The world is full of interesting curiosities, for those with the eyes to see. While most of us would take the various things around us for granted, there are some folks out there who devote time and energy to gathering, collecting, and sorting.
We’ve gathered some of the most interesting collections of items netizens have shared online. From emergency escape signs to hot sauces of the world, get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and if you have something you enjoy collecting, feel free to share about it in the comments section. We also got in touch with professor and avid collector Shirley M. Mueller, M.D. to learn more.
#1 Finally Got Shelves For My Collection Of Antique Colored Glass

Image credits: icameasathrowaway
#2 Every Issue Of National Geographic Since 1888

Image credits: IKantImagine
#3 My 100% Complete Collection Of Every LEGO Shield Ever Made

Image credits: Tusserte
Bored Panda got in touch with professor and avid collector Shirley M. Mueller, M.D from to learn more about why people make collections in the first place. “It is, I believe, a combination of genetics, environment, experiences, and nostalgia all rolled into one,” she shared,
“They are not divided equally in terms of contribution. It is almost always more of one than another. Which one is more dominant in any one person is difficult to determine.” Nevertheless, it’s quite evident that humans do like large piles of things, while only some insist on gathering large piles of the same thing.
#4 Here’s A Collection You’ve Probably Never Seen Before. This Is My Elevator Button Collection!

Image credits: Jowevator3219
#5 My Mad Magazine Collection. Need 17 More For All 1700* U.S. Published Official Mads. They Include All The Inserts Attached And All Variants

Image credits:
#6 My Yixing Teapot Collection

Image credits: Shuttlebug2
We were also curious to hear her thoughts on the line between collection as a hobby and as an obsession. “In a word, 95% of collectors or more enjoy their collection. The remaining few, less than 5%, include hoarders who do not experience pleasure when they gather objects as collectors do.”
#7 My Collection Of Hand Carved Cameos

Image credits: tinaismediocre
#8 My Beloved Vintage Camera Collection

Image credits: combustionbustion
#9 My Collection Of Tiny Things

Image credits: jeslico
“Instead, what hoarders accumulate becomes an emotional and physical burden (since the household becomes overcrowded and displeasing to everyone). On the other hand, what collectors select, organize and display is satisfying to them, and, generally, the rest of the world. Whether one would call this a line or not can be debated, but it certainly is a difference.”
#10 My Collection Of Exit Signs (And A Few Fire Safety Signs)

Image credits: Trizocbs
#11 My Collection Of Miniature Chairs

Image credits: damestillmen
#12 Wizard Of Oz Book Collection

Image credits: bunny_chan09
Given the variety of things people gather, we wanted to know what was the most interesting thing she has seen collected. “This is a fascinating question and something I have been thinking about. It is body tattoos. In fact, museum exhibits have even featured this subject. There was one at the New York Historical Society in 2017 which focused special attention on women and tattoos. There have been other exhibits like it throughout the world. The visuals in these displays are exotic and even titillating.”
#13 Some Of My Hot Sauce Collection

Image credits: ClaySteres
#14 My Nature/Sand/Dirt Collection From Around The World

Image credits: SlimeBallz111
#15 I Collect Coins, Veeeery Old Coins

Image credits: Savixe
Shirley left us with some parting thoughts. “Collecting is a passion that is additive to life. Through it, people can fill their leisure time in pursuit of objects that interest and inform them. This collection which represents the personality of the collector himself or herself can then perpetuate the memory of the collector at death. What could be better?” If you would want to read more, check out her book, and her other articles, or visit her blog.
#16 My Dice Collection

Image credits: Juranur
#17 My Bourbon Collection

Image credits: MrWinkleson
#18 Toy Cameramen

Image credits: jimnw
Naturally, someone out there has the largest collection of something. For example, Bettina Dorfmann of Düsseldorf, Germany is the world leader in Barbie Dolls, with over 15,000 in her collection. One wonders if the recent film made the value of her hobby skyrocket. If yes, good for her.
#19 Another One But Don’t Have Any Room

Image credits: Perceyhere
#20 Things That Make Me Happy And Bring Nostalgia!

Image credits: PhantomSpartan24
#21 Here Is My Collection Of Smoll Pencils. The 4 On The Right Are Too Big And Currently In Use Until They Fit

Image credits: MahloGolem
For older items, as one can expect, you will have to frequent thrift stores. Unfortunately, more valuable items can be hard to get, as collectors grab them up. So the best bet is to simply explore thirst stores, garage sales, and other, similar venues in the hope of securing a great deal. It’s more possible than you might think.
#22 Some Turtles ???

Image credits: The_Redditor1
#23 A Few Cameras From My 130+ Collection

Image credits: kortney1313
#24 Really Large Amount Of Things Going There Though

Image credits: LongieBoiV
Obviously, the value of a Barbie doll comes from the fact that there are collectors who are interested in it. This is still, for better or worse, a small market. Items with more clear resale value are, naturally, harder to buy. For example, the largest jewelry collection in the world, at least by value, belonged to Austrian philanthropist and art collector Heidi Horten. Around the time of her passing, it was valued at around $150 million.
#25 Starbucks City Mugs

Image credits: danindub
#26 I Have 62 Copies Of The 2001 Cinematic Masterpiece Pearl Harbor

Image credits: Worldwarallen
#27 Here's A Weird One: My Collection Of Afro Dogs!

Image credits: muskratio
This is perhaps why so many collectors focus on more niche items. First and foremost, it’s more accessible than, say, jewelry. At the same time, this also allows someone to create an actually unique collection that stands out. Plus, if you are the world leader in, say, misprinted stop signs, it does ascribe a certain kind of expertise.
#28 Collection Of Tiny Pigs

Image credits: fat-obese
#29 My Display Cabinet Makes It Look Like They're In A Police Line Up

Image credits: Judge_Sentry
#30 My Pink Calculator Collection

Image credits:
That being said, people really will collect anything, up to the point where it starts to seem like something else. For example, the world’s largest toilet paper collection is held by Flo and Richard Newman of Boston. While this could be just a collection, a passion project of sorts, it does also feel like they are stocking up for the apocalypse. Any seasoned collector knows that, ultimately, it can be pretty hard to actually store one’s things. At a certain point, you have to start sacrificing space and eventually rooms in your home. Depending on the value, you might even want to purchase insurance or additional security. Although most burglars don’t have the capacity to lift thousands of bottles of hot sauce.