A bat accidentally flying out of a batter’s hands and into the crowd is a scary thing, no matter who’s at the plate.
But when it’s coming out of the hands of Oneil Cruz, who has hit the hardest-batted ball in the Statcast era and who let his bat go once before, it’s doubly scary.
In this case, it happened in Thursday’s Mets and Pittsburgh Pirates game in New York. The bat went flying when Cruz struck out, and the security guard who avoided it got caught on camera had a terrified look on his face.
Check it out and the reaction from around Twitter:
The reaction!
Security guard can’t believe he’s still alive pic.twitter.com/hjiymi64Xb
— Jomboy Media (@JomboyMedia) September 16, 2022
This usher's reaction to Oneil Cruz losing his bat was perfect 😂 pic.twitter.com/letI4HRFef
— SNY (@SNYtv) September 16, 2022
The usher's reaction to Oneil Cruz's unbelievably far bat toss into the crowd 😂
— Eddie Kraus (@eddiekraus_) September 16, 2022
"He now has the hardest hit ball, the hardest thrown ball, and the hardest thrown bat." pic.twitter.com/0ZhwEBfZ4Q
— FOX Sports: MLB (@MLBONFOX) September 16, 2022
Oneil Cruz has now:
👽 hit a baseball harder than anyone
👽 thrown a baseball harder than any infielder
👽 had one of the fastest sprints
👽 had the most prodigious bat toss ever 👇 pic.twitter.com/J5AKn0rghe— Codify (@CodifyBaseball) September 16, 2022
The face of the Citi Field security dude after Oneil Cruz lost his bat into the crowd on a swing and miss 🤣 pic.twitter.com/d1wTZfuEVu
— D.J. Short (@djshort) September 16, 2022
Yikes! Look at where it landed!
Oneil Cruz lost the handle on his bat on a Carlos Carrasco strikeout and it was LAUNCHED into the Citi Field crowd 😳 pic.twitter.com/bM9mSu354Q
— Jeff Wong (@jwongnyy) September 16, 2022