90 Day Fiancé is delivering all the drama on The Other Way Season 4, and Jen Boecher and Rishi Singh are at the center of much of it. Jen has had issues with Rishi's recent admission that his family is trying to find him a wife, as well as the revelation that she filed for the wrong visa and must leave India soon. Jen recently revealed she's been loving fans' comments on the season so far but needed to clear the air about the accusations and memes alleging she's "high all the time."
Jen addressed the allegations in a recent video she posted to Instagram. After thanking fans for their support and acknowledging she's ignoring the negative comments, she talked about the meme and explained why her eyes always look a certain way in her scenes:
There's a ton of memes. At this point I'm just laughing at the memes. I find them really funny. A lot of them have to do with my eyes. People are like, 'Oh she's high all the time.' I'm not high all the time. I have a medical condition with my eyes, not going to get into that right now.
Though Jen stated in her video she wouldn't get into it, she did later clarify in the comments that the medical condition with her eyes is ptosis. AAO.org classifies ptosis as when the upper part of the eyelid droops down over the eyes. This can be caused by a variety of factors, and apparently, it has caused some fans to believe that Jen was high when she filmed 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way.
Jen still finds the memes funny, even if they aren't entirely accurate. Check out her full comments about the 90 Day Fiancé fandom below, since she had a lot to say:
90 Day Fiancé fans are likely wondering if Jen and Rishi will make it through the season. While CinemaBlend hasn't been able to definitively confirm anything about their relationship, we did write about Jen defending Rishi's comments that she believed were taken out of context toward the start of The Other Way Season 4. I can't imagine she would've done that if they still weren't together in the present, though it's possible she could just have a really good relationship with him even if they aren't together.
Right now, 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way hasn't given any great clues as to what may happen with Jen and Rishi. Jen realized she'd have to leave India much sooner than she originally expected, and she wasn't sure when she would get clearance to return. If it could be years before she's able to visit him again, it's possible that their ongoing relationship might just fizzle out quicker than it seems Kris Foster and Jeymi Noguera's seemingly did. I'm remaining optimistic, though, especially since so many things are going wrong with the other couples that are featured in this season.
90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way airs on TLC on Sundays at 8:00 p.m. ET. Those who aren't caught up can stream the series online and catch up on all the wild drama happening with Jen and Rishi that, on some level, feels like Jenny Slatten and Sumit Singh's story all over again.