Sometimes there are those little straws that just break the camels back. You chip your favorite cup or your favorite grocery store has decided to suddenly move an item you get all the time to some random, unknown corner. The truth is, it actually doesn’t nearly take as much as some folks think to create stress and discomfort.
We’ve gathered some prime and often hilarious examples of little irritations in life that aren’t that big a deal in the grand scheme of things, but can still cause headaches. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and be sure to share your own examples in the comments below.
#1 I Hate These Stupid Plastic Tabs You Find On Clothing. All Of This From One Pack Of Socks
Image credits: Hey_Im_Serge
#2 I Feel Like This Happens To Me More Often Than It Should
Image credits: CryOky
#3 I Just Hate When This Happens
Image credits: catlover12232_
Life is never as simple as one might want it to be. Even though most of us have a decent grasp of physics, as far as our own bodies are concerned, the universe still finds ways to remind us that even the most tiny little things can end up causing a lot of pain. Take, for example, the simple papercut.
The word alone is normally enough for most folks to have a visceral reaction. Some might shudder, others cringe at the idea of running a finger along the edge of a sheet of paper. For those who have never had to go through this, congrats. Simply put, the edges of paper, while fragile, are quite sharp and, as it turns out, we tend to have to manipulate paper with our hands.
#4 How Did We Go From Paper Cups And Plastic Straws To Plastic Cups And Paper Straws?
Image credits: Kelownawow
#5 Every Damn Time! Why, Why Can't They Make A Packet That Just Opens
Image credits: Abiwozere
#6 Stickers Like This Are Maybe A Bit More Than Mildly Infuriating
Image credits: reefguy007
One might ask, why do papercuts hurt that much? After all, there is nothing “mild” about one. Most would see it as the main tragedy of the day. In short, it’s a case where our own bodies work against us. Papercuts, mercifully, are often very shallow. The downside is that this means the finger’s pain receptors are exposed to the air without blood to help limit the pain.
#7 These Damn Things
I've yet to hear or see an explanation for how these are formed. And why the hell do hurt so damn much? Mildly infuriating for sure.
Image credits: Dont_hate_the_8
#8 When A Pencil "Eraser" Does This
Image credits: Shysona
#9 This Garbage "Leather" Coating That Eventually Flakes Off And Gets Everywhere
I love these headphones (Anker Soundcore Life Q20), they have great sound quality and noise cancelation for their price. But my GOD can manufacturers stop trying to make imitation leather with this garbage? Every time I use them, my hands and ears get covered in little black flakes.
Image credits: MrZokeyr
Not to mention, your fingers tend to have a lot of sensory receptors, after all, we can obtain a huge amount of information from just touch. In general, this is a good thing most days. However, when cut with a piece of paper, all those helpful little receptors are screaming at our brain that, actually, there is a major issue going on here.
#10 Every Single Time. Why Do We Still Use These?
Image credits: Attack_On_Tiddys
#11 My Copy Of The Scarlet Letter Becomes A Different Book After Page 176
So I bought this copy years ago and finally decided to read it, got to page 176, from there on out, it becomes Treasure Island.
Image credits: Rmacdavid
#12 I'm Sure Someone Said This Already, But Roll Em Around On The Counter, Shell Comes Off Easier That Way
Image credits: skinnyprinsess
To add more insult to injury, most commercial paper is treated with chemicals such as bleach. One doesn’t have to be a medical expert to realize just how uncomfortable, say, bleach can be if it gets in a wound. At the very least, the humble papercut serves as a reminder that even the smallest things can find a way to inflict a lot of discomfort.
#13 I Hate When This Happens
Image credits: YouStas91
#14 When The Keyboard Isn't Qwerty
I don't want it to to be alphabetical I wanted the weird typing configuration.
Image credits: yikes_amillion
#15 I Can't Understand The Logic Of Putting The Power Button Right Next To The Delete And Backspace Keys
Image credits: TheAnswerToYang
#16 My Prize Winning Carrot From This Year’s Harvest
Image credits: DelicatessenCataract
#17 The Bacon I Saw Through The Plastic vs. The Rest Of The Pack
The first few pieces looked great. Then opened it up to find the rest of it is mostly fat. I like a fatty piece of bacon, but there is a limit and the misrepresentation is mildly infuriating.
Image credits: canucme3
#18 I Just Peeled A Banana, Then Threw It Into Trash But Kept The Peel In My Hand
Image credits: illigal
#19 I Hate You Home Depot. How Hard Is It To Get Labels That Don't Disintegrate When You Try And Peel Them?
Image credits: Dry_Possibility_4075
#20 70% Of My Essay Is Being Detected As AI, Depite Not Using Any AI
this is due very soon, and i have no idea how im going to make my OWN writting look less ai written.
Image credits: Affectionate-Oil2612
#21 When Jeans Seams Make This Move Around Your Leg
Image credits: kurtmorrison
#22 It Happens Earlier Every Year. It's September, They Have Already Started Taking Down The Halloween Modules
Image credits: spawn989
#23 Every Time My Phone Updates It Downloads A Handful Of These Spammy Games
Title is pretty self explanatory. My phone does a security update and a halful of these games appear when it's done.
Image credits: Tank_Girl_Gritty_235
#24 Less Than A Foot Of Leg Room And No Window? I Hate What Air Travel Has Become
Image credits: rraj2357
#25 I Feel This Only Happens To People Who Are 5'5" - 5'9"
Image credits: riyiyi
#26 My Clothes Washer Has Had One Minute Left For The Past 7 Minutes
Image credits: Yosho2k
#27 Paying Off My Student Loan Counted As "Closing An Account" And My Credit Score Went Down
How am I supposed to build credit if paying off loans hurts me? Also mildly infuriating is that I am now 1 point off of having "good" credit.
Image credits: Crusader_King_2002
#28 When You Wake Up With Your Pillow Sticking Out Of Your Pillow Case
Image credits: louiemay99
#29 I Have One Of Those Toothpick Shake Bottles And It Popped Open When I Was Trying To Get One
Image credits: csplex
#30 Everything Is Locked Up
Came for boxer briefs. I had to track someone down just to get these unlocked. I pointed at a 10 pack and said “the 10pack in medium” and they grabbed a 6 pack… of course i didnt check (which adds to my mild infuriation lol) just because i thought they saw and heard. They were both the same price so it only made sense. Didnt realize until i got home. Thought it was fine cause i had to get tums, to find the same thing… and find another associate. Finding someone took about 5mins. The funny thing is they just hand it over right after and let you take it to the front.
Image credits: yadielc4kaboom
#31 Opened A Fresh Jar Of Marmalade And It Seems To Have Gone Bad
Recently bought a jar of marmalade and I opened it for the first time today to spread on my English muffin, but it looks like it’s moldy. And while I was trying to google of it was maybe just sugar crystallization I burnt the English muffin.
Image credits: Sleepy_Badger675
#32 So This Just Happened…
Just heard a large rumble, rumble, crash upstairs. I can’t understand why this happened. There was only 1000 hangars + 1000 shoes.
Must have been the dust!
Image credits: Sea_Nature_5866
#33 Window Seat With No Window???
I’ve never been on a flight where the window seat has no window! If my job wasn’t paying for this I’d be super salty about paying for a non-existent view. But as it is, I’m just mildly infuriated.
Image credits: RockingInTheCLE
#34 So This New “American” Restaurant Opened In Town And I Can’t Enjoy My Food Because Of This
Image credits: itsyvngjay
#35 Every. God. Damn. Time. All Three Tabs, Torn Through
Image credits: UnclePlanty
#36 Every Time
Image credits: theydivideconquer
#37 The Way This Computer Reverse These Letters Just To Represent Recycling. I Thought There Was An Issue With It. It’s So Annoying
Image credits: ShadowGamerGirl_xoxx
#38 Freshly Opened Can Of Jam Has A Big Patch Of Mold. It Even Made The Popping Sound When The Seal Broke
Image credits: 3vanescence
#39 Honda Civic Decided It Doesn't Want To Show Me The Fuel Tank Level Today. One Of The Reason Why I Hate The Move To Digital
Image credits: otherwisemilk
#40 Quizzes Are Hard. I Was Doing An Online Quiz And This Was One Of The Questions... Definitely Mildly Infuriating
Image credits: ScouseLoki
#41 Thanks, Alarm
Image credits: slightlyupscale
#42 Orbit - I Hate Your Packaging
Why is it so difficult to remove a piece of gum from their packaging? Why do they insist on using the world’s strongest glue to place every piece?
Image credits: Gabronius
#43 One Tip Left From The Dishes And Then This Happened
Was just about to clean the last of the dishes for the day, but suddenly it slipped through a finger. The only lesson I learned is to not wash the dishes when feeling sleepy!
Image credits: NoticeMeSenDiePie
#44 I Read It That Way Too LOL
Image credits: zachsilberberg
#45 It Appears There Was A Spider Egg In My Computer, Any Advice?
Image credits: Duck_Shover
#46 Spent The Last 3 Hours On This Puzzle For This To Happen
I swear I've triple-checked all the other pieces are in the right spot.
Image credits: chasinghappin3ss
#47 I Don't Follow Him. I Even Blocked Him. But After A Short Time He's Always Unblocked And I Get Notifications For His Brainded Tweets
Image credits: Zarksch
#48 Beats Studio Pro Constantly Rips My Hair Out
These damn things rip my hair out EVERY time I use them. Switching back to earbuds.
Image credits: VioletSonja
#49 I Hate Laffy Taffy Packaging
Image credits: the_Robloxian1
#50 Vet Prescribed This Insanely Large Pill For My 25 Pound Dog
(One of my pills also shown for scale.) To make this even more infuriating, the vet also told me I'm overfeeding my dog and need to cut back on treats... Umm sir? How on earth is having to cut one of these monstrosities into 8(!) slices like a gd pie and then serve them inside individual treats going to cut down, like at all? Did I mention she needs to have one of these things TWICE DAILY??
Image credits: Chimerain