The end of the year can be challenging. In fact, the majority of Americans feel that, compared to their childhood, people today generally start celebrating the holidays much or somewhat earlier (60%), and nearly half (47%) say that expectations around the season have increased either a lot or at least a little since then. And expectations aren't always met.
Reddit user Zarxpy recently made a post on the platform, asking those feeling disappointed to share what ruined their 2024 Christmas. Here are some of the most memorable replies from the thousands they received.
My dad passed on Dec 14 after a long battle with Parkinson's. I am pretty much flat broke, my car is in pieces in my garage, I haven't seen my children in nearly a year, and I am trying to pull up my bootstraps and care for two people on take home wages that are below the poverty level for one person.
But, I currently have a roof over my head. So I've got that going for me, which is nice.

Image credits: jpog07
Me, I’m getting sober from several substances, I’m a mess right now, Shakey and sweaty and s****y. I was able to rise to the occasion but I was sick thro it all. It was good tho, I haven’t been sober on Christmas in at least five years may be six. Even if I was was a mess and looked and felt like a dump truck of burning diapers.

Image credits: xcomelyCute
My dad bought my mum a pencil sharpener.
She has a lot of hobbies.
None involve pencils.

Image credits: Hopeful-Ad6256
Step brother.
- showed up late
- complained about the food, gifts, decorations, etc
- was loud and obnoxious the whole time
- hit my elderly cat and left after I socked him in the face with my fist
Cat tax.

Image credits: dragonborne123
My grandmother died this morning. She had a stroke last night.

Image credits: goddess_of_fear
Finding out you aren’t important to people that you went above and beyond in friendships for.
Having only 20 quid to get through to new year.
Desperately trying to hold it together around a mother with a fondness for alcohol.
Having a massive infection in my jaw while the d***s make me sick.
But none of that really matters much today, my dog died last night so I just feel broken.
But I’ll put on the brave face, eat the Christmas dinner and appreciate what I do have.

Image credits: Breezealong
Having cancer kinda put a damper on it. But on the flip side it's probably why my mom hasn't yelled at me this year lol.

Image credits: tempbegin78
My little brother died a few days ago. He committed s*icide.
My other little brother also died the same way a few years ago.

Image credits: CloudyPancake31
Our dog got sick out of the blue last Friday and we took her to vet first thing Saturday morning. All the blood work pointed to cancer and so because her outlook looked so horrible we decided to let her have her forever nap. I will never forget it was a lovely solstice morning. It was peaceful and she wasn't too aware but the weight of it really hit home this week. It's like I'm stuck in a bad dream. I'm trying not to bawl today and my husband is the sweetest at trying to boost my mood. Christmas was Olive dog's favorite - she loved opening presents and getting new toys and treats. I know there are so many people out there who have lost a family member or a fur pal this year and I can only send you internet hugs and sympathy. Raise a glass to those who have passed! May 2025 be gentler to us all!

Image credits: chimarya
Caught my wife cheating. Lied throughout our entire marriage. Lied to our marriage counselor about this and convinced me that it was just my insecurities making me suspicious about her “friend”. Saw the texts last night when I went to give her her phone cause she missed a call from a different friend while in the bathroom. Opened her phone only to see the texts right there. I’m crying at work at the moment.

Image credits: Noobulaiter
My spouse was diagnosed over the summer and we were completely blindsided given his age and we found this because of a persistent headache after a cold. Clean MRI after radiation/chemo. Thought we could breathe for the holidays. Double dose of chemo decided to cosplay as The Grinch. A week and a half out from the last dose and still feeling like c**p. We have been through hell and just wanted a decent Christmas. We just went through the holiday motions for our kid, I could’ve taken it or left it this year.
F**k cancer.

Image credits: Seashellcity
Cousin’s 14-month-old died in her sleep Friday night/Saturday morning.

Image credits: FlimFlamThaGimGar
My wife wanted new wooden spoons. She told me and also wrote it on her list for me. She also told her mother. And she went on our family secret Santa and added wooden spoons to my wish list(???). So today, she opened wooden spoons from me, her mother, and my secret Santa also got me wooden spoons. 12 all together. I'm a little bit annoyed, lol.

Image credits: xenidus
Needing to put my cat down yesterday, he had a seizure at 12:30am Christmas Eve that put him in a bad way, he was already an old cat but we were hoping he was on the road to recovery. Come sunrise, he was walking around but seemed lost, like his eyesight had gone. Then by the afternoon he was struggling to hold himself up on his legs and was in a lot of pain, it was hurting us all seeing how miserable he was.
By the end we had to come to terms that we had to let him go and we took him to a vet and said our goodbyes. Such a painful moment, though we tried to enjoy Christmas regardless. just feels emptier not having him here, I still keep expecting to see him chilling in the back garden.

Image credits: sheerduckinghubris
An idiot in a Range Rover t-boned my car and then threatened my partner, child and I.

Image credits: NoManNoRiver
One of my best goats passed away suddenly, with no warning, pregnant with babies that should have arrived in just a week or two. Worse, she was the last living goat of a line that traced directly back to my first goat, almost twenty years ago. She was so young too. The weather has just been too crazy; pneumonia is probably what got her, it can k*ll in 12 hours or less, some types.

Image credits: Epona142
Two of my family members had to work today, my cat pooped under the tree, the refrigerator started making a loud strange noise at like 3 am, and the oven died.

Image credits: Traviscat
My Aunt calling CPS on my Cousin.
Mainly drama harvesting. They’re not perfect parents but calling CPS wasn’t necessary. The kids’ Grandparents (My other Aunt and her Husband) would’ve stepped in long ago if the kids were being treated poorly! The Aunt that called CPS had been shunned from the Family for two years for going psycho at my other Aunt’s house while their Mother (my Grandma) was in the bedroom on her death bed and they were all supposed to come together to care for her during her last days. My Aunt called my Dad a POS and spit in his face while my Grandma was laying there dying. She left and called the cops saying my Grandma was around my violent Father who truly is the complete opposite of violent. He never even spanked any of his children. That resulted in my Grandma having to spend her last few days alive in a strange place when she could’ve passed peacefully with Family at my Aunt’s house which was the plan. After Aunt not being around for two years, my other Aunt (the kids’ grandma) decided to forgive and invite her to Thanksgiving, and it turned into her deciding to call CPS and spew BS. Cheers to dysfunctional families! Merry Christmas all!!

Image credits: Sweet_Landshark_Mama
My dad not realising that our silent Christmas dinner is all because of him. He is mean and negative to me and my sister all year round and just expects us to beg him to please oh please spend time with us, which he then spends watching tiktok on his phone.
My sister has a life so she is spending Christmas elsewhere. Im so jealous. Next year, life or not, i am not spending my next christmas in such uncomfortable silence. I'd rather be alone.

Image credits: Nimue_-
My mom bought me tons of clothes that were minimum 6 sizes too small.

Image credits: SassyMoron
Severe depression and not having much money. I miss being a kid… things were so much simpler! Still, wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and the best! Hang in there to all those struggling with personal/financial issues. Love yall!

Image credits: TrentPlzzz
My mom died suddenly three years ago from a stroke. Her husband of 15 years has been pulling away from me and my sister. He's the only parent I had left so tried to keep a relationship going. Opened his Christmas card this morning which stated he married his gf over the summer. First I'd heared about it. Called my sister later to say Merry Christmas and learned she didn't know till today either. She asked him why he didn't invite us and he said his new bride didn't want any of his old family there.

Image credits: Irradiated_Apple
I work at a motel. Before I could even clock in today I got yelled at, called racist, and had a door slammed in my face for informing someone that despite all rooms being No Pets we clearly saw them on the camera dragging two dogs into their room so they were going to have to leave.
Normally it's Christmas and I'd have given them a warning but when they are dragging a dog by the collar and lifting them off the floor that way? Nah, eff em. Get out. Merry Christmas.

Image credits: EviPolevhia
My 14 year old step-daughter's father moved 3,000 miles away last year with his new wife.
Minus one trip last summer, she hasn't seen him much in the last year and a half.
He calls up my wife and says he wants to see her this Christmas and he will buy the plane ticket. Wife says she will help and pay for half. He declines stating it's his gift to his kid. She agrees.
The tickets he buys are the worst possible ever.
She departs San Diego at 6 am, as an un-acompanied minor. On christmas eve! Which means we have to get up at 3:30 am to get her to the airport, go through the paperwork, of which there is a lot and all by 4:30 am to get through security and on her plane at 5:45 am.
WELL.. the poor kid gets stuck in Dallas due to weather OVERNIGHT and ALONE, and didn't arrive into Connecticut until Christmas day, at 11 am California time, or 2 pm Eastern.
Wife and I were stressed all night worrying over her.
He is an idiot and never thinks of how his decisions will affect others. He put his child through sitting in an airport overnight instead of flying her out a couple of days earlier.

Image credits: Tollin74
This is my first Christmas with my boyfriend and I spent a lot on him: nice clothes, custom items, golf clubs. He got me a puzzle. I think this is also our last Christmas.

Image credits: KaleidoscopEyes29
It’s just my mom and I. My dad died earlier this year, so it’s our first Christmas without him. We had planned to do things a little differently to make the season easier on my mom. Then I got sick, so I’m at home in bed and mom is alone. When I called her this morning she was crying.
Drove 100 plus miles to see my folks. My car has never had a problem before, of course, when I drive a long distance and have work right after Christmas my starter breaks and I can't drive anywhere. Like why the f**k does this only happen in the most inconvenient times. Also, now my Christmas money goes to my car. Fan f*****g tastic.

Image credits: plunderyarrbooty92
My mother decided to take MY books at give them to my niece without my permission. Yes, i haven't read them in a while but they were MY books. Now even when I voiced my frustration I am still painted as the bad guy. Now if I ask for them back I will look like the big bad aunt. I don't fault my niece she is a good kid. Yet, these were mine. My husband doesn't even understand why I don't force my mom to get them back. I ALWAYS END UP THE BAD GUY.
Not ruined exactly, but not the best Christmas, either. My husband had a major stroke 2 weeks ago and is in a hospital 90 miles away. My old car won't make the drive, but I'm going to see him tomorrow.
My daughters are in Chicago, I'm in Michigan. I saw my son for a bit this morning, but it just doesn't feel like Christmas. Getting ready to go to work now. Hope everyone has the best day they can :).

Image credits: dfs61
1) Being poor
2) Boyfriend getting laid off
3) Having the little money I was able to save for two small gifts get stolen.

Image credits: just_momento_mori_
It’s 4:30pm and I’ve been at the hospital with my 4 year old since 7am because he’s barfed upwards of 30 times and has a high fever.

Image credits: Totallynewandscared
The stark realization that I’m not happy with my wife. We argued all night last night and she kept trying to argue in front of our toddler, even after I asked her to stop. She cornered me in the kitchen and since I’ll never lay a finger on her, there wasn’t much I could do. Sorry son, I hate that you saw us arguing on Christmas Eve. I love you.
I bought prepared food yesterday cause everything is closed today, forgot to put it in the fridge, and it spoiled. Now instead of relaxing today, I have to go driving around searching for a food place that's open, or I'll have to eat canned food I bought for hurricane prep two years ago.

Image credits: Peter_Easter
My family for wanting me to break my personal boundaries so they can feel better about themselves.
I won't be cornered into faking the big happy family. I won't be pressured into breaking boundaries to clean anyone else's conscience.
I am not going to be a contingency plan for inheriting anyone's future burdens. I'm not on board.
My neighbors have been up all night drinking and doing c*ke while blaring music. I went to their door 2 times and on the 3rd time at 5am, I lost my s**t on them. I was blunt and direct and they did not like it.
Then 7 of them came over to my apartment and threatened to beat my boyfriend up so we had to call the police. They didn't do s**t and now that my bf went home, I'm scared to go outside.
Also, my kids are at their dad's this year and I miss them!
My toilet broke and I was feeling sorry for myself but yikes, the replies here are so much worse.
Lost my work laptop on the train on the way home...
Found out that when my grandfather was dying, he wanted to gift me his house in ashfield.
But my dad told my mum that the house was their super.
So either dad talked grandad in willing it to him instead or [as executor] my dad just took the house himself.
Unless you contest a will, there is no _legal_ requirement to actually do what the will dictates. No one checks apparently.
Merry f*****g christmas.
Maybe not ruined but soured. My partner insisted we cook the special Christmas food today on the 25th. I told her that it's pretty common to cook a lot on the 24th and then eat the leftovers on the 25th so you can relax on the day but she considered that kind of "sad." So, it's 5pm now on Christmas day and instead of chilling and relaxing with some booze I am gearing up to cook a 3 course meal from scratch. Also, she passed out yesterday at 9:30pm and we didn't eat anything together so my Christmas eve was just me eating a salad by myself in front of the computer watching Youtube. And I'm in a sour mood today and don't even feel like cooking so this day is just garbage. Doesn't feel festive at all.
I've been too depressed to decorate and I just don't feel hopeful or happy at all. There's just no Christmas spirit around me this year. I was going to at least put up the tree yesterday but some rough conversations from last week and yesterday have me even more upset. So I'm just not celebrating this year. And that makes me feel worse.
My moms dementia didn’t really ruin it but first Christmas this year where well it’s been this bad.
Around this time she be cooking a cookies or ham maybe a turkey but now can’t even do that without almost setting the house on fire.
My partner managed to make the only plans I’ve cared about in our relationship, that he’s been hearing about my excitement for since day 1, PASSING OUT FOOD TO THE HOMELESS, about him???? As well as trying to take some of the items (gloves, snacks, etc.) that are for legit homeless people, right in front of my dad?.
Gf of 6 years, soon to be fiancé, cheated with a woman and wants to explore her sexuality alone and ended the relationship with me. Only to practically immediately want to be back together, without any progression in that field lol now we live together and as much as I’d love to make it work and want it to, my brain is k*lling me over the logistics. Also completely alone on Christmas cuz she visited her family in her home state.
After five years, I finally got covid.
My pregnant sister not dealing with her kids. Everyone else had to feed and entertain her three kids while she and her husband sat scrolling on their phones.
My brother, who lives with my elderly mom with his wife and daughter, took off to my SILs family with all of the groceries, and left mom and I with no food and no car. Nothing is open around here, and no delivery services are working today, so we get to starve while they are living it up. Merry f*****g Christmas, jerk.
Got an email from my gig company today, xmas day. They paid for one of the seven files they are supposed to pay me for, so like 10% of the total. That's what I'll be paid for on Friday. Thanks, guys. The new company is s**t and now I will have some serious hassle phone calls to make sure my mortgage is paid on Jan1. Not today of course, since everything is closed except their sadistic automatic payment system.
Pneumonia. Half my family was out of commission.
Losing my job.

Image credits: Tiny_Perspective8278
Not really ruined but is becoming a nightmare.
I bought a house and had everything ready to close by the 20th. Except rocket mortgage had some dumb glitch where their computer system thinks that I need to keep filling out the same form over and over. I have a 3rd party mortgage broker who is on their board and is dumbfounded by their incompetence.
My problem is that I won't have anytime to move after the 1st as I have a ton of projects starting. This upcoming weekend is my last chance to move. They now say they may be ready to close this Friday. But I'm still getting bugged emails and I'm sure they will take it to 3pm and not leave the title company or realtors anytime to draw up their closing documents. I can't even tell my friends what day they can help me move so I have nobody to help.
Trigeminal Neuralgia.
I showed up to help with 300 bucks worth presents and an envelope of what cash we had on hand for my sibling who was sick. My Christmas money I saved was inside that envelope even.
I was very tired after a 4 hour drive and a night in a hotel and I came to help my elder parent make a gingerbread house with my nephew.
We saw her briefly the night before and she was obviously hypomanic. And there was no holiday tree. Very bad sign.
So I was trying to ask very gently to take over.
Before my sleepy brain could offer to take the kids to the Lego Store and later take over getting everyone to zoo lights I offered our home for a future visit and my sister flipped out, screamed at us for not offering to help enough, and told us to leave.
It really hurt my mom's feelings. Mine too, but now I had to take care of my very upset senior mom (who just rode out a divorce this year)
So here I am not feeling like I anything I did is important, no one cares how hard it is save, plan presents, travel, giving away my gifts to others, working a hard job, I nearly died in July, during a pandemic recovery year and supporting two people. Blah blah blah. But I'm not allowed to have feelings or problems.
And came home - heater was fried so I spent 500$ on a card I just paid off.
But fck it all I still Love Xmas. I filled moms stocking. I am watching holiday Hallmark channel. We had waffles for breakfast. I made her a new couch.
We are very lucky. And I remind myself of the good times before and hope next year to be better.
(And I called in my eldest nephew and told him to get his youngest brothers and take them home for Xmas and to pick up everyone's presents and food before someone freaked out and threw them.).
My favorite uncle died on Christmas Eve.
Everyone in the house has COVID.
It's going through a big surge in my area right now.
I had to have a new water heater installed last night, plumbers didn’t leave until midnight, so after all of that the power failed because it had been storming all day Christmas Eve.
I’m so sick with the flu. Raging fever for one of the first times in years. Second year in a row I’ve been sick on Christmas ?.
My health problems. 4th year running and no sign of it letting up. I'm basically only alive right now because I'm more afraid of death than I am bereft of hope that my situation will ever improve.
My wife loves our cat more than she loves me. She got me a torii gate cat scratcher as a gift. It's cool and all but it's not really a gift for me. I don't know how to respond so I just keep smiling and pretending to like it. All she got me was a t-shirt with our cat on it and it doesn't even fit me. Actually, it fits her.
My massive amount of debt keeping me from visiting my family or getting presents for anybody.
My mom (age 90) napped most of yesterday so she woke up at 3 a.m. and started texting me at 5:20 a.m. demanding to know where her caregivers are and why she's all alone in the dark. Then she sent me a series of texts that were supposed to go to other people. The problems: 1) She was texting my Google Voice number, which doesn't get alerts; 2) she's supposed to call my brother because he has overnight duty; 3) her caregiver was scheduled to come at 8 a.m. since her last caregiver left after 11 p.m. but she claims she forgot and didn't know what time it was even though her smart phone has a clock and she can always ask her Alexa. There's not enough Xanax in the world for me, especially since she lambasted me just the other day telling me she's capable of staying in her own home and making her own medical decisions (because she's competent and a retired director of nursing) and to butt out. But then I'm the one she guilts, not anyone else.
Financial anxiety. I've never been poorer in my 34 years of life and the dread has been setting in since Thanksgiving.
The modern nature of the holiday dictates that I spend money in order to express my love for people and I could hardly afford Christmas cards AND groceries.
Rough stuff out here.
I’ve been sick, but family is still expecting to see me - some of whom I have *no desire* to spend time with. Today or otherwise.
Honestly, I’d be thrilled to lie in bed all day with Hallmark movies and my cat… and not have to deal with toxic people on top of a chest cold.
Great dinner yesterday. Nice presents. Decent vibes.
But it's all just a happy face. I miss my ex, when I shouldn't. I can't get myself to be *actually* excited for anything. Opening presents felt like an embarrassing thing I just had to get done with.
My Mom's dog went completely apes**t over the toy I got him and that did at least bring me joy because it was something I gave some thought into. He's got 3 toys he really specifically likes for their color, sound, and feel but individually. I managed to find something that hit all three criteria but in one toy. I had almost completely forgot I bought him that.
Anyways, now I'm back in my room sulking when I shouldn't be. I want to be hopeful and see the spark in things again but I've spent this whole past year just being a mess.
I'm not letting it ruin my Christmas, but it annoys me. I have a friend, that used to be my best friend but not anymore. She is a massive drama queen and every single year for weeks around Christmas, she bums everybody out with her b******t. Constant FB posts about how she hates this time of year, how she's gonna be alone, etc etc. She also does this for her birthday and Mothers Day. She seems to expect a parade or something and when it doesn't happen, she spreads her misery far and wide.
My significant other randomly deciding to start an argument. I’m sitting watching tv and she decides to start a fight out of no where on Christmas. “You never want to go anywhere! You never take me anywhere!” I took her to her favorite restaurant last night, I took her to a ballet she wanted to see (ballets are boring af to me), and I bought her all the Christmas gifts she wanted.
Meanwhile, she “forgot to order” my gift, I didn’t get mad or yell, I “said oh it’s ok”.
All I wanted was to have a nice Christmas, a nice relaxing Christmas and I can’t even have that.
Fireworks at night. It was so hot and my poor dog was beside himself barking at them. Its not new years for f***s sake. cant have a peaceful xmas night.
Nothing but my, until recently super kind, "friend“ making 50 jokes about coming to my apartment to see me naked weren’t the best. Man fell on his brain I guess.
I didn't think my in laws were doing anything (yay) my mom invited my MIL to her house for xmas as to not be alone (boo) then found out my in laws
were having last minute get together in xmas eve (FML), and MIL is still coming today. Oh, and I got f****d at work and did not get a promotion most people thought was mine, the decision maker did not. Oh, and I already hated xmas.
I had a miscarriage in July and can’t seem to get pregnant again since. One cousin is one week further along than I would be. And a second cousin clobbered me with her pregnancy announcement yesterday.
I just want to crawl into a hole and die. Been holding back tears all day. Why did I not deserve to also have my baby?
We bought frozen crab that we didn't realize was bad until we started steaming it. Gassed my mom's whole place and smelled like ammonia. Made me gag.
We had to make the lasagna that was planned for Christmas day instead.
Dad buried the big faux tree in a giant junk pile he created in the garage months ago while "organizing" and kept announcing that he was going pull it out but never actually bothered, even heard him laughing about it a couple of minutes ago.
Sucks because we've pretty much skipped out on celebrating over the past couple years, and I would've at least liked a tree to stare at.
My absolute c*nt of a SIL who has decided she (and by extension, my brother and niece) can’t be in the same room with any of us because I dared to tell my brother than it hurt me to listen to her treat our family like s**t several weeks ago. I’ve never wished for someone to get run over by a bus before, but here we are.
Me, or my baby I suppose. I’m pregnant right now and baby decided to have acid reflux flare up on Christmas Day. I feel nauseated and unwell, nearly vomited up breakfast. My husband has been hovering all worried this morning.