The truth is, we’re obsessed with cats. We’d be lying if we said anything to the contrary! They’re incredibly nuanced: intelligent and regal, yet also cuddly, cute, and at times even derpy. If you watch them for long enough, you’ll find that they get up to a lot of amusing things. All you need is to have your phone nearby to capture the moment.
Our team at Bored Panda has curated this list featuring some of the funniest cat pictures to ever grace the internet, all to make your day brighter, dear Pandas. Scroll down for an instant mood boost. Don’t forget to upvote your fave pics and send the post to anyone who you know is a lover of all things cat!
Bored Panda reached out to the team at PDSA, the UK’s leading vet charity, for advice on how owners can bond with their cats. Scroll down for our interview with Vet Nurse Nina Downing!
#1 My Crush Just Told Me Over Text That It Was "Unmanly" For Men To Have A Cat. I Sent Her This

Vet Nurse Downing from PDSA explained to us that cats prefer bonding with others on their own terms because they’re such independent creatures. “You may want to spend time with your cat, pick them up, or even try to cuddle them, but cats always prefer interactions to be decided by them,” she told Bored Panda.
“Whilst it might be hard to resist wanting to give your cat a snuggle, it’s best to wait for your cat to approach you before giving them a fuss. Even then, only very tolerant cats will accept ‘cuddles’—and it doesn’t mean they actually like them! Gentle strokes and cheek and chin rubs are more likely to be welcomed, but too much close, held contact can make them feel trapped and unhappy. Try to be a little more reserved with them to help them learn to trust you, and, in turn, strengthen your bond and make them more likely to approach you for affection.”
#2 I Was Told To Post This Here

Image credits: I_Luv_Transphobes
#3 The Committee Against Vacuum Cleaners

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The representative from PDSA shed some light on belly rubs, too. “Many people view cats rolling on their back as the perfect opportunity to give them a belly rub, but contrary to popular belief, most cats really don’t enjoy this. It can be seen as invading their personal space, which could damage the trust between you. They might try to run away or even claw at you! Feel honored and embrace the fact that your cat feels comfortable enough around you to show you their tummy. Cats take time to get to know and love you, and once they do, it will be worth it, as you’ll have the reward of a cat friend for life.”
According to the Vet Nurse, most cats aren’t ‘huggers.’ Luckily, there are other ways to bond with your cat. “Playtime releases ‘happy’ hormones in cats’ brains, so if you incorporate playing together in your daily routine, chances are your cat will start to associate those happy feelings with spending time with you,” she explained to Bored Panda.
“The best toys to keep cats active and engaged are ones they can ‘hunt’ and ‘chase’ such as fishing rod type toys, as this replicates their natural desire to go out hunting. Fishing rod-style toys are great for owners, too, as they also keep hands out of the way of your cat’s sharp claws whilst playing. Cats also enjoy puzzle feeders, where they can ‘hunt’ out their food.”
#4 Larry Good Cat

Image credits: AuKF
#5 Apex Predator

#6 Caught This Absolute Angel Begging For Treats

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What’s more, cats also enjoy having spaces to hide, as well as being high up. “Providing a cat-friendly home environment, with plenty of places for your cat to survey their territory from an elevated cozy spot, where they can be tucked away, out of sight, will help to keep your cat happy,” Downing, from PDSA, said that even a simple cardboard box might do the trick.
Grooming your cat is another great way to bond with them. “Cats are usually incredibly good at grooming themselves, but when approached correctly, gently brushing their fur with a cat brush can be relaxing for both you and your cat. Getting into the routine of brushing your cat each day can be great for building a lovely bond but also handy to help remove any excess fur and prevent any knots building up, especially in long-haired cats,” she said.
“You will soon know that you and your cat are developing a great relationship when your cat just wants to be in your company and approaches you for love and affection. When they curl their tail around your legs, give you a head bump, jump up and join you when you’re relaxing, or just ‘hang out’ with you around home, you’ll know that you’ve got a best friend.”
For more advice about looking after your cats, check out the PDSA website.
#7 I Have A Question

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#8 Halloween Costume Sorted

#9 Picture Perfect

Image credits: Close up pictures of cats
During a recent in-depth interview, Bored Panda got in touch with Los Angeles-based entertainment, pop culture, and lifestyle expert Mike Sington to get his thoughts on the popularity and future of cat memes and cat-related content.
He explained that cat memes are beloved on the internet due to their overload of cuteness… however, that’s just one of the many reasons they’re popular.
"Cats are undeniably adorable, with their big eyes, playful antics, and fluffy fur," he told us earlier. Sington said that this adorableness and playfulness trigger positive emotions and awe in us whenever we look at cat content, whether we’re looking at photos or giggling and aww’ing at videos.
Feline-related content can go viral incredibly quickly because cats can behave unexpectedly. Furthermore, they’re masters of clumsy antics.
#10 Speed

Image credits: Red_2541
#11 Meow_irl

Image credits: thegallowboob
#12 Black Cat Kinda Sus

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"Their independent personalities often lead to unintentionally funny situations that we can't help but chuckle at. They can be grumpy, sassy, and independent, or cuddly and affectionate. We see ourselves or our moods reflected in these furry internet stars," the pop culture expert told Bored Panda that we, human beings, relate to cat behavior and expressions a ton.
Meanwhile, a huge upside of looking at cat photos and memes is that it can lower our blood pressure and reduce our stress hormones, which is a big win for our physical and mental health. Of course, the same goes for other animal-related content.
"In a fast-paced world, a quick cat meme break can be a great way to boost our mood and improve our mental well-being,” Sington said.
#13 Catflix And Chill

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#14 This Could’ve Been An Email

Image credits: twcuddleston
#15 A Short Story

According to the pop culture expert, there will likely never come a moment when the internet grows out of cat memes and content. He thinks that it’s a love affair that will most assuredly stand the test of time. For Sington, cats are inherently meme-able.
“Their goofy antics and cuteness provide endless source material," he said. “The format is endlessly adaptable. Cat memes can be funny, heartwarming, relatable, or even savage."
#16 Onwards, My Noble Steed!

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#17 I Found This Little Boy In The Countryside, Alone. Initially He Was Scared, Now He Seems To Be Pretty Comfortable

Image credits: Aritmico
#18 Huh? Wazzit? Wha .. What's Happening??

Image credits: Aztery
Cat memes are already deeply entrenched in many of our lives already, and they’re not going anywhere. They’re a much-cherished part of internet history.
"They’re a reminder of the simple pleasures of online humor and the enduring fascination with our feline companions,” pop culture expert Sington told us during an interview.
#19 Sweetest Tiny Dreams

Image credits: Close up pictures of cats
#20 Getting Head Is Best

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#21 "Describe Your Cat In One Picture"

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Around 1 billion cats live around the world, according to the World Population Review. This means that you get 1 feline per roughly 8 people living on Planet Earth. Globally, there are roughly 350 million indoor pet cats, 480 million strays, and roughly 100 million wild cats, ranging from cougars to lions.
#22 She Is Beauty, She Is Grace

Image credits: Close up pictures of cats
#23 Love All Round

Image credits: Close up pictures of cats
#24 Look At The Markings On This Cat

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It’s estimated that around 74 million cats (a mix of pets, strays, and wild animals) live in the United States, making it (probably) the most feline-friendly country in the world.
China is also a big fan of these animals. Roughly 53.1 million cats live there. Meanwhile, you’ll find around 15.2 million cats in Germany, 14.9 million in France, and 12 million in the United Kingdom.
#25 Chomp

Image credits: Close up pictures of cats
#26 Happy Happy Happy

Image credits: Close up pictures of cats
#27 Are We A Joke To You?

Image credits: bloggy75
Which of these cat pics did you enjoy the most, dear Pandas? Which ones made you smile and giggle the hardest? What kinds of silly things do your cats get up to when you’re at home? How do you like to entertain your pets?
We’d like to hear your thoughts, so if you have a moment, share yours in the comments section. Meanwhile, tell us all about your pets! We’re all ears…
#28 Big Heart For You!

Image credits: Close up pictures of cats
#29 Went To Bed Last Night With My Wife And Woke Up To This In The Morning. We Don’t Have Cat. (It’s A Neighbor’s Cat)

Image credits: sami73
#30 Truly The Perfect Camouflage!

Image credits: brolbo
#31 It's Joke?

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#32 He Is The Chosen One!

Image credits: liangjianyi7
#33 Perfect Loaf Doesn't Exi....

Image credits: Close up pictures of cats
#34 Hi!

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#35 Toe Beans Within Toe Beans - Toebeanception

Image credits: Close up pictures of cats
#36 Queen Size

Image credits: kitty_o_shea
#37 Fear Me Human, For I Come With The Darkness

Image credits: Close up pictures of cats
#38 New Species Unlocked

Image credits: Close up pictures of cats
#39 When I Sit Down She Climbs On My Neck And Refuses To Leave. Even When I Stand Up She’s Not Bothered

Image credits: Heinrich428
#40 Truly A Master Of Disguise

Image credits: TongueTheAnus
#41 Meow_irl

Image credits: theproestdwarf
#42 Meow_irl

Image credits: polegurl
#43 I Put My Shirt To The Floor Next To The Washing Machine. This Is Three Minutes Later

Image credits: Mario_cy_83
#44 Blep

Image credits: Close up pictures of cats
#45 The Council Has Decided Your Fate

Image credits: Drag0nPoopsies
#46 Close Enough

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#47 He’s Trying To Lure Me Behind The Bed With Red Balloons

Image credits: Slamtastick
#48 Meow Irl

Image credits: alexgreys13
#49 A Girl Teaching Her Cat How To Write

Image credits: usernot_found
#50 I Can Hear The Ocean

Image credits: tissuepapercatmat