So what exactly is 'vertical teaching'?
Vertical teaching is when a group of mixed aged pupils (taken from two or three years) are taught together for the common good. It might help schools to offer a wider range of subjects for example and allow students to be streamed according to their ability. The idea of vertical teaching has its roots in the vertical tutoring system which is where a pastoral tutor group being made up of 30 pupils from one year it is instead made up of a smaller amount of pupils from across years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.
But why would I want to do this?
One reason why many schools are looking at vertical teaching is because it can allow some students to take GCSEs one year early, so teaching year 9 and year 10 pupils together. Some schools like this as they feel it takes the pressure off year 11 and gives more time for exams, and of course retakes too.
The scheme can have an added knock-on benefit in that older pupils peer mentor the younger ones and younger pupils bring to the party more enthusiasm and energy. It helps to create friendship bonds across the years rather than just leaving pupils to feel that they only belong to their year and are not members of the whole school. Lessons also don't have to be differentiated to such a degree as the group is working at the same level allowing for greater pace and time to concentrate on more detail.
What are the downsides?
Lots of pupils are initially very reluctant to do this as they are worried they won't be with their friendship group anymore. But most schools that bring in a system of vertical teaching experience a fast and positive turnaround in their pupils when they realise the benefits. It needs to be a whole school change and experts say you need to get teachers, staff and parents on side before making the change. Then everyone is working to the same goal. Parents can also be worried, especially if their children are the older ones in the class, that the lessons would be taught to be bottom and not to the top.
So how do I go about setting this up in my school?
Peter Barnard, author of Vertical Tutoring (VT), former head teacher and founder of website, says there are a number of tips he would advise teachers to follow if thinking of setting up a VT school. He says it is vital to realise this is a change to the entire nature of teaching and learning within school.
Firstly, he says never copy other schools, you need to have training otherwise you don't know what you are looking for. And to that end make sure the leadership team gets full immersion into VT.
Secondly, make sure all the staff are trained and understand VT as a system. Peter also says it is vital to take parents with you, via consultation sessions. Also involve the students, make them ambassadors of the VT system.
Melanie Williams, head teacher at Royds Hall High School, Huddersfield, has been running vertical options across years 9, 10 and 11 forthe past three years. She advises that the lessons are taught in long blocks of three hour lessons on two days per week. In that way the students complete one full GCSE each year. Core subjects are then taught in the usual way over two to three years in linear groups.
She says vertical teaching has proved very successful and motivational for students and the school has had lots of visits from fellow teachers wanting to see it in action.