What better proof that the law is an ass than baby Lilah’s case (‘We were horrified’: parents heartbroken as baby girl registered as male, 19 November). She was mistakenly registered as a boy and cannot be legally re-registered as a girl, although the mistake was discovered minutes after it was made by the register office.
San Cassimally
• It’s not just disabled museum employees who need seats – many elderly people need them too (Security guard sues Science Museum for allegedly denying suitable chair, 17 November). I often have to forgo or cut short visits to museums and galleries through exhaustion and pain. Why don’t they provide fold-down stools that can be carried by visitors? I have used these in museums abroad.
Baden Carlson
• Re AI pets, I’ll stick with my pet rock – now 49 years old and as hale as the day we met, which is more than can be said of me (Can a fluffy robot really replace a cat or dog? My weird, emotional week with an AI pet, 20 November).
Robert Holland
• By all accounts, the protest by Starling Bank staff over management’s demand that they attend offices more regularly is gathering momentum (Report, 19 November). How long before it constitutes a murmuration?
Peter Barnes
Milton Keynes
• To continue the Christmas theme of Paul Hanbury’s tall tree (Letters, 17 November), it’s time for readers to start saving the Guardian’s centrefold photos for wrapping presents: recycling and individuality in one.
Jeanette Hamilton
Buxton, Derbyshire
• Do you have a photograph you’d like to share with Guardian readers? If so, please click here to upload it. A selection will be published in our Readers’ best photographs galleries and in the print edition on Saturdays.