The Florida Man meme has been going strong for more than a decade. Created in 2013, it continues to capture the bizarre side of Florida. From a naked guy chasing people in a Chick-fil-A parking lot to a woman trying to scam a lottery winner, there seems never to be a dull moment in the Sunshine State and these memes ensure that this doesn't go unnoticed.
To find more hard-to-believe Florida Man headlines, all you have to do is check out the list below, courtesy of the Florida Man subreddit. Scroll down to discover the weirdest pieces of news Floridians somehow ended up in, and don’t forget to upvote the ones you couldn’t dream up in your wildest fantasies.
While you're at it, make sure to check out a conversation with Cathy Salustri, a Florida writer and journalist, who kindly agreed to tell us about the other side of Florida Man headlines.
#1 Florida Man Dives In And Saves A Drowning Black Bear

Image credits: kan84
#2 Florida Man Locks Baby Daughter In His Car And Nearby Florida Inmates On Work Detail Break Her Out Using A Coat Hanger While Florida Mother Proclaims "Them Bust That S**t Right Open So Thank God For The Criminals In The World"

Image credits: tugboattomp
#3 Florida Man Messes With The Wrong Person, Beaten Up By Former NFL Player Who Caught Him M******ating Outside Daughter's Window

Image credits: jaimmster
As a proud Floridian and author of Florida Spectacular: Extraordinary Places and Exceptional Lives, writer and journalist Cathy Salustri is determined to show that the Sunshine State is more than the Florida Man stories and crowded theme parks by shining a light on little-known moments from its fascinating history.
Therefore, she strongly disapproves of Florida Man headlines and the popularity they have garnered through the years.
#4 Florida Man Pardoned By Trump On Jan 6th Charges Gets Arrested On A Gun Charge A Day Later

Image credits: phunky_1
#5 Florida Woman, 73, Scares Off Naked Intruder Who Was 'Gyrating In A Lewd Manner' By Taking Out Her Dentures And Yelling 'Grandma No Teeth!'

Image credits: anon
#6 Florida Man And His Two Friends Rob A Drug Store Of $320,000 In Pills, Take Precautions Like Wearing Surgical Gloves So They Don’t Leave Prints, But Toss Empty Pill Bottles Out The Window Of Their Getaway Car, Which The Cops Follow Like Bread Crumbs To Their Front Door

Image credits: slowjahovitz
"Florida Man" headlines are the least ethical form of journalism that exists short of Fox News. Frequently the people "featured" in these stories may be struggling with mental illness, and these "journalists" who make fun of them are punching them down," she explained.
"These memes and stories also minimize the astounding beauty and wonders of our state. There's so much to celebrate in Florida, and it's a waste to sell all that out for cheap jokes."
#7 Florida Man Starts Gofundme To Build A Tunnel Under Trumps Boarder Wall

Image credits: poppycocknbalderdash
#8 Florida Man Caught Illegally Feeding Wild Alligator Resists Arrest: "He's A Good Boy…and He Loves Bagels"

Image credits: floridamantimes
#9 Florida Man Loses 160 Pounds To Achieve Lifelong Dream Of Becoming A Soldier

Image credits: RealTheAsh
As for why there are so many colorful characters that often end up in the news, Salustri has two explanations for it. "As Florida writer Craig Pittman is quick to point out, Florida has public records laws that make it relatively easy for anyone to access arrest reports and other documents," she said.
#10 After Years Of Pushing Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories, Florida Man Who Worked With Alex Jones Is Arrested For Sharing Sandy Hook Parent's Ssn

Image credits: RealTheAsh
#11 Florida Man Kept Rambling On To Friends About Dead Palm Trees. Turns Out, He'd Spotted A New Disease Killing Thousands Of The Florida's Signature Trees

Image credits: kotobukisushiocala
#12 Florida Woman Wins Auction To Punch Martin Shkreli In The Face

Image credits: jaimmster
"Additionally, Florida's promoted itself as a place where anyone can escape and reinvent themselves, but the reality is you are who you are. If you're a train wreck in Michigan, you're going to be a train wreck here, too. The palm trees and sand are magic, but their power is limited," Salustri noted.
#13 Shirtless Florida Man Removes 9-Foot Alligator From Swimming Pool, Because Of Course He Did

Image credits: anon
#14 Florida Woman's Toddler Pulls Loaded Gun From Toy Box During Child Welfare Check By Police

Image credits: stankmanly
#15 Florida Man Hired A Plane To Fly A Banner Over Mar-A-Lago Reading "Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha"

Image credits: LogCareful7780
When asked about some of the craziest Florida Man/Florida Woman stories she's heard, she flipped the question and told us about the positive ones.
"The Seminole Indian who escaped her captors along the Voyage of Tears and walked 400 miles home, barefoot, at night, with a few other women. They're a huge part of why the Seminole Tribe of Florida has been able to achieve as much as it has—something like 25% of the Tribe can trace its origins to her. Or the Florida Man, who's the face of the group working to create a wildlife corridor through the state."
#16 Florida Man Attacked And K**led By Pet Cassowaries. Becomes First Human K**led By The Species Since 1926

Image credits: ArgonGryphon
#17 Florida Woman Running For Mayor Of Her City As 'Sea Turtle' So That She Can Put A Turtle In Office 'To Give Nature A Voice'

Image credits: ConquerWyoming
#18 Florida Man Causes $100k In Damage To Walmart Liquor Store Under Construction With Hotwired Forklift; Gives Police His Name As "Alice Wonderland" And Says A Hookah-Smoking Caterpillar Told Him To Do It

Image credits: ItsPronouncedMo-BEEL
As you can already probably gather from our conversation with Salustri, the Florida Man/Florida Woman headlines are far from accurately representing the state.
"The media who pushes this narrative are irresponsible journalists. People like to think Florida is someone irregular or more unusual. The reality is that we're like the rest of y'all, only with better weather, a more chill attitude, and a lot more saltwater," she said.
#19 Florida Man In Prison Allowed To Sit In Guard Station & Order Chinese Takeout After Giving Guards Advice On Their Taxes

Image credits: IBAnonemouse
#20 Florida Woman Tries To Scam $600 Lottery Winner By Telling Him He Won Only $5, But The "Winner" Was An Agent Working Undercover For The State Lottery Commission’s Security Division

Image credits: sisyphushaditsoeasy
#21 After Failing To Capture Alligator On Its Own, Chicago Hires Florida Man, Who Catches It In Less Than 24 Hours

Image credits: mkvgtired
While looking at Florida Man or Florida Woman headlines, it's important to remember that sometimes a real tragedy lies behind them. As Salustri already mentioned, mental health often plays a really important role in these stories since mental well-being is an overlooked problem in the Sunshine State. When it comes to funding to solve this issue, unfortunately, Florida ranks at the bottom of all of the states.
#22 Florida Woman Tries Selling Truck For $200. Why? She Was Telling People That The Owner Had Been Shot In The Head And Was Dead And They Needed To Get Rid Of His Truck.” Only Problem? No One Besides Her Knew The Owners Were Dead. Now She Is Charged With M**der

Image credits: RealTheAsh
#23 Naked Florida Man Chases People And Cops Around Chic-Fil A Parking Lot Telling Them They’re Gay For Looking At His P**is

Image credits: pewpewwopwop
#24 Florida Woman Jailed For 5 Months Because Of A Failed Field Drug Test. The Lab Test Took 7 Months To Come Back, Revealing It Was A Vitamin. She Was Initially Charged With Trafficking Oxycodone
Charges were dropped, but these tests continue to be used after numerous reports of them being a failure

Image credits: DPerman1983
However, thanks to efforts from law enforcement, community initiatives, and policy changes, Florida's crime rate is at its lowest it’s been in the past 50 years. In 2022, violent crimes fell by nearly 32%, making the environment safer for everyone.
#25 Florida Man's Idea To Only Let The Felons He Likes Vote Again Is Ruled Unconstitutional

Image credits: Plowbeast
#26 Florida Man College Student Charged With Threatening To K*ll Professor For Scheduling 7 A.m. Final Exam

Image credits: sisyphushaditsoeasy
#27 A Florida Man Allegedly Drove A Stolen Jeep Back To The Scene Of His Crime Recently To Ask If Anybody Found His Missing Cellphone

Image credits: gaop
#28 Florida Man Dressed Up As 'Spider-Man' Seen Pressure Washing Roof During Rainstorm

Image credits: YJoseph
#29 Florida Man Awoke Last Tuesday To Discover Another Florida Man At The Foot Of His Bed Sucking On His Toes

Image credits: stankmanly
#30 Florida Man Who Allegedly Threatened Family With Coldplay Lyrics Ends Standoff After Swat Promises Him Pizza

Image credits: macmac360
#31 Florida Woman Fights For Equality, Sues Strip Club That Denied Her Entrance Because She Wasn't With A Man

Image credits: jaimmster
#32 Florida Woman Gets Rich During Lockdown By Talking Dirty To Men In A British Accent

Image credits: stankmanly
#33 Florida Man May Have Infected Florida's Top Republicans With Coronavirus At Largely-Maskless Jacksonville Event

Image credits: NoahPransky
#34 Florida Man Throws Aligator Into Wendy's For Incorrect Nugget Amount

Image credits: sunniD4
#35 Florida Man Goes Fishing And Catches A Kilo Of Marijuana. Calls It "An Early Birthday Gift From Pablo Escobar"

Image credits: jaimmster
#36 Florida Woman Gets All Nervous When The Highway Patrol Pulls Her Over For Illegal Window Tint, So They Call A Drug Dog And Find $1.2 Million Worth Of C**aine Stuffed Behind The Dashboard In Her Car

Image credits: Waltblackfrankwhite
#37 Florida Man Leaves $10,000 Tip At Restaurant, Says "‘I Want Each Person In This Restaurant To Get 500 Dollars"

Image credits: RealTheAsh
#38 Floridaman Therapist Loses License For Hitting On R**e Survivor, Telling Her She's 'Extremely Hot'

Image credits: sineofthetimes
#39 Florida Man Gets $37,500 After Officer Thought Doughnut Glaze Was M*th

Image credits: LucczMc
#40 Police Arrest Florida Man Caught On Camera Carrying Pelosi’s Lectern During Capitol Riot

Image credits: StevenSanders90210
#41 Naked Florida Man Discovered Eating Ramen In Restaurant, As Police Searched For A Different Burglar That Ate Chicken Wings

Image credits: eggslutchoe
#42 These Kids Were Picking Up Trash For Earth Day. Then They Found Florida Man's 22-Pound Bale Of Weed

Image credits: stankmanly
#43 Florida Man Who Smashed Mosque Windows, Left Bacon Gets 15-Year Sentence

Image credits: yogurt1989
#44 Florida Man Actually Wins A Free Baby Thanks To 'Win A Baby' Radio Contest

Image credits: jaimmster
#45 Florida Man Passes A Joint To A Cop While Illegally Parked In A Handicapped Spot With A Gun In His Car

Image credits: jslev9
#46 Florida Man Arrested For Attempted Overthrow Of Venezuelan Government

Image credits: Mamacrass
#47 Florida Man Scientist Uses Science Skills To Make Strawberries Taste Like Grapes

Image credits: tommywiseauswife
#48 Florida Man Pretends To Be Prosecutor, Tries To Drop Charges Against Himself

Image credits: Mamacrass
#49 Florida Man Tries To Race Another Driver, Revs His Engine And Blasts Off At 124 Mph. He Didn't Realize The Other Driver Was A Cop

Image credits: Waltblackfrankwhite
#50 Florida Man Forced To Pay Child Support Despite DNA Test Proving He Is Not The Father

Image credits: KinkyQuesadilla