Apple Maps users in Hong Kong, Slovakia, and Taiwan can look forward to a big upgrade in the mapping data and experiences that they will have access to soon according to a new report.
Apple continues to roll out an updated Maps experience in multiple countries with three more reportedly already undergoing testing of what will surely be a big upgrade over what those users have been using to date.
The Apple Maps experience has improved dramatically in recent years and the upgrades will be particularly noticeable for iPhone, iPad, and Mac users in those countries.
Coming soon
Apple's testing of the new Maps expansion into Hong Kong, Slovakia, and Taiwan was spotted by Justin O’Beirne, someone who has become the go-to source of information relating to Apple's mapping software.
"On May 2, 2022, Apple began publicly testing its next expansion: Hong Kong, Slovakia, and Taiwan," O'Beirne said on his website. "This is the nineteenth time Apple has expanded its new map data since its public launch in September 2018."
That September 2018 launch brought with it a number of improvements that were designed to close the gap between Apple Maps and Google Maps. Those changes include Flyover, a feature that gives people the chance to fly over some of the world's most famous landmarks. Look Around was another addition and one that will be immediately familiar to fans of Google Maps' Street View.
It isn't yet clear exactly which features will make their way to Hong Kong, Slovakia, and Taiwan and their various towns and cities — not all features are available in all areas where the new maps are available.
With Apple currently testing the new maps in those countries it's thought that the full launch will likely be at some point in June 2023. Apple will very likely share full details of which features are available once the upgrade is live, too.