One day (24 July) you give us an article on eight ways to live longer and the next a report encourages us to do planks and squats to lower blood pressure to stay alive. There are also articles about wildfires caused by global warming and another about the Gulf Stream potentially switching off as early as 2025. Surely the best thing for us as individuals and the planet is that we don’t try too hard to live longer.
Sally Simpson
Strensall, North Yorkshire
• So the PM thinks environmental policies should not “unnecessarily give people more hassle and more costs in their lives” (Rishi Sunak signals he could abandon green policies that cost consumers, 24 July). How fortunate that floods, drought, fires and heatwaves come free of hassle or costs.
Dr Jan Arriens
Bishops Castle, Shropshire
• “Mirrors may have been used for signalling, communicating and coordinating attacks” (Isles of Scilly remains are iron age female warrior, scientists say, 27 July)? Or maybe she wanted to check her hair and the positioning of her brooch?
Mary Harley
Milton Keynes
• No, no, no. The proof’s not in the pudding as your print-edition headline (26 July) about yorkshires suggests. The proof of the pudding’s in the eating.
Martin Jeffree
Maresfield, East Sussex
• Dick Van Dyke is not a Flemish portrait painter any more than Anthony van Dyck was a cockney chimney sweep (Quick crossword, 27 July).
Orlando Goodden
Whatley, Somerset
• I never did find out who Percy Vere was, but he must have been a very holy person (Letters, 23 July).
Roger Plenty
Stroud, Gloucestershire
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.