“It’s the thought that counts” is an excuse made up by people who are terrible at giving gifts. You can’t convince me otherwise.
Not only is it hurtful and embarrassing to unwrap something completely useless, but it’s also a hassle to figure out how to get rid of it—making the whole thing unnecessarily wasteful. And let’s not forget the awkward act you have to put on to pretend you like it. Truly, a nightmare from start to finish.
With that in mind, we’ve put together a list of some of the worst Christmas presents people have ever received. Scroll down to see them, and let us know if you’ve ever been stuck with something just as bad!
More info: Mumsnet
My mum once got me a beautiful, glossy diary with renaissance art on every other page.
Then she read my diary, decided she didn't like what I'd written (I was 14) so she said she "burned it".
Thanks mum!

Image credits: SwordToFlamethrower
Every year a certain family member gets me bath bombs. I cannot use them as i am alergic to them. I have suggested things i would prefer every year like chocolates or a good bottle of wine. This family member always fails to listen. I am fed up of pretending to be greatful.

Image credits: KookyGreenHelper
The most bizarre present I received was from two employees.
It was a china lobster pot, with gold highlights, with china lobsters and crabs running all over it decorated with china roses and a vase as part of the back of it. I think DH and I laughed for about 30 minutes straight after opening it. It took pride of place in our bathroom for many years until a visitor broke it . The following year they gave us a brown resin fish with red rhinestone eyes which I also admired greatly as it was completely insane.

Image credits: DemonicCaveMaggot
My MIL got me a baking tray again. I have no idea why, because I hate any form of cooking.
She also gave me a gift token for DH’s favourite restaurant, that I don’t like at all.
DH got me quite pretty, very overpriced polyester PJs, two sizes too big.
I have recently started night sweats and hot flushes. If I didn’t like polyester before, I sure as hell can’t wear it now.
On the plus side MIL hates cats with a passion, and my cat sat staring at her furiously all through the christmas dinner. It really put MIL off her food and that was very funny.

Image credits: Crayfishforyou
A homemade (but low quality) ham sandwich and a bottle of cheap (really cheap) wine.
I don't eat ham and don't drink alcohol. It was like the guy just gave me half his lunch and some petrol station quality booze.

Image credits: Scirocco
The guy I was dating put £10 in a card. The card was definitely one from a pack, not one he'd specifically chosen for me. Then he got mad because my presents to him were better.
One year, for my birthday (which I know isn't the question but it's right after Christmas), my family gave me a stadium tour of the football team my dad and brothers support. I don't give a s**t about football...

Image credits: F**koffeeBeforeCoffee ·
A half used bottle of perfume

Image credits: Cornecopia
When I was about 17 my mother and sister got me a pair of next jeans a couple of sizes too small so I could “fit into them” because I was “going to go on diet anyway”
for context my sister has seriously disordered eating even years after this incident so it’s more a reflection of her own self esteem I think

Image credits: Edizzler25
Ped Egg from my MIL, i asked DH why an earth she got me that and he said because i was always moaning my feet were rough. No dear YOU were always moaning my feet were rough

Image credits: HeadsAlwaysSpinnig
My then mid twenties SIL bought my husband (her brother) and me (also mid-twenties) a framed photo of herself.

Image credits: meatyryvita
My husband got me SEVEN (individual) pairs of socks that don't fit. Despite my helpfulness of providing a wish list.
Women's socks don't fit me as I'm very tall and have proportionate feet, so I wear men's.
I especially can't wear slippers socks as they are super snug. He proudly presented three pairs "because he's not seen me wear mine and thought I needed new".
His face when I said no, they just don't fit like the pair last year, and the year before and I've told you multiple times.
Still. Beats the year he said he'd seen an electric blanket in Lidl and I in no uncertain terms said do not buy me that. He did.

Image credits: Shaunthesleep
A box of biscuits from my mother. The same year my sibling got a car.

Image credits: walltowallkents
DH once gave me a posh (Japanese?) carving knife as my Christmas present.
I hadn't asked for one, so I was a bit confused - until the turkey was ready to serve and he said "where's that new carving knife?" and proceeded to open up "my" present and use it.
He has got a lot better at present buying since then...

Image credits: RockaLock
My ex husband once gave me two books as stocking fillers - one that was something I would never read, and I had already read the other one. He was always kind, but almost never thoughtful

Image credits: Barbarella73
After having my first baby in the November, I asked my mum for a pair of boots for Christmas, when she gave me my present I was quite excited as it was a box the same size as if it was the boots I wanted, when I opened it I was mortified to see it was a soft doll with a baby one in its pocket,
when I asked her why she thought I would want that as I had a 4 week old baby, her
response was “well I like it so if you don’t want it then I’ll have it” she then went and put it on her bed

Image credits: 60sbird
MIL got me a chest freezer which didn't fit into my house but conveniently fitted into her utility, she looked after it for me for years. Surprised she didn't charge me for storage.

Image credits: indignantpigmy
My fil and his second wife, who was horrible, bought me an expensive bottle of an obscure liqueur every single year. I don't drink alcohol often and if I do, I certainly don't drink that muck. I tried to tell them not to get me anything and told them several times that I don't drink, but every year it turned up.
Anyway, my friend's mum was always grateful for them as prizes in a raffle she organised!

Image credits: Wendolino
A box of naice but out-of-date chocolate biscuits from an Uncle. It was a regift as we had given them to him last year. He didn't even bother to remove the gift tag that I had stuck on!

Image credits: BeeCucumber
My first husband only ever gave me one gift. A vile plastic bracelet with some cheap gemstones glued onto it. You could see all the glue.
I dumped his sorry arse years ago but was absolutely fuming when I saw the birthday present he gave to our son for his 40th ....it was a used CD I remember him buying many years ago of the musical Oliver. Not wrapped no card just a note to say please send this back when you've watched it.

Image credits: Gettingbysomehow
One of my older sisters gave me half a pack of Christmas window stickers.
Then she had a strop because I didn't buy her some fancy perfume she'd asked for. I got her a book.
The reason I got her a small token gift in the shape of a book is because she has form for shitty gift giving and I don't engage with her any more. For my wedding she gave me a few pounds in loose change (I got her a kitchen aid for the record, something she asked for and something that cost me a lot of money). She's not short of money and neither is her husband.
I knew she'd give me junk again this year so there was no way I was spending anything other than a tenner on her. She's an entitled cow.
Twilight pin badges from an ex. I don’t even like the movies that much

Image credits: Lilacbloomers
My sister in law once got me the cheapest, most awful neon pink gloves.
We no longer exchange gifts.

Image credits: Oreosareawful
So much choice with my MIL. I should have known the bar was set low when the first year I was dating DH she got me a crochet toilet roll holder for Xmas . Nothing says welcome to the family more than that
There followed numerous random presents over the years . I particularly liked the purple dress phase where I received no less than 5 purple dresses in a row for birthday and Xmas. All different styles and sizes from an 8 to a 14 and all arriving without tags so couldn't even return. I have never shown a preference for purple clothes so who knows where that came from
She died a few years ago and I do miss her at Xmas

Image credits: Puravida23
I had a boyfriend twice my age when I was 18, we'd nearly dated a year by the time Christmas came round.
For weeks, he kept going on about the amazing Christmas gift he'd got me, I was so excited. I'd bought him some posh aftershave and a nice shaving kit and was looking forward to exchanging presents.
The day came and I giddily opened my present, only to find a money box, a chalk, clown money box... With it's big red shoe chipped... I kind of looked round, bewildered, thinking it was a joke, but it really wasn't! He was so smug and so proud of himself for getting me this perfect gift.
Now, don't get me wrong, I appreciate anything I'm given, I'm not ungrateful at all, I never have been. But it was the whole run up to this gift that was the issue. It was amazing, I'd absolutely love it etc... Talk about a let down! Before anyone jumps in to say maybe it was all he could afford, it wasn't! He had enough money to go to the pub every night for a few beers! Obviously I wasn't high on his list!
I think it "sadly" got broken not long after that!
(We broke up a couple of months later when he tried to get me to get with the barmaid of our local pub! She had the good grace to let me in on what was going on, when I shunned her advances. So I marched back into the bar and promptly poured my pint over his head and stomped out! Never saw him again!)

Image credits: MoonWoman69
Well, as the steam mop was for my birthday, and to stick to the Christmas present theme, probably a Ralph Lauren jumper from a charity shop with a weird blue stain on the shoulder and actual gravy on the sleeves. I've never worn or wanted designer clothes in my life, and this one was two sizes too small and made of horrible tightly knitted thick wool, it was almost solid.

Image credits: 19Questions
A stuffed squirrel wrapped in a tea towel !

Image credits: Gatekeeper
A size 18 to 20 dressing gown from DH. I am small size 10 ?. I was less than impressed and managed to wrap it aoj d me twice. Thankfully I took it back to Tesco as he kept the receipt to swap it. The lady who swapped it burst out laughing when I told her it was for and wondered if he wore his Christmas dinner instead of got to eat it.
On the light hearted side of things my then boyfriends step mum bought me a Hannah Montana lipgloss set when I was about 19 or 20, I might have even been a bit older! She'd only had sons and had no idea what was age appropriate for women, but she was the best so i didn't mind.
More recently an in law gave me and my DH a joint gift of a small box of those little incense cones, but the box was all smashed up and broken where they'd clearly pulled it out from the back of a cupboard where they'd sat for years.

Image credits: Deliberationdivinationdesperation
A £50 voucher for ASDA. Every year for a decade. Nothing wrong with an ASDA voucher at all, It's just at the time I lived about 70 miles away from the nearest one, I asked from the next year if he could swap it for a Tesco one then I would be able to use them..
He went mad and never got me anything again!
Cotton wool pads. Two packets, each separately wrapped and under the Christmas tree. From my parents. I was 22, broke and certainly not someone who "had everything" or hard to buy for- I love reading, music, you name it. Even a voucher would have been fine!!

Image credits: TheListThatNeverEnds
My grandma got me a box with Granada written on it some place in Spain apparently, she has never been there and an umbrella inside with it was birthday wrapping paper from her sister to her, so all second hand gifts. My birthday is the week before I have had presents wrapped in Xmas paper or didn't get anything as I was told its nearly Christmas anyway
Bright orange underwear from Agent Provocateur. I hated the colour, it wasn't practical, it wasn't comfortable and it didn''t fit.
I broke the strap just trying to get the bra on and promptly returned it and bought a very pragmatic camera bag that I loved.
Needless to say, the relationship ended within months.

Image credits: BlackJacktheDog
Well my aunt gave my dad a single pillowcase with "I don't need Google, my wife knows everything" printed on it.
We have no idea what she was thinking.

Image credits: CeratopsofthePharoahs
I once received a black corset type satiny undergarment bra type thing with bright pink roses all over it! It just wasn’t me. It was from M&S so I tried to return it only to be told it was years old and definitely not current season! How embarrassing!
A poncho from primark with the £1 price label still attached from my now ex-SIL. She had bought my mum a Tiffany jewellery set and handed that over at the same time. She hated me but then again she hates everybody

Image credits: PestoPastaChaChaCha
Our tradition was we unwrapped presents in turn around the tree. I would have been I think 12/13 and quite self conscious with the entire family watching I opened up a stocking filler from my mum- four quite Lacey thongs. I nearly died on the spot and the boys in the family started sniggering. I asked why? She said she thought they would be useful when I played sports! I also had a bottle of greasey hair shampoo from an aunt and a set of coat hangers from another aunt- practical I suppose.

Image credits: Cyclebabble
A teddy bear that moved around on wheels and played Thriller when you switched it on.
A cheese board containing packets of cheese. unfortunately they didn’t tell us what it was or even to refrigerate. it sat under the tree for around 10 days. it was a fizzy cheese drink when we opened it. yes the living room smelled - i kept accusing people of farting.
Anti wrinkle cream from MIL in my early 30’s erm thanks

Image credits: Myfirstbornisacollie
Nicely wrapped but they were a flavour I would never eat ever. That was the whole gift. After I had specially ordered something very expensive from America, paid extra postage for it to come to the U.K., and import duties and fees. All because it was the “one thing she really wanted” that year and I knew there was no one else who would get it for her.
Our relationship has expired since.
Tickets to go and see a film my SIL’s husband wanted to see was very weird. I ended up giving my gift to SIL because I just wasn’t interested and everyone who knows me knows I already have a cinema pass for that cinema and free tickets through that pass. It was weird.
A book on napkin folding from MIL
A bottle of perfume from MIL (who I detest) called Envy that was so vile it made me nauseous. I’m sure that wasn’t planned…..
A bottle of prosecco from a close family member when I was 6 months pregnant..!
I worked with a lovely lady many years ago, her fiancé got her an iron for Xmas, but as she knew beforehand about it he also got her a surprise pressie to open….
guess what?
Yep an ironing board
My mum bought me an umbrella for Christmas when I was 12
5 weeks after having a baby mil bought me an old lady cardigan 2 sizes too big. Went straight in the charity bag
I have a December birthday, and a couple of years ago MIL got me an iron for my birthday and an ironing board for Christmas.
I received a voucher for afternoon tea for 1.
Guess I’ll pay for someone to join me !
I got a muffin tray. I don't bake and have never baked. I don't like muffins so I've no idea why I got a muffin tray.
I got two backscratchers from my DM.
I once got a tin of Heinz spaghetti… it was a ‘joke’ present for my dad. It was such a weird shape and feel as a gift that I ended up opening it in front of my best friend (I was 14-15) she was from a posher family than me. It was just a weird thing to do - I mean I did quite like eating Heinz spaghetti but just why?

Image credits: ShouldIstayorgogogo
Framed photos of my big old face. Lovely

Image credits: Game0fCrones
Aww you've just reminded of the year my sister in law bought me:
Deicer for my car.
My husband used it one morning to deice my car & then by the time I got out there it had frozen onto the windscreen & I couldn't see out.
I saw it in the garage the other day & felt the rage all over again.
Said sister in law has now died & I fear my husband will want to keep the deicer forever as a reminder of how thoughtful she was (n't)

Image credits: vix3rd
I don’t think I’ve ever received anything truly awful. No half eaten boxes of chocolates or clothes that are several sizes out. I did once receive (unsolicited) a handbag that tested my ‘Oh, how lovely’ face. It was an orange, velvet bucket bag. It was just so random.

Image credits: Birdscratch
I got a bottle of vodka as a secret Santa gift in work. I’m not a big drinker, don’t really drink vodka and was also quite heavily pregnant at the time.
Still though, i did have some cocktails many months later that I quite enjoyed so maybe it wasn’t such a bad gift!
A toaster from XMIL, ours had broken so she gave me one so that her precious son could have his toast in the morning.
I don't ever eat toast!
Oh, and the toilet rolls I used to get every year from my mum, and not as a joke either
Microwave cleaner from my MIL
A plastic bag full of free hotel toiletries that my Mil had collected whilst on holiday in Japan. Everyone else got a thoughtful gift.
From my MiL back in the 70s, a shortie nylon overall in lurid shades of purple and orange. Every year she used to knot my DC a jumper each for Christmas. They used to cry if I tried to get them to wear them because the necks were so tight it almost pulled their ears of to get them on and off.
A periscope!
Earrings from the in-laws. I've not had my ears pierced for 20 years.
My mum and dad bought me a dish washing up brush a few years ago. One that looks like a lady’s head on the handle. I was so angry I unwrapped it and chucked it in the bin in a major strop all within seconds.
yet my brother would of got exactly what he asked for and a hell of a lot more. I’m still angry about that bloody brush!
A gardening set when I didn’t have a garden at the time off DH aunt. The same year I berated her after she insulted me to all the family behind my back that I was ungrateful because I never sent her a thank you text for a birthday present. I did send a thank you and screenshot it complete with date and time stamp and sent it in an actual card to prove a point. She still thinks I’m arrogant, I’m just really petty and dislike being spoken about badly when I’m a nice person. Last year she got squirrels in her loft. Had to fumigate and deep clean because of urine and faeces. I got a pack of ritz crackers in a half eaten tube that had been clearly been pissed on with a half eaten soap set. DH got a mouldy pair of squirrel piss slippers and mauled boxer shorts. Everyone else had fresh expensive gifts that weren’t stored in her loft. We haven’t bought for her this year and don’t have plans to see her. We’ve told family we don’t want presents. Zero agro would be splendid.
A wall mounted wooden key holder with a painted Native American man on it. I don't know why the gifter was so convinced I'd like it.

Image credits: Nottodaygoaway
A box of 3 flowery hankies from an aunt when I was a teenager.
A size 18 nightie with the 'sale' sticker still stuck to it, from my Dad. I was a size 8 at the time and he had plenty of money.
A couple of years ago my STBXH (it's so great to type that?) got me a bottle of Waitrose Essentials balsamic vinegar in my stocking. He thought it was hilarious - I didn't, and still don't, get the joke
spare hard drive
I got two presents from DO. One was two pairs of ski socks. I've never been skiing in my life. Then he started nudging me to open the second present. It was silk liners to go inside the ski socks.
The gift that helped me realise my ex boyfriend was cheating on me!

Image credits: Tarnishedbutton