It’s that time of year, my friends. As the office shutdown period approaches and the silly season looms, there’s only one final frontier to conquer — the office Christmas party.
While the purpose of the end-of-year shindig is to celebrate the great work you’ve done with your team and let loose after a big year, it can be a little bit precarious. After all, the drinks are flowing and HR is usually still present… even if they are chowing down on the canapés and talking about their golf handicap.
So, in order to prepare yourself for a wonderful Christmas party and an anxiety-free beginning of the holiday season, here are seven non-negotiable rules you should stick to. Or, don’t — but don’t come crying to me when you’ve accidentally told Judy from sales that you’re unlovable and might die alone.

1. Getting drunk is no bueno
One of the biggest dangers at the work Christmas party is the free-flowing alcohol. It is soooo easy to go from joyously tipsy to falling asleep on the wayward couch in a club bathroom. Whether that’s from having a blast with your colleagues or sipping on the house red to make the clock tick faster, it happens and tragically, I’ve been there.
If you don’t drink, easy as. But if you do, it’s important to remember that the work Christmas party isn’t the same as going out with your mates on a Saturday. Getting absolutely shitfaced can come with consequences. Even if you have the coolest, most chill colleagues, getting drunk is never recommended.
However, we all love a cheeky tipple and the feeling of being a lil’ bit buzzed. So, in the spirit of Christmas, here are some tips to help you steer away the dangerous depths of drunkenness and keep you hydrated throughout the night.
- Try and drink one glass of water between each alcoholic beverage.
- Before bed, drink 1L of water (bonus points for chucking in some Hydralite or Liquid IV) and pop two headache tablets.
- Opt for hydrating bevvies like a tequila soda instead of only guzzling the rosé.

2. Don’t forget to eat!
Another way to stop yourself from suddenly being drunk at the Christmas party is to make sure you eat! I know there’s a lot of gossip to be said and tea to spill but without eating you’ll get drunk before you realise it and suddenly, the whispers will be about you.
Plus, in most cases, the food is catered and on your company’s dime so I say chow down.
3. Try to look happy to be there
I know the work Christmas party isn’t fun for everyone. For some, it’s incredibly anxiety-inducing and for others, seeing their colleagues let loose outside of the office is like watching a dog walk comfortably on its hind legs.
Regardless of whether you enjoy the hullabaloo of the festivities, it’s important to remember that your boss and your company have good intentions. It’s an acknowledgement of how hard you’ve worked that year and a thank you for the effort you’ve put in.
In a show of good faith, it’s always nice to stick around for a couple of hours. Or, at least until your boss does a little speech. Then, once you’ve made an appearance, and had a nice chat to John from finance about his two kids, feel free to frog and toad.

4. No Trauma dumping
For those familiar with my work here at PEDESTRIAN.TV, you’d know I love to sprinkle some trauma some silly little stories, into my articles. After all, nothing adds sparkle like a dash of IRL experience, don’t you think? However, my big mouth and oversharing antics only get worse after a few bevvies.
In the past, I’ve woken up in a cold sweat from anxiety (and sometimes a hangover) over what I’d said to my colleagues the night before. And, truthfully, trauma dumping can be awkward for everyone involved. Not everyone is in the right frame of mind to hear about your problems.
This year I am on high alert and have added “I do not trauma dump to my colleagues” to my morning affirmations.

5. Hook up at your own risk
Let this be a stern reminder to all my single friends — hooking up with your colleagues at the work Christmas party is a dangerous, frivolous game.
After a year of making eyes across the water cooler and asking if your hot associate takes sugar in their coffee, it’s only natural that the sexual tension finally builds to a boiling point after a few schooners of IPA at the local pub. However, if you really are going to get down to clown with a workmate, please, for the love of god, don’t do it anywhere the whole office can see. And, don’t forget, your work-crush hook-up is not going to be as sexy the next day, in the gleam of the fluorescent office lighting.
Sometimes, a crush is best left as a crush.

(Image: Love, Actually)
6. Be careful what you post on socials
Your work Christmas party may be held in silly season, but it’s important to think of your digital footprint even if you’re a few pints in. After all, whether you want to be or not, you’re representing your company and could face repercussions from your business if you post anything that goes against its social media policy.
Your employee has the right to take disciplinary action if you post inappropriate content — even if it’s after hours.

7. Good vibes or GTFO
This one is arguably the most important. If you’re not having a good time, you don’t have to stay. Yes, it’s important to make an appearance and engage in the festivities for an appropriate amount of time. You’re a team member, after all.
However, with every event — work Christmas party or not — there comes a time when you’ve had enough. You’re not really vibing with the song choice, the bar tab runs out and the idea of going to kick-ons at Barry’s apartment complex really doesn’t hit the spot.
As soon as this happens, don’t say yes to “one last drink”. Take that as your cue to leave.
So there you have it! Whether you follow my rules or not, I hope you have a wonderful time at your work Christmas party. And, most importantly, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. That should give you a little bit of wiggle room.
The post 7 Rules For Attending The Work Christmas Party Without Making An Ass Of Yourself… Again appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .