Sophie Fraser doesn't remember much from the day she almost died in a motorcycle crash on the Gold Coast, but it changed her life in more ways than one.
Twelve months on she's still recovering from her injuries, but the 21-year-old sees the accident as a turning point that changed her life for the better.
Ms Fraser says the near-death experience helped her come out as a transgender woman.
"I feel a lot more comfortable in my own skin — I feel like I can be myself, I can go out, I don't care what other people think," she said.
Waking into the light
Ms Fraser spent two weeks in an induced coma and her memories of the time are hazy, but for her mum, seeing her child close to death is impossible to forget.
"Lacerations to the large intestines, small intestines, the bowel, liver, kidneys, pancreas," Paula Fraser said.
"She also had a smashed ankle, broken pelvis, three breaks in the neck and spine, her arm was snapped."
Trauma nurse navigator Matthew Scott treated Sophie in the Gold Coast University Hospital said it was touch and go.
"She was bleeding internally at the time and was at risk of dying," he said.
Sophie said she was in a dark place when the crash happened.
She said she had only come out as transgender to her immediate family and was struggling to find the motivation to live.
"It was at a time when I was quite down, depressed, a lot of mental issues going on with being transgender," she said.
'Right where Soph comes home'
Mrs Fraser first found out about the crash through a Facebook post.
"My daughter came upstairs and said, 'Is Soph home? I've just heard of a really nasty accident on the motorway, on the M1 — it's right where Soph comes home,'" she said.
That was when Sophie's boss called.
"[Paramedics] worked for a good 50 minutes on the side of the road for Soph because they didn't think she was going to pull through," Mrs Fraser said.
It's Sophie, not Jack
Up until the accident, most people in Sophie's circles still knew her as Jack.
Her mum said it caused great distress to her daughter, Ashley, while her sister lay in an induced coma.
"Soph was transitioning, although she hadn't told a lot of people," Mrs Fraser said.
"She wanted to be called Sophie, which I think had a very big impact on when Soph did come around — everyone was calling her Sophie."
Sophie said her near-death experience sped up the process of coming out.
When she woke up, she was not Jack anymore.
"I appreciate a lot of the smaller things — I appreciate my family, I've grown up a lot," she said.
'Extending care'
Armed with a more positive outlook on life, Ms Fraser is using her own experience to help other young people.
"[She] is a role model for us and our trauma patients," Mr Scott said.
"She now volunteers her time presenting at our PARTY (Prevent Alcohol and Risk related Trauma in Youth) program and speaks to our Gold Coast youth and tells her journey."
Ms Fraser also became one of the first members of the Gold Coast University Hospital's Trauma Survivor Network.
"It's extending care beyond the hospital," Mr Scott said.
"We've noticed a deficit in the journey of patients beyond hospital, being discharged and finding it hard to manage their lives."