There’s an increasing trend in married or long-term, committed couples choosing to live in separate homes. It’s become known as the “live apart together” (LAT) relationship. There are various reasons couples choose to go this route. Different sleep schedules, a desire for solitude or autonomy, and of course, differing levels of cleanliness and hygiene. When we read about some of the irritating, infuriating and sometimes filthy things some partners do, we really aren't too surprised.
People have been sharing the highly annoying bad habits of their boyfriends and husbands. And we must take our hats off to them for their saintly patience. From throwing trash directly into the pantry next to perfectly good food, to storing dozens of used, empty water bottles under the bed, it seems some men could enter a special rally for driving their other halves up the wall. If there ever were such a thing.
Bored Panda has compiled a list of some of the worst things guys have done to annoy their significant others. Brace yourself, and be warned, a few might have you wanting to delete all dating apps in lieu of staying single forever. Don't miss our super interesting chat with Sharon Hyman, the GOAT of LAT. She's the founder of the Facebook group "Apartners (Living Apart Together)" and is currently working on a film that delves into the lives of couples who choose to love each other forever while living in separate homes.
#1 How My Partner Hangs Clothes On The Clothesline
They say there’s more than one right way to do something, but this is just plain wrong.

Image credits: BoredAf_Bruh
An estimated 10 percent of couples in Western Europe, the United States, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia live apart. And we aren’t talking long-distance relationships because of careers, family commitments or finances. These are couples that could live under the same roof but choose not to.
The increasing trend is known as the "live apart together" (LAT) relationship. And a quick scroll through some of the pics on this list is making the idea super appealing... to me, at least.
Couples are choosing the LAT way of life for different reasons: sleep schedules, levels of cleanliness, a desire for solitude and autonomy, and sometimes as a last resort to save their relationship.
Sharon Hyman calls these independent couples “apartners” - committed partners who live apart. And she is half of one. The Montreal filmmaker has lived separately from her long-term partner David for more than 25 years.
She's even made a documentary called Apartners: Living Happily Ever After Apart and has founded an international group for people in LAT relationships. One could even argue she’s the GOAT of LAT. So we were thrilled when she agreed to chat with us about "apartnerships."
#2 My Boyfriend, Who Doesn’t Buy Any Of The Groceries, Decided To Use Multiple Pounds Of Chicken In A Cooler Instead Of The Bag Of Ice We Have

Image credits: cariwinkle
We begin by asking Hyman to share a bit of her own love story with us, and how she ended up in her LAT relationship. "When I first met my spouse David, who is from Seattle, he was in my hometown Montreal for a short-term work contract. He had his modest apartment and I had mine, and we lived 15 minutes apart," she tells us.
"It quickly became clear to us that we wanted to spend our lives together, so his short-term contract became a forever commitment and he settled permanently in Montreal. But we still remained living 15 minutes apart."
Hyman says the couple considered moving in together early in their relationship but realized that living apart actually worked best for them. "We feel that we truly have the best of both worlds - a deeply loving and committed relationship, companionship and love, as well as the time and space apart that we both appreciate and cherish," she said.
#3 My Husband Overfilled The Dishwasher So Nothing Got Clean Then Got Mad When I Asked How He Expected The Water To Reach Everything

Image credits: dillonisstitch
Hyman says living apart won't work for all couples but people should know that it is an option and not all relationships need to fit into a traditional mold. "So many people feel that they must follow the same trajectory for love that is promoted in Hollywood movies and romance novels - namely, you meet, you fall in love and you are expected to move in together. But why? For many, they are looking for a companion and partner, not a roommate. And so many relationships suffer because they feel this pressure to cohabitate, when really living apart is working best for them," she explained.
"Not every couple is meant to live apart ... Nor is every couple suited to living together," says Hyman. Those who choose the LAT lifestyle do so for different reasons. "They could have different work schedules, different temperaments, different levels of cleanliness, children from prior relationships, they are taking care of elderly parents, working in different states, or just really need complete silence and solitude for part of the time," says Hyman, adding that what's most important is finding what works best for you as a couple.
#4 Not Staying The Night At My New BF’s House With His Pillow Situation
Ok, I (28f) went over to my boyfriend’s (25m) house for the first time (been dating about a month), and I had somehow never noticed his pillow situation before. When I noticed, I made a comment about how long he’s had the pillows and apparently he’s been using them since he was a kid.
So, I asked him if he had any other pillows and he said he just had the pillow on the left of the first picture, but that his cat usually sleeps on it. I said I don’t really want to sleep on those pillows, and id prefer to sleep at my own place (with clean pillows).
His response? He waited for a minute and then said he would be sad to see that I would choose something as small as pillows come between us spending the night together, but that if I needed to go, that he understood.
I ended up going home and spending the night at my own house instead. I asked if I could bring my own pillows and gently suggested he get rid of his. He said it was totally fine for me to bring a pillow, but that he wouldn’t get rid of his, as they are ‘sentimental’.
Thoughts? I feel like I can’t even kiss him or anything while we’re sleeping because I don’t want him to get his gross pillowness all over me and my clean pillows.

Image credits: plantsandpoison
#5 Everyone Has To Do That At Least Once In Their Life

Image credits: twcuddleston
#6 Instead Of Wrapping The Fork In A Napkin And Putting It In His Backpack, By Boyfriend Bends It So That It Fits Into The Tupperware His Lunch Was In. I Was Speechless Upon Discovery

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There are an array of benefits to living apart, says Hyman. One is that it allows you to retain your autonomy while being fully committed to a life partner. "It offers you the freedom to pursue your own goals and thus become a happier and more fulfilled person, which can only help to improve any relationship," the expert told Bored Panda. "Happier people make happier partners. Or apartners."
Hyman says LAT also allows you the ability to devote more time and energy to other relationships, be it family, community, volunteering, or being a good friend, neighbor and citizen.
"We gain so much from having a diversity of relationships," she explains. "I feel that when we expect everything from one person, namely our significant other, it is putting way too much pressure on one relationship, which often leads to its demise. No one person can provide for all of our needs. No one can be your 'everything,' except you."
#7 My Boyfriend Can't Make Anything For Himself

Image credits: Hot-Pear-2195
#8 My Husband Got A Little Carried Away With The New Vacuum Sealer. This Is A Dozen Croissants

Image credits: bookclubslacker
#9 The Container My Boyfriend Picked To Put Away Leftover Pancakes. There Was Plenty Of Normal Tupperware Clean…

Image credits: yourdadcaIIsmekatya
Hyman says apartnerships are no different to any committed, lifelong relationships. They just happen to operate from two separate addresses. She says she's often had her relationship compared to a "friends with benefits" situation(ship).
"How many casual daters are on one another's wills and hold their powers of attorney in case of illness or death?" she asks. "Apartners are just as devoted to one another as cohabitators. It is a lifetime deal. We are there for one another in sickness and health, through all the ups and downs and highs and lows that life throws our way."
#10 My Husband Throws Away Trash Directly Into The Pantry

Image credits: TomatilloAbject7419
#11 My Husband Will Never Close A Draw Or Shut A Cupboard

Image credits: j-lind
#12 Came To The Kitchen To Find Out That My Boyfriend Hung The Towel Like This

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The LAT expert believes that creating physical space can actually bring partners closer together. And help save your sanity. "When you remove the petty things that couples often argue about: chores (whose turn it is to do the dishes, 'pick up your socks off the floor!') and financial issues ('why did you spend money on this or that'), etc., then you are left with what is really important in a relationship - being there for one another, fully present and caring and loving in sickness and in health," says Hyman.
"When we are together it is intentional and precious," she adds. "And when we are apart we can savor missing one another, an underrated emotion that can keep passion and love alive because we will always appreciate one another and never take each other for granted."
Time and space definitely can enhance a relationship, she told Bored Panda, adding that it allows each partner to recharge their batteries so that they have more energy and presence of mind when they are together.
#13 How My Boyfriend Leaves His Coffee Cup Every Morning

Image credits: BaahMcDuck
#14 Asked My Husband To Pick Up A Christmas Tree
I've learned I have to be super specific when I ask him to do things. I always forget! Love him and all of his imperfections.

Image credits: jettybodie
#15 The Night My Husband Made Burgers For The First Time. He Set Off The Fire Alarm 4 Times

Image credits: khalizard
Living apart doesn't mean couples won't argue now and again. But it does offer both partners the chance to cool off when arguments do occur, so they can come back together in a healthier and more constructive manner. Some couples have even turned to LAT as a way to save their crumbling relationships.
"I run a group for LATs with thousands of members from all over the world, and so many of them share that living apart saved their marriages," Hyman told Bored Panda. "Others say that had they known this were an option, maybe they wouldn't be divorced now from their prior relationships. Just because people love and care for one another, does not mean that they are compatible in the realm of cohabitation. And you do not have to share a physical space to share an emotional and spiritual one."
#16 I Spent 4 Hours Deep Cleaning The Kitchen And This Is What It Looks Like Not Even 2 Days Later Without Me Constantly Cleaning Up After My Husband

Image credits: middlechildmommy
#17 BF Got Me Chocolate For Valentine's Day....i Got One Piece
I asked my bf if he had made any plans for Valentine's day and he told me he would take me out for dinner....well now we're not even doing that, so he got me chocolate to make up for it. Then proceeded to eat it all. No card, no flowers....literally no effort at all.

Image credits: ShrekIsLove66
#18 My BF's Attempt At Cleaning The Window

Image credits: mainecoonlove
Some believe LAT is only for the wealthy. This is not true, says Hyman. "People never say this about single, divorced or widowed people, who also live alone. There are definitely advantages to pooling finances and being able to live together if it is feasible and works for you. But for many, living together just is not the best option," she explained.
LAT is also not the easy way out, warns the expert. "Relationships are hard, and require a lot of work, whether living together or apart. What living apart does offer is the chance to more fully work on yourself and your issues, and the same for your significant other, so that together you are not two halves of a whole but rather a union of two strong and independent individuals who are committed to supporting, loving and going through life with one another as a united front."
#19 You Spend The Afternoon Working On A Christmas Eve Dinner And Hubby Brings This Home For My Son An Hour Before Dinnertime

Image credits: defenson420
#20 This Piece Of Tiramisu My Husband Left Me
My husband said we would eat the tiramisu together after our 17 months goes to bed. Our LO was crying so I went to calm her down. Came back to him playing video game and ate almost all of the tiramisu slice. Smh.

Image credits: No-Cupcake-0919
#21 My Sweet Husband
Whom I love so much drives me insane with the trash bin. I appreciate him taking the garbage, but he never puts the bag in when he does. It isn't garbage day, so I wasn't anticipating the empty bin and tossed coffee grounds in before noticing. Yes, I've talked to him about it. Yes, we both deal with the garbage. He does so much for the home, he just tends to not finish this particular job. I have resigned myself to living with this one character flaw until I die.

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We asked the expert how often LAT couples should see each other. "It really depends on the couple and their life circumstances," she replied. "When David and I first met, we had opposite work schedules and only saw one another on the weekends. Now that he is retired, we see each other almost every day."
"People in our LAT group often have children from prior relationships, so that impacts how often they can see one another as well," adds Hyman. "I always say apartnering is a fluid thing that changes along with life circumstances. The key is to find what works best for you and your apartner at any given time in your lives, regardless of the norms that society dictates."
#22 My Boyfriend Throws His Empty Water Bottles Behind The Bed

Image credits: MrsFlyslamz
#23 Husband Replaced Last 2 Advil With Kibble. Not Sure What I’m More Upset At, The Fact That I Almost Washed Back Dog Kibble Or That I Actually Find This Hilarious

Image credits: Ok_Housing_9514
#24 Tell Me You Live With A Man Without Telling Me You Live With A Man

Image credits: meme1526
As we mentioned earlier, Hyman is working on a film about LAT. We're curious to learn a bit more about it before we let her go. "Apartners: Living Happily Ever Apart is currently in production," she tells us.
"My film mentor told me several years ago that my relationship was so interesting that I really should direct a film about it. I found that strange - what is so special about our relationship, I wondered. But then I started to research the topic of 'living apart together' couples and lo and behold, I discovered that nearly one in ten couples in Canada and the U.S. live like this!"
#25 My Husband Used Powdered Sugar Instead Of Sugar To Make My Bday Cake, Bless Him

Image credits: justsayin01
#26 Boyfriend Keeps A Graveyard Of Shower Gel With One Half-Squirt Left

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#27 My Husband Mowed Over My Pumpkins
In late June I sprouted my own pumpkin seeds with my 3yr old son. We’ve been so excited to see the pumpkin plant grow and thrive. My husband decided to mow the lawn yesterday, along with the only fruitful part of our plant. He thought the trellising vines with buds were “overgrowth”.

Image credits: arunningturtle
Hyman says despite so many couples living the LAT lifestyle, it's hardly ever spoken about. She believes this is often because of the stigma and judgment attached to this type of arrangement.
"So I set out to direct a personal film that would normalize the experience of LAT and also show people that is it a healthy and viable option for relationships," she told Bored Panda. "At that time I also founded a Facebook group, which grew from a handful of people to now numbering in the thousands, with members from every walk of life and every corner of the world. And almost everyone who joins says the same thing - namely, we thought we were the only ones living like this! It is a wonderful coming out of sorts of people sharing how living apart from their mates has truly worked for them and for their families."
Hyman says the film will center around her personal love story with her apartner of 25 years but will also feature many of the people in the international LAT group she founded.
"We are leading a social revolution of sorts and in the process, I know we are saving relationships and families," she beams. If you'd like to join the community, you can click on this link.
#28 He Just Doesn’t Care

Image credits: jayjay496
#29 My Husband, Who Insists On Doing His Own Laundry, Left A Pen That Then Exploded And I've Got 6 More Loads To Do Today
As I said, my husband insists on doing his own laundry even though laundry day is Friday, he wants it done Thursday and I work Thursday, so I start my normal Friday 7 loads and open the dryer to this. I've used rubbing alcohol which is turning the paper towel blue at least but the stains remain on the dryer plus I have doubts of running this thing with all that alcohol on there it'll explode. I need help! I attempted a small bit of oven cleaner that did nothing, also goo gone did nothing. I guess I'll be going to a laundromat until then.

Image credits: Glopez1223
#30 My Boyfriend Left A Crunchwrap In The Air Fryer For A Month

Image credits: feralcowgirl
#31 How My Husband Eats Donuts

Image credits: Which-Pirate3758
#32 I Smelled Plastic
…then walked into the kitchen just as my husband was bounding in whispering “oh s**t oh s**t!” He had preheated the oven for a nice meal of leftover baked spaghetti and forgot the high chair tray was in there.
Currently waving dish towels in the air to keep the smoke alarm from waking the toddler. Oh, and ordering in. Probably should be saving money though, since we have to get a new oven now? No idea how to even begin cleaning this…

Image credits: coldlampin
#33 The Way My Boyfriend Stacks These Nesting Measuring Cups

Image credits: chuzwuzzer
#34 My Boyfriend Uses An Absurd Amount Of Hand Lotion Before Bed Every Night
This is the lotion rubbed in… He uses this amount of hand lotion very frequently. When he rubs his hands together it sounds like a bad p***o while I’m trying to fall asleep.

Image credits: 420girly_
#35 My Boyfriend Put My Nintendo Switch Through The Washing Machine
i was going to cry but he said he’s going to buy me a new one this week and treat me to dinner so i managed to suck my tears back lol. luckily the joycons weren’t attached so that’s a bonus.

Image credits: pr3ttypup
#36 Boyfriend Attempts Bathroom Organization. This Is A Neat Way To Store Toilet Paper Eh? Yes That Is The Plunger

Image credits: Powerful-Can6505
#37 My Husband Has His Pick Of Toothbrushes From An Unopened Pack And Chose The Same Color As Mine
Title says it all really. I grabbed a new toothbrush last week. My husband got a new one this morning after opening a new pack and grabbed the same color.

Image credits: dinkydee515
#38 Husband Decided Ro Pressure Washer The Screens On Our Screened In Patio
Just like the title says he decided to pressure washer the algea off the screens....he was not accurate....they all look like that....yes it's that he sees nothing wrong.

Image credits: Maleficent_Lab8672
#39 My Husband Rigged Our Trash Cans Like This And Wonders Why They Didn’t Take Them
We’ve been having issues with our neighbors keeping their trash properly contained and we’re the ones that have to clean up after them. This was my husband’s solution to that problem. However, they were too contained for the trash men to take. We live in a major city and they have thousands of houses to get to. I’m on their side. Ain’t nobody got time for that!

Image credits: Simply827
#40 My Husband Talks In His Sleep And This Is Some Of What I’ve Caught

Image credits: JessBeeBlue
#41 How My Husband Leaves The Cast Iron After Use. Never Bothers To Rinse / Dry It, Skeeves Me Out So Much That I End Up Taking Care Of It

Image credits: Ok-Alternative7556
#42 My Husband Left Me This Much Toilet Paper. When I Showed Him The Roll, His Response Was “That’s Enough.”

Image credits: Treehugger365247
#43 My Husband Decided To Just Leave The Thermometer In The Christmas Ham
He said "I put it in the ham it wasn't ready yet". I had no idea he meant he left it in there.

Image credits: crystaljae
#44 The Absolute Savagery My Husband Inflicts On The Butter Makes My Blood Boil

Image credits: pingusaysnoot
#45 Spouse Always Puts Trash From The Bathroom Bin Next To The Main Bin, Not Inside It

Image credits: aloeicious
#46 This Is How My Boyfriend Leaves The Sink After He Shaves

Image credits: nymphymixtwo
#47 Spent The Entire 3 Hours My Husband And Daughter Were At The In-Laws Cleaning My House, And My Husband Comes Home And Leaves Me These Presents
Sorry for the weird camera angle, but I'm trying to block out the personal photos. Dirty socks on the coffee table and old jerkey wrapper sitting literally on the table above the trash can.

Image credits: Eman_Drawkcab_X
#48 My Husband Changed A Bulb

Image credits: jljboucher
#49 My Husband Won’t Buy A New Pair Of Sweatpants
My husband uses this clip to hold up his favorite sweat pants because the elastic is so worn out on them. He won’t buy himself a new pair (nor will he let me buy them for him). Btw, it’s not a money issue at all; We have more than enough to buy a pair of sweatpants.

Image credits: smoosh13
#50 Boyfriend Leaves His Stuff Everywhere
How do I get him to clean up after himself? He sleeps on his stupid cot after awhile of him not cleaning up. We live in a 1 bedroom so why does he trash it so much all the time. I’m SO tired of cleaning up after him all the time. The first image is my side of the bathroom counter. I usually keep it cleaner

Image credits: Big_Possibility2858
#51 It Was A Task Oriented Order, It Was Followed. No Issue

Image credits: ClareZimMD
#52 Boyfriend Leaves His Used Dental Floss On The Side Table By The Couch
I find it almost every morning on top of his laptop that sits on this table. He’s a flossing fanatic which is great, but this is gross.

Image credits: Big_Bottle3763
#53 My Boyfriend's Shoes Starting Breaking, So He Decided To "Fix" Them

Image credits: MissRitaZebra
#54 Husband Used Pan Handle For Spoon Instead Of The Spoon Holder Directly Below It

Image credits: Rainbow62993
#55 My Boyfriend Is Trying To Say This 500 Pound Aqaurium Is Fine Being Left Like This On Carpet? I Disaggree Especially When My Dogs Has To Cross Infront Of It To Get To And From Her Kennel…. He Insists That Its Perfectly Fine And Insists It Stays Like That. It Seems Hazardous

Image credits: Scary_Court_436
#56 My Husband Never Checks Whether The Bag Is Resealable Before He Cuts It Open

Image credits: Small_Sentence9705
#57 My Spouse Refilled The Doritos Bag With Plain Tortilla Chips Crumbs. And I Thought Sewing Supplies In A Cookie Tin Was The Ultimate Deception

Image credits: RedJaron
#58 Husband Refuses To Throw Away Angry Bird Pajama Pants With Huge Hole

Image credits: ipunchhippiesss
#59 Just Discovered That This Is How My Husband Stored My Stuff From College

Image credits: DelgiornoKathy
#60 Boyfriend Uses So Much Paprika
I’m so thankful my boyfriend can cook and it’s not just up to me. I bought this thing of smoked paprika LAST week and I wake up today and it’s literally all gone. These things are $5 a pop after tax!
I use two tablespoons MAX and that’s only if I'm cooking a dish for like 5 people. usually it’s just a few shakes of food just for us!
I love paprika and some spice in my food, but genuinely I think I would shrivel up and pass away from the paprika overload if I used an entire one of these things in a week. he’s only cooked three or four times since I bought it, so I'm not over-exaggerating at all when I say he is dumping this stuff in his meals.
Am I overreacting if I make him buy me a replacement, as well as making him buy his own giant container of smoked paprika for him exclusively?

Image credits: maratelle
#61 My Boyfriend Ate All The Skin Off Our Rotisserie Chicken

Image credits: logicalnifty
#62 The Way My Husband Opened This New Pack Of English Muffins. Bread Tag Is Still Intact. I Live With A Monster

Image credits: ashlonious
#63 My Boyfriend's Single Bite Of My Apple. "Can I Have A Bite" And Half Of The Apple Is Gone

Image credits: cloudnineteen99
#64 How My Husband Cuts Cheese

Image credits: erween84
#65 My BF Never Finished A Water Bottle. These Are Just From The Last 3 Days. And This Is Just What Made It To The Kitchen. There's More In His Man Cave

Image credits: li-ll-l_
#66 How My Husband “Closes” The Chip Bags When He’s Done

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#67 I Asked My Husband To Make Me A Hotdog

Image credits: perublanket39
#68 My Husband Picks Up The Room Freshener From The Tray, Uses It, And Puts It Back Next To The Tray

Image credits: buffaluhoh
#69 My Boyfriend Said Text Me What You Want From Starbucks And Left. I'm Gonna Cry
What he brought back had things I can’t drink. May break up with him dunno yet.

Image credits: StressxRelief
#70 Safari On My Boyfriend’s Phone

Image credits: burnerakcount
#71 My Husband Doesn’t Care About Mixing Any Liquids. Here Is Milk In An Unrinsed Coca Cola Bottle He Left In The Fridge To Enjoy Later

Image credits: NoClaimToFame14
#72 My Boyfriend Made Scrambled Eggs

Image credits: D-Beyond
#73 Left Husband Alone For 2 Minutes. He Needed Some Rope To Fix A Roof Rack. Handed It Over And It Went From This To This In Under 2 Minutes. How Is This Even Possible?

Image credits: Turbulent-Pension-31
#74 My Boyfriend Rips Open The To-Go Bag Instead Of Just… Taking The Food Out Of The Bag

Image credits: namelessalexa
#75 My Husband. I Just-

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#76 My Husband Insists This Is Where They Go. We Haven’t Owned A DVD Player Since Our Daughter Was 6. She Drives A Car Now

Image credits: whatmonthisitagain
#77 This Is His Closet

Image credits: AmandaMAtwell
#78 Husband Peeled The Frosting From His Cinnamon Poptart To Throw Away
I'm married to a monster. Poor guy is trying g to cut down on sugar. Not sure how much this helps.

Image credits: AreYouSeeingThis____
#79 This Is How My Boyfriend Eats Chocolate
I don’t know how to tell him that there is a place in h*ll for such people.

Image credits: stickyzbae