Blu Hydrangea
Drag Race UK
fave has broken down her preparation cost totals on TikTok and honestly, it’s not as hectic as I’d imagined.
Each queen usually arrives with heaving suitcases and various boxes filled with all sorts of drag accoutrements from shoes to wigs to perky breastplates. But what I didn’t realise is that a lot of these items are usually repurposed from other outfits or lent to queens to wear on the show.
Blu Hydrangea detailed every look she wore in season one of and kept a running tally of how many new outfits and new wigs she had to buy for her run on the show.
“I worked part-time retail and took up some extra gigs because I did not want to take out a loan or be in debt,” she said.
She kicked it off with her season announcement look, which was a repurposed outfit with a double-stacked wig and put the wig tally up to two.
Blu went through 11 different looks she had prepared for , including the design challenge where all she did was pop on a wig and shoes she already owned — a very cheap fit.
She even showed an adorable couple’s costume of a poodle and their owner that she didn’t get to turn on the runway because she was eliminated before she got the chance.
Blu reckons she spent about £2500 (AUD$14485) on the eight outfits and seven wigs she had to buy for her time on and credited a lot of people lending her items or styling her wigs for free as a way she kept the cost down.
I mean it makes sense, as if you wouldn’t want to lend a drag queen some help or feathers if it means your work gets on and in front of the eyes of Mama RuPaul herself?
Every season of is if you want to watch all of Blu Hydrangea’s thrifty-but-stunnin’ looks on the main stage.
@bluhydrangea A small price to make your dreams come true #dragrace #dragraceuk #dragraceukvstheworld #dragraceallstars #rupaul #rupaulsdragrace #rupaulsdragraceuk #rupaulsdragraceukvstheworld #rupaulsdragraceallstars #dragqueen #drag
♬ Aesthetic – Tollan Kim
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