"My house, my rules," we often say when someone questions our private life. However, certain people extend this approach to the public domain as well, acting like they're above the rest of us.
But those who do not want to put up with egotistical behaviors often shame these actions for everyone to see. The internet has become a platform for holding others accountable in an attempt to debate and negotiate what is and isn't acceptable.
So, we decided to join the discussion and collected a list of random selfish acts that we believe society doesn't really benefit from. Let us know what you think about them by upvoting the ones you also despise and downvoting those you feel aren't that bad.
#1 People Having Entire Conversations On Speakerphone

Image credits: TevisLA
#2 Same Kind Of Heartless People

Image credits: gwinefcc
A few years ago, Daryl Cameron, assistant professor of psychology and research associate at the Rock Ethics Institute at Pennsylvania State University, wanted to understand when, how, and why people choose to avoid empathy in their daily lives.
Often mistaken for compassion — sympathy or concern for others' suffering or misfortune — empathy is the experience of understanding and actually sharing the feelings of someone else.
Empathy, Cameron explained, can be thought of as feeling something with a person, rather than feeling it for them.
#3 Uninspiring Teacher Comment
My 11 year old daughters teacher wrote this comment on her homework. I'm absolutely flabbergasted and angry. This after my daughter just competed in gymnastics nationals a month ago.

Image credits: Careful-Total-3216
#4 To Whoever Threw Their Gender Reveal Party At The Beautiful Sloan’s Lake And Didn’t Clean Up, S***w You

Image credits: PaleBlueDotEnthused
#5 Leaving Your Unwanted Meat On The Shelf

Image credits: Individual_Gear_898
One might argue that feelings are automatic—things that happen without our conscious effort.
Cameron acknowledged that sometimes this is true, but he also said that we often choose whether — and toward whom — we're empathetic.
Across several studies, he and his colleagues have demonstrated that we do indeed opt out of being empathetic, and while it can seem like a negative thing, Cameron said the fact that we have the ability to choose has an upside.
#6 Seen In A Walmart Parking Lot

Image credits: SnooCupcakes2275
#7 This Dude And His Girlfriend Blasting Tiktoks At Full Blast On A 3 Hour Train Ride
My wife and I are on our honeymoon in Italy and the jet lag has basically ruined our sleep schedule. No worries, we’ll just sleep on the train, right? Nope! Instead, we get to listen to hours of TikTok audio courtesy of two apparently socially challenged, self-centered teens. When did it become okay to blast your phone while the people around you are clearly trying to sleep? Ugh.

Image credits: cbn11
#8 My Parents Are The Reason Why I Hate Smoking. My Parents Just Almost Never Clean Their Stuff. Its Kinda Disgusting Ngl. It Has Been Worse Before Though

Image credits: Tenshi_Cat
#9 Sometimes I Feel Like Some FedEx Drivers Just Do This Kind Of Stuff Because They Think It’s Funny
Bruh we were home all day you just had to ring the bell. Literally posted it on top of the note.

Image credits: Waffle842
“It seems a bit fatalistic and defeatist to say that empathy for large numbers [of people] just isn't how we're wired," Cameron said.
"Research on emotion regulation and mindfulness meditation suggests that people do have ways to change how they relate to their own emotions. Maybe if we further explored such possibilities, new avenues would open up for encouraging empathy."
#10 At A Concert With A Woman Who Was Filming With Flash On The Entire Time

Image credits: Dante18
#11 I Got A Point Off For Stapling My Homework Wrong
This was just for a daily homework assignment that was worth like 5 points… not an exam or paper or anything.
College is weird.

Image credits: hellokittygurlll
#12 That Is A Huge Bluetooth Speaker On His Back. Yes, There Is Music Coming Out Of It
When I asked him wouldn't using earbuds be easier, he said I should just [get] my own if what he's playing bothers me. Way to miss the point, bud.

Image credits: MaximusMurkimus
Together with his colleagues at the time, Cameron conducted several experiments and found that empathy can be boosted by changing the way people think about it.
In one study, simply tweaking participants' expectations — convincing them that empathy would be emotionally rewarding instead of just exhausting — made participants more likely to humanize someone experiencing drug addiction.
In another study, participants increased their levels of empathy for mass suffering when they were convinced that it would not cost them financially.
#13 In A Doctor's Office Waiting Room - Bare Feet On The Table And Talking Loudly On Her Phone

Image credits: reddit.com
#14 My Friend Drunkenly Stripped One Of My Garden Trees Of Its Bark
He’s basically destroyed the tree, so I’m now going to have to pay for removal and replacement which won’t be cheap.

Image credits: toby_preston
#15 Someone Put Bubble Gum In The Phone Charger

Image credits: DumbusMaxim0
"It's easy to think that people might avoid empathy because they just don’t want to feel bad," Cameron added. "But what if it's because empathy is effortful, taxing, and fatiguing?"
"It's hard work to try to get inside someone else's head and feel what they're feeling. One might be afraid of getting it wrong, or not knowing someone well enough to know what they’re feeling."
So, the people whose actions produced these pictures probably aren't hopeless. It could very well be that they just need to better understand that selfishness only gets you so far.
#16 My Experience At The Taylor Swift Movie
They ignored my pleas to sit down, and took selfie videos (with flash) the entire movie. A lovely experience.

Image credits: nahsonnn
#17 People Stopping Under A Bridge To Avoid Hail Damage To Their Cars

Image credits: koulibali
#18 Local Theater Leaves The Wall Sconces Lit 'For Safety'
Who doesn't like watching a movie in a well-lit theater?
There are fairy lights lighting the walkways, so I can't imagine how much safety a brightly lit wall could add. These sconces were directly in our peripheral, making it hard to see the screen through 3D glasses.

Image credits: True-Paint5513
#19 Karen And Her Husband Blocking Parking Spots For Their Family Who Were "Right Around The Corner"

Image credits: broomshed
A group of scientists, led by Kimmo Eriksson of Stockholm University, tested whether selfish people were more “successful” — as defined by their yearly income and number of biological children — than unselfish people.
After putting the data together, they found that it was actually the people who exhibited more selflessness in their attitudes and behavior who were more likely to have higher incomes and more children. In other words, generous people performed better on these two traditional measures of success than selfish people.
By being a jerk to others, you're not helping yourself. If anything, you're just hurting your chances in life.
#20 Woman Uses Feet To Play Slot Machine In Casino

Image credits: Primal_Rage_official
#21 Just This. Its 7 Am And Everything Is "Taken"

Image credits: Krytykx2
#22 This Lady Calling The Cops And Taking Photos Of Me Eating In My Car On My Lunch On The Public Curb Next To Her House
I drive a nice car, ive parked here many times, walk away in scrubs and leave at 5 pm, and yet she has called the police twice on me and tried to get my vehicle towed. Ofc the cops said they can’t do anything BECAUSE IT’S A CURB.

Image credits: DearRefuse3245
#23 Woman Stops Traffic To Wait In Line At Dunkin’ Donuts

Image credits: twinkle_toes123_
#24 A Guest Left Their Room Like This After One Month Of Staying At My Friend's Hotel

Image credits: JumpyyyKO
#25 Prescott Az, Resident Idiot Has A New Message For All Y’all

Image credits: askthebones
#26 Busy Public Park On A Hot Saturday/Labor Day Weekend. Seems Super Entitled. Park Has Been Open For 4 Hours And No Sign Of Them. All The Other Tables Are Full

Image credits: AV16mm
#27 Man At Airport Unplugs ATM To Charge His Phone
Waiting for my delayed flight and this guy walks up next to me to unplug the ATM so he can charge his phone. There’s only the one ATM. Guess he’s the most important person in this entire airport.

Image credits: thatballerinawhovian
#28 Found One

Image credits: PloopPlaap
#29 Food Delivery Guy Picking Up The Customer’s Order From The Restaurant

Image credits: FuturisticFighting
#30 Mattress Sale
Shoes off.

Image credits: Jealous-Pride-7993
#31 Influencer Camera Set Up
I'm trying to take a nap during my 6 hour layover at Denver Airport and without warning or asking, a pair of people set up these bright face lights and have been complaining about people other than them being in an airport

Image credits: Dillpickle2002
#32 Laying On Food For Social Media

Image credits: lilzdielit
#33 This Dude Spent The Whole Concert Streaming It Live On TikTok(?) And Interacting With Viewer's Comments

Image credits: SyrianSlayer963
#34 Phone Call In The Museum
This jerk took a loud phone call in a museum film-immersive exhibit room. We are all trying to watch a little movie and this guy is yelling into his phone until he quickly gets called out!

Image credits: knotclever1
#35 Me$irl

Image credits: redeyed_coyote
#36 My Dad Went To Our Cabin For The Weekend And Was Greeted With This

Image credits: TheSheriffMT
#37 Tis The Season For Giving Living Breathing Animals To People As Gifts Without Prior Consent

Image credits: PaleBlueDotEnthused
#38 Grown Woman Peeing At Her Seat At The Taylor Swift Concert

Image credits: Travellingtrex
#39 When You Dont Do Rain Gone Head A Pull That Car Up To The Door

Image credits: NoLimitGaudo
#40 Today This Lady Came Into The Juice Shop I Was At And She Sat Down And Started Having A Facetime Call. She Then Asked The Cashier If He Could Turn Down The Music A Bit And That It Was Too Loud

Image credits: RutilantTrout
#41 Skin To Fabric Contact

Image credits: TaskForceViolent
#42 Scammer Pretending To Have My Lost Cat For 50$

Image credits: Negative_Estate_2061
#43 My Unhinged Ex-Friend Booked The Same Flight As Me To “Join” Me On My Solo Trip
I already posted about this girl a few times. It all started when she got upset that a guy (her FWB) showed interest in me. She sent me a bunch of racist, hurtful texts making fun of me and my hobbies and everything. We fell out of course but then a few days later she drunkenly tried to climb into my place through the window to apologize. I booked her an Uber (from her phone) that night and the next day she turned up at an event I went to. She’s literally following my every move and when I went to the local authorities they basically said they can’t do much rn.
I’m going on a solo trip soon and she seriously booked the same flight and dates as me. She even booked a hotel that’s close to mine. (She knew about this trip before we fell out which is how she knows all the details).
So basically I’m gonna have this deranged lunatic following me across the globe for god knows what reason.

Image credits: finishercar1
#44 Saw This In The Garbage In The Cafeteria On Friday

Image credits: Dismal_Hedgehog_5756
#45 My Friend Is A Category 10 Weight Hoarder

Image credits: fatkev_42
#46 My Cousin And Her Kid Are Staying With Us For A While, This Is What She Usually Gives Her 5yo Son For Breakfast
Not to mention the mess she allows him to make that, although she does clean up after him, It’s not fun living in what seems like a consistently dirty home (she cleans at bedtime, but it’s back to a mess by noon).

Image credits: Caturtle_21
#47 Whole Bus Is Empty And This Person Sits Right Next To Me? (I Don't Like Taking Photos Of Strangers, So They Are The Black Bookbag To My Right)

Image credits: IbukiWasTaken
#48 My Grubhub Driver Couldn’t Find My Apartment Unit, Left The Complex, And Then Sent This As The Delivery Photo…
We saw him circling around the complex, my mom tried flagging him down and attempted to call him but he didn’t answer, and then he left the complex, and then sent this photo with our food smashed on the ground.
We just called customer service and they gave a refund.

Image credits: the-friendly-squid
#49 My MIL's Next-Door Neighbor Leaves These Cones When His Car Isn't Parked In Front Of Her House. That's Also His Jeep Across The Street In Front Of Someone Else's House

Image credits: Tiberius_Jim
#50 This Person Has Parked This Way 3 Times In The Past Week
Today I finally honked. She didn’t move- then I made a right around her, and rolled down my window to let her know she is blocking a whole direction of traffic into/out of the parking lot. She waved me away like I was the one bothering her. I’m so done with drivers here in the GTA.

Image credits: bubble_baby_8
#51 I Just Watched Someone Return A TV - It Was Purchased In 2002
I thought it was a prank when I saw it. As a person that doesn’t really take advantage of Costco’s impressive return policy, would a person receive a full refund?

Image credits: estaack
#52 I Thought This Happened Only In Movies

Image credits: DallasTexasTV
#53 The Way My Local UPS Simply Refuses To Knock On A Door
I was waiting for this package listening for the door when I got the notice UPS had "attempted" to deliver my package. I swear the driver must have sprinted away from my door. It was a tiny package too, so no real amount of effort was saved by doing this instead of just taking 10 seconds to deliver my package. This is the 3rd time the local UPS has pretended to try to deliver something that required a signature.

Image credits: NeevBunny
#54 No One Told Me The Team I'm Keeping Score For Canceled. The Game Was Supposed To Start At 9am. At Least I Get To Read For The Next Hour

Image credits: Plenty_History_2157
#55 Can't Have The Same Top As Me

Image credits: hazzanad20
#56 If You Do This In The Theatre, You're A Major Jerk

Image credits: agacinkanjisi
#57 Someone Planted Hotdogs All Over My Front Lawn

Image credits: Booooomkin
#58 Entire Library Is Empty. Random Girl Came And Sat Right Next To Me

Image credits: Dry-Supermarket-9652
#59 Someone Managed To Carry A Huge Wooden Post, Bypass All The Teacher In The Way To The Second Floor Bathroom And Stuck It In The Toilet Without Anyone Noticing

Image credits: prokjs
#60 And I Thought I Was Bad At Driving

Image credits: NewBarracuda9643
#61 Couple’s Therapy

Image credits: stripedbass619
#62 The Comments Under This Completely Innocent Video

Image credits: avacxble
#63 Someone In My School Released Hundreds Roaches In The Hallway

Image credits: markyymark13
#64 Can This Meme Die Pls?

Image credits: PurpleSky062428
#65 This “Truck” On A Highway In Alberta. This Image Is A Month Old Now But It Fits Here Quite Nicely

Image credits: TheSkymarcher
#66 Found On A Facebook Group About Trucks

Image credits: WinTraditional4038
#67 How USPS Delivered My Birthday Present

Image credits: conqueeftudor69
#68 Doordash Is Just Lovely

Image credits: One-Indication-9220
#69 Some Jerk Left This Can Of Axe Wedged Under A Shelf, I Walked Past And It Sprayed My Ankle

Image credits: RoseDragon529
#70 Main Character At The Red Wings Game

Image credits: SPYFerret
#71 Somebody’s Been Doing Arts And Crafts!

Image credits: Gingy-Breadman
#72 Leaving Dishes In The Dining Hall Bathroom

Image credits: Livid_Examination384
#73 Gotta Love Parents That Treat A Gym Like Their Own Personal Daycare Center

Image credits: jonc2006
#74 Why? Just Why?

Image credits: Ok_Kaleidoscope3686
#75 Some Kid Decided To Tear Up My Ielts Result Paper

Image credits: cKoruss
#76 Don’t Forget To Tip

Image credits: JayAre410
#77 Cmon Now. Wear Real Pants That Can Support The Weight Of Your Iron. This Looks Ridiculous. Saw This At A Gas Station This Morning. I Couldn’t Help But Laugh And Shake My Head

Image credits: BeerBellies
#78 Why Would Somebody Take That Particular Milk?
In my local supermarket i saw this fresh palette of milk and somebody had an urge to take this one right from the center.

Image credits: Marfy_07
#79 Starbucks Boomer Moved Stool To The Middle Of The Walkway And Sat Down While Waiting For Their Order. When It Came They Left It There And Didn’t Put It Back

Image credits: Slow_Cod55