I moved into a newly built house in June 2020. HMRC has still not updated my postcode on its records, so passport and driving licence renewals have had to be completed by post. I have tried to complain about this using the online complaints system. After spending 45 minutes completing six pages of the signing-in process, and receiving a one-time password and my 12-digit ID, I was asked for … my postcode.
Jim Rotheram
Preston, Lancashire
• It’s hard to impress on non-south Asians what Lata Mangeshkar meant to one-sixth of humanity (Lata Mangeshkar, legendary Bollywood singer, dies at 92, 6 February). She was the background music of the lives of millions over many decades. In a time and place where division was – and remains – the modus operandi, she was a bridge between generations, castes, religions, and even countries. She was a national treasure.
Sheilendr Khipple
Wilmette, Illinois, US
• Growing weary of Wordle, I have devised an alternative mental challenge – Sunaku – in which the sum of the numerals in each square, with an appropriate number of zeros inserted in the correct positions, will equal the total government write-off for fraud during the pandemic.
Hilary Veale
Weymouth, Dorset
• Dr David Mathieson (Letters, 2 February) got off lightly on the duty that he paid for his books post-Brexit. My son sent me a painting for Christmas, marked as a gift. I had to pay £65.12 before Parcelforce would deliver it.
Philomena O’Hare
Farsley, West Yorkshire
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication.