Elon Musk’s fortune is believed to be worth close to 400 billion dollars. Yes. You read that right. And he doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon. Meanwhile, there are children eating sand for dinner, and others starving to death back in South Africa, where Musk was born. “The rich get richer and the poor die trying” rings more true than ever. And it’s a fact that’s quite hard to stomach.
But there are many people and organizations working to change things. The Hampton Institute is a proletarian (working class) think tank founded in 2013. The virtual non-profit aims to “build class consciousness” and “end oppressive systems like capitalism, white supremacy, and patriarchy.” Their IG page Hampton Think is filled with eye-opening content that might make you see the world through a different lens. Bored Panda has picked the best anti-capitalist posts from the page, and compiled a list for you to scroll through while you impatiently await your next pay check.

Image credits: katefeetie

Image credits: hamptonthink

Image credits: BladeoftheS
According to its site, the Hampton Institute (HI) was founded by Colin Jenkins in 2013. The self-proclaimed socialist started the non-profit organization to give a platform to "everyday, working-class people to theorize, comment, analyze, and discuss matters that exist outside the confines of our daily lives, yet greatly impact us on a daily basis."
In his bio, Jenkins says he's a military veteran, a former world record-holding powerlifter, a former Division III strong safety, and a Wobbly (member of the Industrial Workers of the World).

Image credits: jules_su

Image credits: hamptonthink

Image credits: JJisAMarxist2
The Institute's name is a tribute to former Black Panther Party member and revolutionary martyr, Fred Hampton. HI operates virtually, without any physical offices, with members and contributors located around the world, working to “build class consciousness” and “end oppressive systems like capitalism, white supremacy, and patriarchy.”
The HI considers itself the opposite of the traditional think tank. It's not aligned with any political party, "or other interest groups of the elite."

Image credits: jawesomeberg

Image credits: venturecommunis

Image credits: HamptonThink
"Rich people have always had class consciousness because… they want to stay rich," wrote Jenkins in a paper titled The Capitalist Coup Called Neoliberalism.
"This collective consciousness led the 'founding fathers' of the United States to set up systems of governance that would, first and foremost, protect them (the wealthy, landowning minority) from the landless, working majority (slaves, indentured servants, laborers). Since then, the rich have had undue influence on every aspect of US life: housing, food production and distribution, education, media, and politics."

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Image credits: tastefullysaucy

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Image credits: TimRossComedy

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Image credits: LezbollahMothra

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Image credits: HamptonThink

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Image credits: GunnelsWarren

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The unpaid (home/family) care work done by women is estimated at $10.8 trillion per year, according to oxfam. It may seem strange to monetize and/or commodify house/family care as a form of labor, but the fact remains that, under capitalism, our bodies, time, and whole lives are treated as nothing but commodities to be used by the capitalist class. So, from the system's perspective, when working-class people have children, we are essentially adding more commodities to the "labor pool" for capitalists to use. All of the care work we perform (which, of course, comes purely from our instincts to love and nurture) in raising our children is done at our cost, is our burden alone, with the expectation that these "bodies" (as capitalism views them) will eventually be handed over as exploitable commodities for the system, essentially raised and grown as tools/machines, free of charge for capitalists, and readily available at their disposal.

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Image credits: hamptonthink

Image credits: hamptonthink

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Image credits: hamptonthink

Image credits: hamptonthink

Image credits: hamptonthink

Image credits: hamptonthink

Image credits: hamptonthink

Image credits: hamptonthink

Image credits: hamptonthink

Image credits: hamptonthink

Image credits: hamptonthink

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Image credits: hamptonthink