There has been a debate as old as time about whether life imitates art or if art imitates life. However, in the online space, the argument has switched over to whether memes imitate life or life imitates memes. I’d like to think that we create from our experiences, so that’s why so many memes on the internet are sometimes way too real for our own comfort.
Speaking of… We have a whole batch of existential and relatable memes, courtesy of the 'TooMeIrlForMeIrl' subreddit. Scroll down to find them, and don’t forget to upvote the ones that you sympathize with the most.
While you're at it, make sure to check out a conversation with one of the subreddit's moderators under the nickname of FlyingPegasus and artists Heidi Jung and Jordan Swain, who kindly agreed to tell us more about art and memes imitating life and vice versa.

Image credits: chaseyywaseyy

Image credits: JortHD

Image credits: FoxOnTheRun120
While the origins of the 'TooMeIrlForMeIrl' subreddit are unfortunately unknown, one of its moderators, FlyingPegasus, gladly agreed to tell us what it's all about.
"I would describe it as memes that are all too familiar with everyday happenings and events that one can relate to," they told Bored Panda.
"What I like the most is the positive atmosphere it creates for everyone. Let's face it, a lot of us go through the same relatable experiences in our day-to-day lives. So the memes make for an immediate connection."

Image credits: sadgirlkms

Image credits: deaduglyflowers

Image credits: BoT-V1
The moderator's overall take on memes is this: "Memes are a creative expression of comedy for most people. Their simplicity makes it accessible for a wide-reaching audience. In general, I believe they create a positive impact because, despite everyone's differences, the community can come together to enjoy memes," they concluded.

Image credits: dankbob_memepants_

Image credits: quietghst

Image credits: pyari_eyesha
Meanwhile, painter and photographer Jordan Swain could even see memes as pieces of art.
"Memes are absolutely art, whether people want to admit it or not. They’re bite-sized cultural commentaries, using visuals and text to convey complex emotions, humor, and societal critiques in seconds."

Image credits: ronisverysad

Image credits: petershankman

Image credits: Adam-Gross
Artist Heidi Jung could also see memes as art, but she's a bit more skeptical about it. "That requires us to ask the other age-old question, “What is art?'. In my mind, in order to be called art, something needs to have several elements. Does it strike an emotion, is it one of a kind and is it made by the human hand?" she says.
"Under these guidelines, I think memes could be called a creative expression but are several elements away from being called art. I think they might better be described as a creative craft, with predictable elements placed together to achieve the item. A+B=C, image + text = meme."

Image credits: Harddonn

Image credits: RudeBird

Image credits: TechnicallyRon
Since memes could be in some way considered art, this brings us back to the question we started this article with: Does life imitate art (memes) or does art (memes) imitate life?
"The chicken-and-egg debate of the creative world," commented Swain. "Life throws something at us, and art catches it, exaggerates it, abstracts it, and throws it back. Then life, in turn, borrows from what art has reshaped. It’s not so much a matter of which imitates which, it’s more like a constant feedback loop where neither can exist without the other," she explains.

Image credits: User_Not_Named

Image credits: dankbob_memepants_

Image credits: Dr_ogunleye_
Jung seems to agree that one can't exist without the other. "I think that questions like this and others such as “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”, can best be explained by giving them a visual symbol like the Yin and Yang symbol or the infinity symbol. They rely on each other to exist and one depends on the other, therefore there isn’t one without the other."

Image credits: Sick-a-Duck

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Image credits: Violetbluex
Whether it's the case of art or memes, people imitate life because it's all they know, says Swain. "Even the most surreal, abstract work is still rooted in someone’s perception, emotions, or subconscious experience. Can we create without pulling from our experiences? Technically, sure. But it would probably feel hollow, like AI-generated art that looks nice but has no real soul behind it. The best art resonates because it reflects something true, whether that’s personal, cultural, or universal."

Image credits: spillo89

Image credits: Estellar123

Image credits: elle91
Meanwhile, Jung says, "I think people imitate life in order to draw a closer connection to it. It is a big world out there and people want to be a part of the conversation and possibly make their small mark on society. Their 15 minutes of fame."
She also agrees that we can create without including our experiences in our works, but it would lack depth, meaning, and layers, which make up a higher-quality creation. "For example, something really hitting the universal mark, rather than falling flat due to lack of experiential understanding."

Image credits: shada_de_da_dum

Image credits: vale_gracias

Image credits: DixonCiderLover
Lastly, Jung additionally mentioned, "Whether classified as art or not, memes have created an oftentimes comedic language and dialogue desperately needed in these times. I know I use and rely on comedy regularly to absorb the amount of incoming information that we are peppered with on a regular basis in a digital age."

Image credits: taoXtremegaming

Image credits: Skr50

Image credits: eskamobob1

Image credits: HeroponRiki05

Image credits: Estellar123

Image credits: DCheverere

Image credits: HeroponRiki05

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Image credits: GrowerNotAShower2

Image credits: blokewmask

Image credits: D-yerMak-er

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Image credits: Officer_Friendlyy

Image credits: LindaMags

Image credits: Fasolt007

Image credits: emmadmazhari

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Image credits: dankbob_memepants_

Image credits: somethingofthebest

Image credits: MOJOS-WORLD

Image credits: LilNasX

Image credits: everyfatguyever

Image credits: yolosweggers

Image credits: danwright32

Image credits: Jaffaraza

Image credits: relativestein

Image credits: AIDAN

Image credits: tearing-me-apartLisa

Image credits: everyfatguyever

Image credits: Fresh_Ham48

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Image credits: osxthrowawayagain

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Image credits: frenzy3

Image credits: TheProLoser

Image credits: WeTrippyCuz

Image credits: JahroPods

Image credits: spillo89

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Image credits: TobseOnPcIn1440p

Image credits: ElonAndBenAreMyPapis

Image credits: WeTrippyCuz

Image credits: thelogicalkid

Image credits: dankbob_memepants_

Image credits: pleasebeyou

Image credits: FaustinoXIV

Image credits: piccdk

Image credits: 22lava44

Image credits: damonAhAhAaaaaah

Image credits: everyfatguyever

Image credits: gromtom99

Image credits: NotEnoughCharacters2

Image credits: tache_noire

Image credits: dankbob_memepants_

Image credits: whyisthatweird

Image credits: Icarus649

Image credits: dankbob_memepants_

Image credits: doorbellguy

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Image credits: waterfly9604

Image credits: everyfatguyever

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Image credits: Dunkelheit_

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Image credits: CrayonCorruption

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