You have probably seen a person change their mind about disliking something the second they hear their friend, for instance, say that they love it. Or witnessed someone push through what looks like torture to them, all the while trying to squeeze out a sincere (-looking) smile.
For one reason or another, some people choose to pretend to like something when they actually don’t. And similarly to said reasons, the things they pretend to like tend to differ from person to person. Members of the ‘Ask Reddit’ community recently discussed what things they believe others lie about liking, and there were quite a few things they pointed their fingers at. Scroll down to find them on the list below and feel free to upvote the ones you agree with the most.
Flat earth theory.
I'm entirely convinced no one is that stupid and theyre just acting to be a part of something.

Image credits: NippleMuncher42069
Staff team building and bonding.

Image credits: sicksquid75
Being sung by a group of people Happy Birthday to You.

Image credits: QueenMaya2
Gender reveal parties.

Image credits: kmga43
Loud AF music at social events.

Image credits: AdDifferent4711
High heels. I’ve never been able to wear with without crazy pain - no matter which ones I’ve tried!

Image credits: LostLadyA

Image credits: Hells-Bellz
Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Watched it with my college roommates a couple of times and I was just like “I don’t get it” the entire time. I am really big into makeup and I found two of Kylie’s lip kits very discounted (ten dollars a piece when they were normally going for thirty dollars a piece) and I really didn’t get the appeal. I saw a conspiracy theory on a different subreddit saying that Kylie’s makeup line is a money laundering scheme at this point and that is something that I could actually get behind!
Summer... the heat is unbearable!

Image credits: firewingdale
Their "glamorous " Instagram life.

Image credits: anon
Clowns. Just, clowns.

Image credits: OIL_OF_OLAY
Showering with your partner. Like I have things to do here and you’re in my way.
Ridiculously loud cars even when they are driving slow.
I know it's always going to be easier on the person making the sound but they got to find it annoying when other cars are loud to a corny level.

Image credits: TheBatSignal
Poly relationships.
I have several friends who all tried poly relationships at some point in their life and every single one ended in disaster, and whenever they were all together in the same room at least one person looked like they were miserable and pretending to be ok with what was going on.
Someone always got jealous or someone cheated. Or it was an excuse for 3-4 people to fuck each other for a few months until someone got bored and the people that were actually into it got hurt.
I’m not saying it can’t work, but I have seen zero evidence that it does. I also feel like long-term monogamous relationships are hard, why would adding another person into that relationship make things better or easier?

Image credits: Opening-Future3991
Thong underwear and cheeky swimsuits.

Image credits: Audiene
Stanley cups. The design is literally so stupid. It’s annoying to have to hold the weight of a full water bottle with your wrist. I would rather have a water bottle that has a handle on top so I can carry it comfortably.

Image credits: wowza6969420
Going to night clubs.

Image credits: mrsock_puppet
Yoko Ono's singing.

Image credits: SuperMalarioBros
Super hot stuff. A little hot sauce from time to time adds a fun kick to some foods. But at a certain point you stop tasting 90% of what you're eating and are just trying to withstand the ridiculous ghost reaper of death evil wing sauce that you put on your wings to look manlier I guess.

Image credits: victorbarst
Freestyle jazz music. To me, it sounds like a bunch of guys with instruments, each doing their own warmup routine while standing on the stage together. Doesn’t feel like a tune as much as it does noise.

Image credits: beeedeee
Small talk.

Image credits: Cute-Owl-13
Influencer lifestyles.. especially things like van life. You see them all smiles in their pics, but you know they are hating every minute of it.

Image credits: ZapatillaLoca
NASCAR. I'm convinced people only watch for the chance of crashes, there's no way watching cars go in the same loop for 2 hours is actually entertaining.
Meet&Greets with celebrities.
"This was so life changing?"
You just met another human being. NOTHING changed.

Image credits: SadlyNotDannyDeVito
Getting black out drunk. I understand getting fun drunk, because it's actually fun. But black out drunk? Why? What's the point?

Image credits: Arny520
"Passion" for any corporate money-driven job. It's just not human nature to get longterm and worthwhile fulfilment from ephemeral sh*t like sales numbers.

Image credits: Slush-e
Smoking cigarettes.

Image credits: imyoungever
Pictures of other people's kids.
5 a.m. work outs.

Image credits: Mrslee1317
Listening to people at work describing their weekends, especially on a Monday.

Image credits: Mediocre_Can_2701
Parades. It's just people walking by.

Image credits: IrianJaya
Pyramid schemes.
Matcha. might as well just dump some lawn clippings in a blender and drink that.
Having BUSY Social Lives with always having s**t to do/attend to, etc...etc...
Raising children. Nothing about it looks enjoyable.

Image credits: Leipopo_Stonnett
Working out. The results are rewarding, but not the actual process of working out.

Image credits: darlingyas
The sitcom Friends.
Painfully unfunny.
Bob Dylan’s voice (not his lyrics or compositions).
Mr. Beast videos.
Shower s*x.
Weddings, c'mon people be honest.
Long beards.
Children’s birthday parties.

Image credits: tobeFRANK_uk
First dates. I'm sorry. 9 times out of 10 they're awkward and boring.

Image credits: Livid_Race_3086

Image credits: Daclaud-Lee-1892
Running marathons.
Technology conferences, trade shows and networking events. The worst, but everyone puts on their game face.
Black licorice. It's hard for me to believe there are humans that find the taste enjoyable. The smell alone makes me gag. It's gotta be a genetic thing like how cilantro tastes terrible to some people. For the record, I like cilantro.
Kevin Hart movies.
Little kids Christmas concerts.
Running. Like what the f**k.

Image credits: YouWannaHotToddy
IPAs. I enjoy beer, but I've never tasted an IPA that wasn't extremely bitter, unpleasant s**t.
Straight liquor shots.
La Croix, Bubbly, and other seltzer waters. They taste like f*****g aspirin.
Tonic Water. Taste like stomach acid after you throw up. Love me some Gin, but don't ruin it with that c**p.
Honestly, alcohol. Drinking for enjoyment is something I cannot comprehend. Never have I ever drank some alcohol and genuinely enjoyed the taste of it. Cider was close, but I might as well just drink a fizzy drink then.
Sure, some/most might drink to get drunk, but that too gets boring after a certain age and after a while it comes at the cost of a hangover.

Image credits: CuriousTuljan
GIVING someone a massage.
Learning languages. It’s fun when it pays off but forgetting a language you invested a lot of time in learning is an awful feeling.
Pride and Prejudice. The book. The movies. Any of it. Is insufferably boring.
Blue cheese.
Its f*****g mold guys.