spilled the beans on TikTok.
“Have you ever heard *this* sound on a plane before?” he asked, before playing The Chime
“A high/low chime like that means one flight attendant is trying to call the other flight attendant, or the flight deck is trying to call us.”
The flight deck, as I have just learned, is also called the cockpit. A truly exciting cultural difference between Australia and the US.
Now, let the record show, the sole chime is not what has gotten me in a tizzy. It is the next auditory explanation which has freaked me out.
“If you hear three of those that means it’s an emergency — but you never will have to hear that,” Cimato continued.
“And if you hear one tone that means that a passenger is calling one of the flight attendants from our seat, or they could be calling us from the lavatory — either one.”
I’m sorry but I don’t like that. I want to go back to a better, simpler time when I didn’t know what an impending plane crash sounded like. I’m catching a flight on Tuesday and will have to stop myself from screaming every single time I hear that damn ding-dong. If I hear three chimes, so help me God but I will lose my mind.
Emergency signal aside, I do have some other questions about this whole communication system. For example, how TF are flight attendants meant to differentiate the meaning behind the sounds? For example, the high/low chime — how do they know if the cockpit is calling them or it’s another flight attendant wanting a chingwag about the absolute bozo in seat 31B?
Or what about the toilet versus seat situation — how do they know where the call is coming from? It must be coming from inside the house, if the house were a Boeing 737, but exactly?
Finally, what if said dumbass in seat 31B ring his bell thrice, as if to simulate the emergency ding-dongs?
So many questions, so little time. I don’t even want to what four chimes mean.
where know@tommycimato #fyp #flightattendant #airline #aviation #travel #explore ♬ Vacation – Dirty Heads
The post A Flight Attendant Shared What Those Chimes You Hear On Planes Mean & I Wish I Could Unlearn It appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .