Having been an eager participant in the M11 link road campaign, I appreciated the Claremont Road eviction article (G2, 26 November). But the claim for the scaffolding tower being 100ft high still bugs me, as it was a number simply plucked out of the air to satisfy curious journalists at the time. I tediously measured it with a tape measure at 44ft. We were, though, immensely proud of our construction, as none of us had scaffolding experience.
John Hodges
Camberwell, London
• As Gary Lineker surveys his post-BBC future, my family is musing about the programming possibilities for his Goalhanger production company. Maybe a podcast on reputation management for large organisations, hosted by Justin Welby and Paula Vennells, entitled The Rest Is Integrity?
Alison Ford
• I have finally cracked Wolf Hall: The Mirror and the Light, with its confusing cast of Tudor personalities. Photocopy the first couple of pages of the book, where Hilary Mantel kindly gives a list of characters, and keep it handy while you watch. Job done.
Dr Nigel Mellor
Newcastle upon Tyne
• If the next two storms were called Boris and Liz, as David Prothero suggests (Letters, 27 November), I’d expect nothing more than a bit of wind followed by a squally shower.
Ian Grieve
Gordon Bennett, Llangollen canal
• David Prothero will undoubtedly know what to expect from the third named storm of the autumn (Storm Conall brings train cancellations and warning of possible power cuts, 28 November), since Conall is clearly named after both Boris Johnson and Liz Truss.
Adrian Brodkin
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.