Sometimes when you're scrolling through the internet, you might stumble upon a sentence so absurdly perfect that it stops you in your tracks. It’s the kind of sentence that makes you wonder, "Did I just read that right?" and yet, you can’t help but admire its quirky genius.
Today, we’ve rounded up some hilarious and mind-boggling sentences from r/BrandNewSentence—a vibrant community of netizens dedicated to unearthing the most unexpected combinations of words ever typed. These gems are the kind of sentences you didn’t know you needed in your life until now!
#1 The Husband Lesbian Is A Better Husband Than I Was

Image credits: tangre79
#2 This Is Advance Homosexuality An I'm Just Amateur Apparently

Image credits: JorbatSG
#3 Ngl, I Would Pay For This Too

Image credits: Smiles4YouRawrX3
According to a study, researchers have discovered that we have over 6,000 individual thoughts running through our minds on any given day. From random musings to deep reflections, our brains are constantly buzzing with ideas, questions, and plans.
Sometimes, these numerous thoughts may turn into quirky, one-of-a-kind sentences that have probably never been spoken or written before. You know, those random phrases that pop into your head—the ones you didn't even think twice before saying out loud.
#4 Monday-Bundy

Image credits: BoMaxKent
#5 Slurping Up The Power Grid To Make 1 Image Of A Girl With 5 Tits

Image credits: orchid_breeder
#6 Corn As In One Or Whole

Image credits: banned6th
But here’s the thing—when you share those thoughts with someone else, they might pause and think, "Wait, that was an intriguing sentence!" It’s in those moments that we’re reminded just how wonderfully unpredictable language can be.
And that's exactly what the subreddit "Brand New Sentence" celebrates. With over 1.4 million members, this online community is dedicated to finding and sharing sentences that are a testament to the boundless creativity of human expression.
#7 He’s A Good Boy…

Image credits: rubberduckmaf1a
#8 Rs Tho

Image credits: banned6th
#9 Why Must I Go To The Local Honest Jim's Horseshit Emporium And Haberdashery And Waste 3 Hours Of My Time

Image credits: orchid_breeder
It’s easy for us to get lost in the maze of our own thoughts—after all, we juggle around 6,000 of them daily. But here’s the thing: Dr. Jordan Poppenk and his student, Julie Tseng, from Queen’s University in Canada, have developed a method that can pinpoint where one thought concludes and another begins.
#10 Any Takers?

Image credits: duermando
#11 The "Late 1900's"

Image credits: jabronified
#12 Apologize To Mr. Hoskins, Immediately

Image credits: Bull_by_Default
In a paper published in 2020 in the journal “Nature Communications," the researchers unveiled a method for isolating specific moments when a person is deeply engaged with a single idea, coining the term “thought worm” to describe this phenomenon.
#13 Amazing Discoveries

Image credits: Castiel_D37
#14 "Millennial Culture Is Knowing That Frankenstein Is The Scientist"

Image credits: teddud
#15 A Couple Of New Ones Here

Image credits: idinnae
Imagine you’re at work, and the deadline for an important project is coming soon. Suddenly, amidst all the pressure, you find yourself intensely focused on a solution for a problem that has been bugging you for days. In that moment, everything else fades away, and you’re wholly absorbed in the “thought worm” of that one idea.
#16 "The United States Is Three Joe Bidens Old"

Image credits: UNinvolved_in_peace
#17 The Pasta Is Now

Image credits: Smiles4YouRawrX3
#18 He’s Not Wrong

Image credits: sovereignvapor
Dr. Poppenk, who is the Canada Research Chair in cognitive neuroscience, explains, “What we call thought worms are adjacent points in a simplified representation of activity patterns in the brain. The brain occupies a different point in this 'state space’ at every moment. When a person moves onto a new thought, they create a new thought worm that we can detect with our methods.”
Imagine you’re daydreaming about a beach vacation. At one moment, you might be thinking about the sand; this represents one thought worm. And then, when you start thinking about the sound of waves crashing, you transition to a new point, forming a new thought worm.
#19 Sounds Like You're About To Shoot Up A Gamestop

Image credits: Any_Shirt4236
#20 Formal Essays Are Never Happy

Image credits: OnVerraB1
#21 A Never Before Uttered Insult

Image credits: Classic-Judgment-196
Dr. Poppenk further adds, “Our methods help us detect when a person is thinking something new, without regard to what the new thought is. You could say that we’ve skipped over vocabulary in an effort to understand the punctuation of the language of the mind.”
#22 I Am A Child With A Drinking Permit

Image credits: Your_Vader
#23 Smell Like Concepts

Image credits: nobel64279
#24 Gummy Universe

Image credits: FjordOfBatanes
This idea highlights how, at times, we don’t overthink our words and instead let our thoughts flow freely. When we stop filtering our expressions, we might end up saying some unique sentences that might have never been heard before. And sometimes it’s just coincidence or a playful twist of language that leads us to these gems.
#25 So Now I, As A Mom, Get To Deal With Telling My Toddlers We Can’t Watch Disney+ While In Our Tesla

Image credits: evenkeeledapproach
#26 Photographer Disqualified From AI Image Contest After Winning With Real Photo

Image credits: FriendlyWorking6160
#27 Stalin's Granddaughter Is A

Image credits: _Abe_Froman_SKOC
#28 Sandwich

Image credits: Istoleachickennugget
Such unique sentences not only capture the person’s feelings but also showcase the playful nature of language. Which of these posts did you find the most interesting? Did any of them inspire a moment of creativity in your thoughts?
#29 Being A Taylor Swift Fan In 2024 Feels Like Being A Jew In 1938

Image credits: _wolfke
#30 A Bird Leaf

Image credits: Green____cat
#31 "Female Archetype Is Lacanian Super Predator"

Image credits: arttufox
#32 All Stars Are North

Image credits: Different_Captain717
#33 Selling It By The Hawaiian Punch

Image credits: babysummerbreeze27
#34 New Mozart Dropping Dawg

Image credits: UlteriorKnowsIt
#35 "Fatter Assed Citizenry "

Image credits: phantom-vigilant
#36 Hawk Tuah Is In South Korea Today Speaking At A Blockchain Conference

Image credits: orchid_breeder
#37 Take The Quiz: Submissive And Breedable Or Autistic

Image credits: Monroe_City_Madman
#38 Femboy Fishing

Image credits: nopobis
#39 I Wonder How Many Men Find Themselves Oddly Attracted To Flower And Bo Scent For Unknown Reasons

Image credits: enodam
#40 "Wall People"

Image credits: Smiles4YouRawrX3
#41 The UK Is Starting To Run Out Of Ghosts

Image credits: Abi_Jurassic
#42 Fake Foot Toes

Image credits: TrazerotBra
#43 Alright

Image credits: Deathrider66
#44 “I Wish The Best Of Luck To You And Your Fungally Inclined Extremities”

Image credits: biddybumps
#45 Huh

Image credits: No-Bike42
#46 Suspiciously Majestic

Image credits: Semi-Empathetic
#47 Tmz With A New One, Only In Merica’

Image credits: goratheexplorerr
#48 “Keep The Meat.”

Image credits: Technical_Ad7620
#49 Very Specific (And Likely True)

Image credits: lootenantdank
#50 With Luck Like That, Maybe He Deserves To Be President?

Image credits: AlfredusRexSaxonum