Madison County emergency management and public safety officials are preparing to turn on a new outdoor warning siren system. A scheduled test on Thursday was canceled and re-scheduled for Monday due to inclement weather conditions.
Dismantling of nerve and mustard rockets and projectiles at the Blue Grass Army Depot has been completed. But work continues in addressing residual agents. Jill Williams is deputy county judge in Madison County.
“While the risk at the Blue Grass Army Depot with the chemical demilitarization is continuing to decline, which is what we want for our community…that doesn’t mean the risk of a chemical emergency could never happen in our community not associated with the Depot,” said Williams.
Williams noted there are other industries in Madison County along with truck and rail traffic. She added federal funding tied to operations at the Blue Grass Army Depot has been a difference maker.
“There are many counties and communities that do not have one outdoor warning siren. But, we have 72 new ones. Brand new. And those will carry us for another life cycle, another 20 years of preparedness for our community,” said Williams.
Williams said outdoor warning siren tests are also scheduled for August 31st and September seventh at 10:00.
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