The Morning/Evening Kings
“In the morning, I wash my face with warm water and then put on vitamin C before the obligatory sunscreen. At night, I switch to a retinol serum before a moisturiser. I’ve read that you shouldn’t double up with the vitamin C / retinol combo in the same day but I choose to ignore that tidbit.” –
“In the mornings I wash my face with water then I use a light facial moisturiser. In the evenings I just wash it with water and face wash.” –
If you, as a cis man, are starting your skincare description with “In the morning,” congratulations – you are already one step ahead of the vast majority of dudes. Any man that separates their skin care into morning/evening is absolutely on the right track. The bar may be on the floor, but dare I say…king behaviour.
OK now this really is the bare minimum particularly in Australia, but if you wear SPF every day, that’s definitely a great starting point for a skincare routine. Also, please wash your hair. Wash your hair and wear sunscreen, it’s literally all we ask.
No comment. You got no routine? Babe. Grow up. Get a job. Slap on a moisturiser.
Mum come pick me up. I’m scared.
The Slip Slop Slay
“The guy I’m currently dating uses his daily surf as his skin and haircare routine. At least I know the boy wears sunscreen daily.” Bree “My old housemate, let’s call him Matt, used to only use SPF15. That was it, that was the entirety of his skincare routine. Not even SPF30 or 50! We kept telling him he’d look like Prince Phillip if he kept it up but he didn’t listen. He also didn’t wash his hair but that’s another article in itself.” EllieThe Non-Routine
“I don’t have a skincare routine.” David “Exposing my bf who doesn’t have a skincare routine because he has perfect skin year-round.” BellaThe Nightmare Fuel
“I just use the body wash in my shower on my face too.” David
The post A Buncha Folks Told Us About Their Skincare Routine & It Ranges From Acceptable To Devastating appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .