In some cultures, it is believed that on Christmas Eve, when the clock strikes midnight, the animals start talking. And while we don’t know whether or not that is true—I personally have never caught my dog having a conversation with the neighbor’s cat at night—one thing is clear … many of them are not sleeping, that’s for sure. After all, there are so many Christmas trees for cats to knock over and so much food for dogs to taste test!
Whether only on Christmas Eve or throughout the holiday season, many animals seem to get into the holiday spirit, and we have pictures to prove it! On the list below, you will find an abundance of adorable festive animals that Santa’s helpers on Bored Panda found on the plains of the internet. So if you’re ready for a month’s worth of cuteness, wait not a second longer and scroll down to find their pictures below.
On the list below you will also find Bored Panda’s interviews with Professor at the Department of Biology at Queen's University, Robert Montgomerie, as well as qualified dog behaviorist and a dog expert witness, Nick Jones, who were kind enough to share their thoughts on the influence pets have on our lives.
#1 Wishing You A Merry Christmas With The Cheesiest Photo I‘Ve Ever Taken

Image credits: onuj09
#2 Happy Cow

Image credits: stan_holden
#3 Not A Creature Was Stirring, All Through The House - Except For This Mouse Living In Our Christmas Tree, Apparently

Image credits: Wolferesque
Most people with pets would likely attest that even though the critters do not make life hassle-free, they do make it better. No matter how many Christmas trees they’ve destroyed or gifts they’ve chewed up, in addition to an abundance of other ‘Marley and me’-like scenarios, at the end of the day, they are beloved family members that bring immense joy and so so so much unconditional love.
Talking about the benefits of sharing a home with a pet, Professor at the Department of Biology at Queen's University, Robert Montgomerie—a dog owner himself—noted that there seems to be lots of evidence that people who have companion animals as pets, dogs or cats, for example, live longer and are happier in old age.
“My guess is that having a pet that seems to like you and to which you can talk and get a sort of response, really helps to stave off loneliness,” he speculated, talking about it with Bored Panda. “I am not certain about the cause-effect arrow, [but] it is certainly possible that people who are compassionate and healthy are more likely to have a pet.”
#4 If I Had To Pick My Favourite Christmas Photo This Would Be It

Image credits: my_furry_babies
#5 Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays

Image credits: maithecallduck
Qualified dog behaviorist Nick Jones seconded the idea that living with a pet can have profound positive effects on a person’s well-being. “Dogs, in particular, are known for their loyalty, unconditional love, and ability to provide companionship,” he said.
“They encourage physical activity through daily walks, which boosts mental and physical health, and they offer emotional support during challenging times. Research shows that interacting with pets can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and release oxytocin, fostering a sense of connection and happiness. For many, a pet becomes part of the family, bringing structure, routine, and moments of joy into everyday life.”
#6 Working On Christmas Decorations

Image credits:
#7 This Time Of The Year

Image credits: hades_chat_bengal
#8 Christmas Eve Visitor

Image credits: sarin77
“Over the past century, our relationship with pets has transformed from one of utility to one of companionship,” Jones noted, talking about the change in human-animal bond over the years. “Historically, dogs and other animals were often kept for practical purposes – guarding, herding, or hunting. As urbanization spread and the bond between humans and animals deepened, pets began to occupy a more personal and emotional role in our lives.
“Today, many pet owners treat their animals as family members, providing high-quality food, veterinary care, and even luxuries like beds, clothing, and training classes. Social media has also played a role in showcasing pets as cherished companions, further amplifying this shift.”
#9 I Have Absolutely Loved Seeing Your Photos So Far, So Many Cute Little Rattos To Kick Off December

Image credits: mwmpetsupplies
#10 Mary Christmas

Image credits: juliavytopil
#11 It's So Shiny

Image credits: janeaustinthecat
Since animals were domesticated—roughly 15,000 years ago, in the case of dogs—their lives have become increasingly intertwined with humans', as both could benefit from each other’s company. Nowadays, both still seem to need each other equally as much.
“Domesticated animals like dogs have evolved alongside humans for thousands of years, creating a symbiotic relationship. They rely on us for shelter, food, medical care, and safety, while we depend on them for companionship, emotional support, and in some cases, assistance (like guide dogs or service animals). It’s a mutually beneficial relationship where both parties thrive through the connection,” Jones said.
#12 Someone Guessed What They're Getting For Christmas

Image credits:
#13 I Mean Let’s Be Real. I’m The Best Gift Of All

Image credits: alexanderthegeck
#14 Counting Down The Days Until Christmas! Are You Team White Lights Or Colorful Lights?

Image credits: lionelthehog
Expanding on the human-animal bond, Prof. Montgomerie suggested that the extent to which they need each other depends on what exactly is meant by the word ‘need’.
“Certainly even the most domesticated pets, like cats and dogs that no longer even resemble their wild counterparts, seem to often go feral without any trouble at all. Presumably they have a shorter lifespan in the wild than they would have in captivity and maybe even shorter than their wild counterparts. Domestication has made so many types of cats and dogs that they have diverged significantly from their wild ancestors and that should have made them less well adapted to their native habitats. So, in that sense they don’t need humans at all. But if the goal is to live as long and as healthy as possible, then they really do need humans.”
Prof. Montgomerie continued to add that despite being domesticated, some animals might still be a danger to other species because of their nature. “Feral cats are a menace to birds and small mammals. Pet cats should not be allowed outdoors, and pet dogs should not be allowed to disturb nesting and migrating birds,” he noted.
#15 Full Christmas Tree Costume

Image credits: phillychinchilly
#16 Christmas Fun

Image credits: tedthenewfoundland
#17 Merry Christmas

Image credits: mabeltheminipig
“The dogs, cats and birds that I have had are happiest when a) I feed them, b) I show them some attention and affection, and c) I keep them healthy, with vaccinations, proper food, and exercise,” Prof. Montgomerie shared, talking about the most important things to keep in mind to make sure your pet is happy.
Focusing on dogs, Nick Jones noted that a happy dog needs physical and mental stimulation, as well as a strong relationship with their owner.
#18 Because They Are Also Family, Because They Also Deserve To Be In Our Christmas Memories

Image credits: voreal_foto
#19 My Christmas Baby

Image credits: british_blue_cuteness
#20 Yuki Loves The Christmas Tree

Image credits: spaghettikitty
The expert in dog behavior, Nick Jones, suggested that a dog’s owner should have five key points in mind, in order for their doggo to be happy in their home, the first one being exercise: “Ensure your dog gets enough exercise tailored to their breed and energy levels. A tired dog is often a content one.”
Then there’s training and structure: “Dogs thrive on consistency and clear expectations. Positive reinforcement and clear boundaries help them feel secure.”
That is followed by socialization: “Exposure to different environments, people, and other dogs builds confidence and reduces fear-based behaviors.”
The fourth and the fifth key points respectively, according to Jones, are affection and quality time and health care. Expanding on the first one, the expert noted that, “Dogs are social creatures who crave interaction with their owners. Regular play, training, and quiet bonding time are essential.” As for health care, it’s important to “provide proper nutrition, regular vet check-ups, and attention to any signs of discomfort or illness.”
#21 Kida With A Christmas Hat And Sweater

Image credits: jennifersgro
#22 Merry Christmoose

Image credits: badgerandbarley
#23 Oliver Wants To Help Decorate

Image credits: bigeyediers
“Dogs remind us to live in the present, to find joy in simple things, and to love without condition. They have the ability to teach us patience, responsibility, and empathy. In return, it’s our duty to understand their needs and offer them a fulfilling life,” Jones summed up, talking about life with pets. “The key to a thriving relationship with any pet lies in mutual respect, trust, and the time invested in building that bond.”
#24 Things Have Been Busy And I’m Not Sure If I’ll Get A Chance To Do A 2024 Christmas Photo Shoot So Here’s A Throwback To Izzy’s First Christmas

Image credits: elisepollack
#25 Preparing For Christmas

Image credits: gerbilmeetsmouse
#26 He’s An Angry Elf

Image credits: alpacasouthern
#27 Merry Christmas From Bullseye And The Rest Of The Sundance Crew

Image credits: sundanceguestranch
#28 Looking Out For Santa. I’ve Been A Good Piggy All Year, I Promise

Image credits: our.pig.annabelle
#29 He Always Knew He Was A Little Different But He Let His Light Shine Regardless Of What Others Said. The Christmas Wish Of My Flock And I Is That Everyone Can Be More Like Rudolph

Image credits: hensarefriends
#30 Merry Christmas

Image credits: willowthebluemerlecorgi
#31 Pippa Has Already Decorated The Christmas Tree

Image credits: pippa_littleone
#32 Mooncakethebunny_ 50w I Hope Everyone Has A Very Merry Christmas! This Potato’s Ready For Her Christmas Feast

Image credits: mooncakethebunny_
#33 A Very Festive Olwyn

Image credits: budgiechops
#34 O Christmas Tree O Christmas

Image credits: harrisandglen
#35 Wishing Everyone A Very Meowy Christmas

Image credits: juniperthebrit
#36 My Xmas Girls Indy & April

Image credits: executivepets
#37 The Cat Seems To Be Contemplating S*****e

Image credits: myfriendgreywind
#38 This Is Oliver And Yes He Naturally Has A Santa Beard

Image credits: weareairplanes
#39 Wishing You All A Very Happy Christmas! I Hope You All Have A Lovely Day And Some Time To Relax With Friends And Family

Image credits: jayveeartphotography
#40 Christmas Throwback Pic! Little Miss Luna Enjoying The Lights

Image credits: emmieandlunathebengals
#41 Can’t Take My Eyes Off The Turkey And Cranberry Treats

Image credits: cookiecockerpoo
#42 So This Is Christmas

Image credits: dalia.silvac
#43 Getting Ready For It

Image credits: lotr.gerbils
#44 Santa’s Little Helper

Image credits: lenny.and.jaggar.gsp
#45 What Did You And Your Pets Get!?

Image credits: chonkycavies
#46 This Christmas We Wanted To Dedicate The Special Moment They Deserve To Our Best Four-Legged Friends!

Image credits: voreal_foto
#47 Christmas With Ribbons & Bows

Image credits: mablesfriends
#48 We Make Two Very Dashing Santa Claws

Image credits: arlo_and_oscar_the_mainecoons
#49 First Christmas With Our Boy Cheeto

Image credits: HodorsThoughts
#50 Feeling Cute Might Delete Later

Image credits: wonderglossbeauty
#51 Winter Is Coming, But I'm Still Tropical

Image credits: momothecrazybird
#52 Merry Christmas From All The Animals At Anim-Mates

Image credits: anim_mates
#53 Hoppy Cwismass

Image credits: dorothy.the.bunny
#54 Don’t Be Fooled By The Eyes, She Has Been A Menace To This Tree

Image credits: mycatjyn
#55 Merry Christmas Friends

Image credits: emiliothescottish
#56 Testing To See If It Can Be Destroyed

Image credits: thehousethepilotbuilt
#57 Charlie In His New Christmas Sweater

Image credits: Cyra_Huny
#58 Happy Rattmas

Image credits: ratness_
#59 Merry Christmas From Cheeky Morrison & Gorgeous Miss Cleo

Image credits: my_furry_babies
#60 A Christmas Bean

Image credits: a_tiny_nugget
#61 A Festive Lump Of Coal

Image credits: arthurcharlesperkins
#62 Merry Christmas S'mores

Image credits: arego896
#63 Is That A Toy For Me?

Image credits: lasse_sven_the_siberians
#64 It’s Christmas Eve!!! Isabelle Is Ready And Looking Out For Santa From Her Christmas Cottontail Cabin ? Hope You’ve All Got Some Lovely Plans Over The Next Few Days

Image credits: animal_adventure_pods
#65 Cuteness Overload Our Beautiful Rumour Is Showing Off Her Christmas Bow

Image credits: theonlywayis_izzy
#66 Every Year My Cat Forgets What A Christmas Tree Is And Re-Discovers The Wonder

Image credits: ImAnElkShootMe
#67 When I Told Larry That He Was "The Cutest Little Elf I Ever Did See", He Wasn't Impressed

Image credits: mapleriverfarm
#68 Best Present Under The Tree

Image credits: arcysabat
#69 When It’s December 1st

Image credits: caponethecorso23
#70 Best Present

Image credits: fabledaye
#71 Christmastime Fun! Anything For Treats!

Image credits: barneythecorgi_nephew_of_louis
#72 Right Before Christmas I’ve Been Put On The Naughty List. Caught Trying To Sneak A Peek Into My Stocking

Image credits: the.browe.boys
#73 “My House Is Delicious Mom, Thank You!”

Image credits: ziggy_the_zany_kitty
#74 We Wish All Friends Of The Alpaca And Llama Companions A Wonderful Christmas

Image credits: die_alpaka_und_lama_gefaehrten
#75 Happy New Week From My Christmas Rats

Image credits: 2whippets_a_whiggy_and_an_iggy
#76 Merry Christmas

Image credits: smokyandpearly
#77 Who’s Already Got There Decorations Up Or Are You A 12 Days Of Christmas Kind?

Image credits: thetravellingvetphysio
#78 Juliette And Santa's Boot

Image credits: pixie_lucy_luna
#79 Geo In His Santa Costume

Image credits: classickiwiz
#80 Giving A Sniff To The Best Pet Dad In The World

Image credits: arya.stark_pomsky
#81 Merry Christmas Eve

Image credits: aris.critters
#82 Merry Christmas

Image credits: annetts_little_heartbreaker_
#83 Santa Paws Is Coming To Town

Image credits: g.uinea_pigs
#84 Santa Claus's Young Assistant

Image credits:
#85 A Model Maligator

Image credits: chezza_and_the_dal