One person has turned to Reddit to share the story of what happened to his mother’s “memorial Coke.”
In a post shared to the “Today I F***** Up” subreddit, a user explained that his mother died 10 years ago when Coca-Cola was in the middle of its “Share a Coke” ad campaign, in which all of the bottles had labels with various names written on them. After the poster’s mother died, he ended up finding one with her name.
“Her name isn't that common, so I took it as one of those ‘she'll always be with you’ kind of moments,” the post read. “I bought the bottle and stuck it in my fridge because....idk that's where you put Coke? I don't like Coke so there wasn't any risk of me accidentally drinking it.”
The soda bottle made it through 10 years, three different refrigerators and two house moves - until an old college friend came to visit.
The user grabbed a six-pack of Coke for their guest, placing it in the same fridge as his beloved bottle. What he didn’t do, however, was explain the difference between the Cokes.
“Ten minutes later, we're talking in the living room together as he drinks his Coke. While we're talking, I happen to notice my mom's name on the side of the bottle and gasp,” the post continued. “Then, out of shock, I start laughing hysterically. It takes me a solid five minutes to explain to him what happened through my laughter.”

The friend then realized why his soda was “so flat” before becoming “understandably horrified.”
“Feeling guilty, I suggest he finish the Coke and I could just keep the empty bottle. He was even more horrified by this idea, so we eventually decide to just dump the rest of the Coke down the drain,” the post continued.
The poster confirmed they will keep hold of the now-empty bottle, but doubts their friend will ever stay over again.
Many people turned to the comments section of the post to express how funny they found the story.
“This is a really wholesome story. I'm glad you got a laugh. Probably your Mom was telling you it was time to clean out your fridge …” one commenter joked.
Another commenter agreed, writing, “You poured one out for the homies…your mom being the homie in this case.”
Others gave suggestions for what could be done with the empty Coke bottle.
“You should fill the bottle with sand or marbles. or anything solid that your mom might have had a soft spot for and you can keep it as a display of sorts,” one user suggested. Another person reminded him that he might want to keep the bottle out of direct sunlight as the label might fade.
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