold a position still.
Dynamic stretches prepare muscles and joints by working through their full range of motion, which can help to reduce injury risk and muscle soreness.
Static stretches on the other hand are better saved for after your workout to help relax and stretch muscles, preventing tightening after exercise.
The world’s greatest stretch is ideal as a dynamic warm-up as it combines a plank, lunge and a twist, targeting multiple muscle groups and improving mobility through the chest, hip flexors and spine. Once you’ve added this to your warm-up routine, you’ll never go back!