There have been some funky viral TikTok trends surrounding Harry Potter this year – the Ron Weasley EDM remix I’m looking at you – but Sexy Severus Snape takes the cake. While we’ve seen AI-generated Wizarding World art before, and sometimes it can be really cool and even emotional, this is different, and many fans are appalled by it.
Out of all the Harry Potter cast, @alanrickmanstan7 made their viral TikTok about Severus Snape. Alan Rickman’s wizard has some epic moments, and there’s great reason to make fan art for the beloved character. However, this Sexy Snape video is hilariously unexpected, and many fans were not thrilled about it as they pointed out in the comments. The video has over 5.4 million views and features AI-generated audio of the character making a sexy comment and lots of photos of the wizard with his shirt unbuttoned and fully tattooed posing as if he was just named Sexiest Man Alive.
Personally, I was confused watching this AI-generated TikTok. Turns out, fans of the Harry Potter movies were too. Take Delaney Obraztosva for example, their comment on the video got over 43 thousand likes as they made their disgust for the video of the late Alan Rickman clear:
Alan Rickman doesn't deserve this mistreatment through AI
Hannahadnerson963 was also appalled by the video of the Harry Potter cast member as they posted:
I just spit out my drink 😭😭😭 WHO DID THIS. STRAIGHT TO JAIL
Some, like s., attempted to understand the appeal of this video but ultimately couldn’t as they posted:
this is for someone. i’m not that someone.
Others were incredibly shocked by the TikTok. I’m in the same boat as them, that AI-generated voiceover of Alan Rickman was a literal jump scare, and the music was unexpected. A few comments that made this point of view known were:
- The way it just like jumped straight into it 😂 no warning. No time to lower volume no time to react 😳 😂🤣 -Rebecca Morris
- I beg your finest pardon?!😳 -Morgan Duke
- JAIL! Who did this?! I’m so conflicted I could have went my whole life without this one. 😂 -Marie_the_Sea
There truly is a surprise factor to this video, especially if you aren’t expecting it. Picture this: you’re scrolling through your FYP and a video of Sexy Snape with the caption “do it for daddy” comes up. How are you supposed to react to that? I think these comments captured the general reaction many had when they landed on this viral TikTok while going through their For You Pages:
- I’m upset and will never be the same -Carlyjanis
- The scream I just scrempt -Amy
- PROFESSOR?! -HoneyNastay
- I literally just opened this app...😂 -Red Brie
While many made their disgust and shock and occasional horror known, others commented about accepting that this was a fate they bought on themselves. After all, our FYPs are curated based on what we watch and like. Here are a few highlights from this shared perspective in the comments:
- Gotta remind myself that my fyp was my doing and only mine. But dear Christ all mighty -Emily North
- I have to remember I curated my own fyp -minichickenquesadilla
I’d like to leave you with my personal favorite comment underneath this possibly cursed TikTok. Bringing the hilarious chaotic energy that the video has, lmmy_kay commented:
The way I dropped my phone to clutched my nonexistent pearls, I will never be the same again
Girl same, I don’t think I’ll be the same either. This video was unexpected, but, also hilarious, especially when you go through the comments.
If you are looking to see Alan Rickman’s real-life, masterful performance as Severus Snape, you can stream all the Harry Potter movies with a Max subscription.