Warning! Spoilers ahead for the Season 6 finale of 9-1-1, “Pay It Forward.” Read at your own risk!
The Season 6 finale of 9-1-1 kept viewers on edge, as the entire 118 were in danger following the collapse of an overpass (though without leading into one of our big finale theories). After getting nearly crushed by an ambulance, Buck was the only one out of his crew to not be seriously injured or worse, at least besides Ravi, who was safely on the firm ground during the collapse. Oliver Stark's character leapt into action to initially save his teammates, and later to deliver Kameron’s baby, and on his own couch, no less. Now, Stark has opened up about what he wants for his character as the drama shifts its seventh season on ABC.
It's no secret that Buck had a roller coaster of a season, having suffered yet another near-death experience when he was struck by lightning. That changed him, as it would most people, and adjusted his perspective to make him realize just what he has in his life, with two pretty important roles. Oliver Stark told Variety that Buck has grown a lot this season, and that the episode showcased that evolution by putting him in a position that he didn’t have much say in. In his words:
Kind of piggybacking off of what’s happened this season, we saw in the early episodes he wanted more responsibility. He thought he was in a position to be interim captain, told that he wasn’t. And now, at the end of this season, in the finale, we really see him using the experience that he’s gained and really stepping up. And even though he’s not officially the captain in that situation, and Hen is, by name, the captain, he really takes control in the scene.
Buck is not the same person we were introduced to way back in the pilot. The rebellious, firetruck-stealing sex addict isn't yet a total authority figure, yet has been more responsible about taking on more leadership after six seasons. The Season 6 finale really showed him taking charge immediately, and even though it wasn’t for too long, the confidence and professionalism were still welcome sights to see. And one can only hope that it foreshadows what could happen in Season 7.
With 9-1-1 moving to ABC, it’s likely not much will change with the show’s big-budget format. But there's certainly room for Buck to take on more responsibilities. Stark expressed wanting Buck to put himself in more of a position of authority so he can continue to grow to the point where he could earn more of a leadership role. Here's how he put it:
And so I think a continuation of that, he’s using these experiences that he’s going through, and he’s putting them to good use, and he’s putting himself more and more in a position where seniority and responsibility can be placed on his back, which I think is a really important thing for him. I would say just continued growth into possibly, one day, stepping into a role of more authority.
There is no telling what will happen on the upcoming season of 9-1-1, in terms of storylines and character changes. Seeing Buck in more positions where he has to step up and take charge, as long as it makes sense story-wise, would only add more to his character growth. Especially following the lightning strike, the show could continue to expand that storyline and how Buck feels about it, and why he feels like he needs to jump into different positions.
ABC is expected to make their fall schedule announcement very soon, so it’s possible that 9-1-1 will still be part of the 2023 TV schedule. Hopefully, it will so we can continue to see Buck in more leadership roles soon, but in the meantime, all seasons are streaming with a Hulu subscription to keep fans occupied until Season 7 premieres.