It is said that nothing in this world is certain, except for death and taxes. But that’s not true. Another cold, hard fact is that you are going to age, whether you like it or not. And there’s nothing you can do about it. Every second that passes, every minute of every day, signifies you getting a little bit older. Think about it, you’re closer to your next birthday now than you were when you started reading this article.
Okay, now that we’ve been blunt AF, ripped off the band-aid and rubbed some salt in the wound, we can work on making your boo-boo a bit better. There’s a hilarious IG account called “I Am 30AF” that’s been created to help you laugh so hard that you’ll feel it in your creaky bones. The page has become a "Millennial Heaven" for more than 3.1 million followers. Bored Panda has picked our personal favorite posts to help anyone who is woefully mourning their youth. Kick back, grab your cup of tea, crochet needles, and keep scrolling... knowing that you’re not alone.

Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: SarahMackAttack

Image credits: TechnicallyRon
If you were born between 1981 and 1996, you can consider yourself a millennial. That’s according to the Pew Research Center, which has done extensive research on this generation. When it comes to humor, millennials are in a league of their own. But whether it’s a winning or a losing league depends largely on who you ask.
The younger Gen Z “kids” aren’t always impressed by millennial humor, with some going as far as calling it “excessively self-deprecating and dark”. TikTokers have also called out millennials for constantly harping on about how bored or fatigued they are in life. Others say millennials "try too hard" to be funny, or are just plain "corny".

Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: jordan_stratton

Image credits: VeryBadLlama
It’s no surprise that millennials are tired. Besides having to cope with general adulting, they can’t seem to catch a break from the younger generations. “Over the past few years, Gen-Zers have used social media to identify the many things millennials do, particularly online, that now feel out of touch,” reads this report by media monitoring company, Meltwater. “They’ve even coined a catchall phrase for those behaviors: millennial cringe.”

Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: Y2SHAF

Image credits: kindofsquishy
According to Meltwater, millennial cringe refers to "anything millennials do that inspires second-hand embarrassment in younger people." Some examples include using the 😭 emoji, or emojis in general, posting a Boomerang, painting your home in a neutral gray, skinny jeans, and taking photos in landscape mode. Hell, millennials are even being roasted for breathing.

Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: iamthirtyaf
Apparently, millennials need to hurry up already. A slew of TikTok parody accounts make fun of what's known as the "Millennial Pause."
"That so-called draw of breath they apparently all take before speaking on a social video — is ‘cheugy’ (basic, embarrassing)," reads this humorous take on millennial cringe published in the Standard. The writer goes on to say that in the eyes of the Gen-Z generation, millennials also all have zero chill.

Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: yayarea22_eth
"Every video send-up is chaotic and yet deftly depressing in the extreme. There’s a whole sub-section dedicated to how wilfully clumsy millennial women are. And yet also, how we like to do dance routines for men’s attention. The eye for a very distinct but also derogatory detail is close. It’s as if they’re, like, obsessed with us?"
Maybe the younger generation is a bit obsessed with millennials... Meltwater's research shows that there was a 119% increase in mentions of millennials and cringiness from November 1, 2022, to October 31, 2023, compared to the 12 months prior, while online conversations about the millennial pause jumped by 432% during that period.

Image credits: LukeKennard

Image credits: skayeterboy

Image credits: MediocreJoker85
So when did millennials start losing their cool? If The Curious Creator is to be believed, they fell out of the “it crowd” around about the time when the oldest millennials turned 40 in 2023. “The vast majority of the generation are no longer in their 20s,” reads the blog, adding that a term was even coined to describe the oldest of the cohort: geriatric millennial. How rude!

Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: theelderemox
The Curious Creator says geriatric millennials are the home-owning type and not "the avocado toast-loving, Instagram-obsessed, living-with-their-parents millennial that the world has learned to love and hate. That title – at least an altered version – now goes to Gen Z with oat lattes replacing avocado toast TikTok for Instagram.”
Which might go to show that no matter what generation you fall into, you aren't immune from being roasted by the next up-and-coming cool gang on the internet.

Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: KatieDeal99

Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: Subhash_ati9

Image credits: Melo_Malebo

Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: ChrisJBakke

Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: emilykmay


Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: iamthirtyaf

Image credits: ty_ler_michael