Do you often find yourself imagining what you would spend money on if you won the lotto at 2am? Because this fantasy is something that definitely lives in my mind 24/7, rent-free… And I don’t even play!
The lotto is something that hundreds and thousands of Aussies participate in. Every time the morning news announces that some punter a suburb away has become a millionaire overnight the first thing that comes to my mind is what would I spend my winnings on.
Well, because I’m naturally nosey — duh I write gossip for a living — I hoovered up this tea from a bunch of Division One winners revealing what they’ve spent their winnings on.
For folks who are not familiar with the lotto lingo, most of the time, Division One winners are punters who manage to match all numbers depending on the game. For example, for the Powerball, it’s all seven numbers and the Powerball number in a single game panel.
That being said, the folks on this list became high rollers overnight!!!
Speaking to news.com.au, Anna Hobdell from The Lott revealed that 40% of Division One winners helped family and friends, 35% bought a new car and 26% paid off their mortgage or copped a new humble abode.

It was also revealed that a shit tonne of winners also indulged in lavish holidays, with one winner shouting 38 people a week-long cruise, and another taking their winnings to the Monaco Grand Prix.
Of course, a number of folks also gave a portion of their big bucks to charities and people in need.
“We gave every close relative a gift of the same amount. They each received a separate cheque with a note to use as they wanted. That gave us so much joy. We have set our own three kids up with a deposit for a house,” one winner shared.
“We are in the process of setting up a not-for-profit charity to donate to a range of charities, including but not limited to the Royal Flying Doctors, Royal Children’s Hospital and CANTEEN.”
If you’re still imagining what all the dosh in the lotto could do for you, the chances of you winning are quite how’s ya going.
According To Lotto, to get a Division One win in the Saturday or Monday and Wednesday Lotto, it is a one in 8,145,060 chance.
For Powerball, it’s one in 134,490,400.
UGH, only one can dream of winning so much dosh. If I won the lottery, I would pull a My Name Is Earl. IYKYK.
The post A Bunch Of Lotto Winners Have Revealed Exactly What They Spent Their Millions Of $$$ On appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .