Like a refreshing sip of ice-cold soda on a hot day, nothing hits a netizens soul quite like a nice meme. As any regular internet user knows, in this day and age, one can find a meme about basically everything, from the legal profession and cats, to cars and cinema.
The “Marvel Memes” online community is dedicated to exactly that, funny and relatable posts featuring the larger-than-life heroes from comics and cinema. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and be sure to share your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below.
#1 Captain Merica

Image credits: KarateKid84Fan
#2 Fr

Image credits: scarface2069
#3 Sounds Like A Good Idea

Image credits: UnpleasantRhinoceros
Comic books, the medium that originally made Marvel famous, has been around longer than many people might expect. The Swiss cartoon Histoire de Mr. Vieux Bois (also known as Les amours de Mr. Vieux Bois, or, in English "The Adventures of Mr. Obadiah Oldbuck") was first published in 1827.
Interestingly, many of the elements in this comic were derived from political cartoons of the 17th and 18th century, including exaggerated images and speech bubbles. While the subject matter is at this point hardly comprehensible, the format and look of these two centuries old comics would still be familiar to a modern audience.
#4 Probably To Avoid The Hospital Bill Honestly

Image credits: Ok_Young_5242
#5 Oh Tom

Image credits: mannamedBenjamin
#6 Storm Has 0 Self-Awareness

Image credits: Wizzxd__
While we tend to associate comic books with superheroes, at the time, it was a very common format for all sorts of content. Detective stories, science fiction and adventure comics were all quite popular. It was Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster's Superman, published in 1938, that really started the “Golden Age” of comic book heroes.
#7 Just Another Rich Snob

Image credits: andson-r
#8 Some Call It Too Specific

Image credits: henlord
#9 Well I Mean…

Image credits: Oraki1
This “Golden Age” of American comics lasted about two decades and saw the creation of many of the heroes we still think about today, from the aforementioned Superman, to Captain America, Wonder Woman and Batman. Marvel was one of the more successful publishing houses, but it wasn’t the only player.
#10 Lmao

Image credits: Direct-Pineapple-193
#11 It Was A Great Moment Though

Image credits: nervo23
#12 That Would Have Been Legendary

Image credits: AlienX_Tord
For example, many of the most famous superheroes, Batman and Robin, Superman and Wonder Woman, were all created by Detective Comics in the 1940s. Yes, DC stands for “Detective Comics,” another bit of evidence that superheroes were just one common genre at the time.
#13 From CEO Of Sex To Sorcerer Seggs

Image credits: mr_fabulous_2006
#14 Quick Oc

Image credits: dkt_666
#15 Poor Vision

Image credits: andson-r
Marvel saw its own heyday (if we discount the present) in the 60s and 70s, with Stan Lee’s Fantastic Four and the iconic Spiderman. Marvel itself, unlike its biggest rival, DC, did start with comic books, although its creator, Martin Goodman, made his fortune in pulp westerns.
#16 He Looks Good In It Tho

Image credits: prettytingbaexo
#17 I've Thought About This A Lot

Image credits: FeetAndHandFetish
#18 Facts Though

Image credits: Ethanstrong10
Marvel actually switched to horror, Westerns, humor, crime and even Bible stories in the 50s, as superheros seemingly fell out of fashion. Much of the company's later success has to be attributed to Stan Lee who focused on creating heroes and stories that were more appealing to older audiences.
#19 Growing Up Watching Spider-Man I Always Thought It Made Sense To Have Organic Webs. He Can Do Everything Else A Spider Can Do! Why Not Spin Web Too?

Image credits: Ne1tche-son
#20 Wolverine

Image credits: Fart2Start
#21 I Don't Need Sleep, I Need Answers!

Image credits: SkyKwaii
However, many modern people recognize the iconic red logo not from a comic book, but from the intro to the many blockbusters, produced by the Walt Disney Company. Disney acquired Marvel in 2009, including its filmmaking branch, Marvel studios, hot off of the success of 2008s Iron Man.

Image credits: Fazedave206
#23 I've Been Signing For 30 Minutes!

Image credits: SawasdeKah
#24 Oh How Far We've Come

Image credits: g0tanks
Since then, with some misses, the world of superheroes has been dominated by cinema. Indeed, a fifth of Marvel Studios' films are among the fifty highest-grossing films of all time, easily surpassing the comic books in terms of readership. Like with anything that has mass appeal, it didn’t take long for netizens to turn their favorite heroes and moments into memes.
#25 Poor Hawkeye

Image credits: xkingmox
#26 It Be Like That

Image credits:
#27 Flashback

Image credits: KingKunta91
#28 Irony Man

Image credits: jpott879
#29 Saw This On Twitter

Image credits:
#30 "Too Dangerous To Be Kept Alive."

Image credits: leafinferno
#31 True

Image credits: I-_-aM-_-yOu
#32 ?

Image credits: Is_ervison
#33 Landlord's Daughter>

Image credits: Ok_Employ6168
#34 This Is Fine

Image credits: mr_fabulous_2006
#35 You Can’t Escape His Lecture No Matter You Are Thanos!

Image credits: neerajanchan
#36 What Marvel Quote Is So Funny When Out Of Context?

Image credits: ar_torres
#37 Ooops

Image credits: Iboshero
#38 This Is Still Stupid

Image credits: Wizzxd__
#39 Admit It: You Thought About This, Too, When It Happened

Image credits: damnboi911
#40 I'm Kinda Done With The Dceu Tbh

Image credits: uncommonoddity
#41 Umm…

Image credits: ClintYeastWood23

Image credits: Fazedave206
#43 Lmao!! Fcuk Logic

Image credits: kidneyman2
#44 Therapists In The Mcu: $$$

Image credits: Legopiedo99
#45 I Knew Something Was Off

Image credits: RagnelI
#46 F

Image credits: GhostWaker
#47 Didn't Really Think That One Through, Huh?

Image credits:
#48 Jonathon Not Allowed In House

Image credits: AlivePal
#49 Evil Thanos Be Like

Image credits: IMAGESHAND
#50 Fun Fact #1

Image credits: CarnageOp9104