Getting angry is an unavoidable part of being a human being. It’s a reaction to the unfairness you perceive around you—whether real or imagined. But if you blow up at the drop of a hat and go through your day-to-day life fuming over everything and anything, you’re not doing your health or your relationships any favors.
Internet user u/MidnightMoonSecret got the members of the r/AskReddit community to open up about the ridiculous reasons someone got mad at them. We’ve collected some of their best stories, ranging from the simply silly to the downright outrageous. Scroll down to have a read!
Back when i was living with my parents.
I was cleaning all day. From vacuuming to dishes to cleaning windows. But i forgot one single plate on the counter. When my parents got home, I got an 1,5 hour lecture about how worthless i was and that i was ruining my future.
Yes i had very toxic parents and it destroyed my mental health.

Image credits: GoodAlicia
My mom told me to tell my aunt something even though my aunt was clearly in ear shot. So I walked over and repeated my mom's exact words like I was told, but then mom screamed at me for not listening and apparently saying something completely different from what she said. Then slapped me hard enough for me to fall over.
My aunt then turned around and defended me by saying to my mom "I heard both of you, he literally repeated what you said. What's wrong with you?" My mom responded by grounding me right there and stomping out of the room.
Idk man seemed ridiculous to 6-Year-Old me. But now it sounds even worse now that I know that adults aren't supposed to act like children given a tyants power.
Just kind of a weirdo thing I suppose ¯_(ツ)_/¯.
I held the door open for him. He didn't like that, I guess because I'm a woman and it endangered his "manhood". So he threatened to physically assault me over it.
I just said "Thank you!" in a bubbly tone and otherwise pretended he didn't exist. Doing that rubs salt in their wounds - because they want you to be scared, not friendly.

Image credits: dude_comeon_wut
It’s common sense, but it bodes repeating: chronic anger is incredibly bad for your body. A paper in the Journal of Medicine and Life notes that anger is linked to a higher risk of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, bulimic behavior, and type 2 diabetes.
‘Everyday Health’ points out that anger makes the body release stress hormones, which, over time, can affect the health of the heart. In short, anger worsens the heart muscle’s ability to pump blood. As a result, you can develop high blood pressure and more serious complications, from stroke and heart attack to metabolic syndrome.
My son, as a toddler, once got mad at me because his right foot wasn't his left foot. Kid had a full on tantrum. .

Image credits: anon
Ex cheated on me, we broke up, and then he got mad like 5 months later when I started dating someone else. Still scratching my head over that one.

Image credits: Particular-Natural12
I dont know if it relates to this post, but I was heavily downvoted for commenting my favorite color in a post that literally said, "What's your favorite colour".

Image credits: Medical-Entrance858
According to research, people who are prone to angering quickly are at greater risk of coronary heart disease and, as a result, death and complications. Meanwhile, individuals who constantly get angry and stressed also have a greater chance of developing various arrhythmias. This is the effect of adrenaline, which can result in electrical changes in the heart.
Furthermore, anger can even wreck your digestive system! Pankaj Jay Pasricha, MD, the chair of medicine at Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona, told ‘Everyday Health’ that all of the stress you feel can lead to a lot of unpleasantness in your gastrointestinal tract.
For instance, you might experience abdominal pain, have an upset stomach, or even get diarrhea. If left unchecked, chronic stress can even morph into inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and gastroesophageal reflux disease.
My husband and I went on a 5th year anniversary trip. TWO people were mad at us for not inviting them. His brother was one of them. Those same 2 people were mad because we went on our honeymoon and didn't invite them.

Image credits: SunflowerPrincesxoX
I refuse some piece of cake. At first politely, then she insisted a dozen of time, then, I just said "I already said no, I wont' change my mind". She got so mad, that she cried and all.
To make it even more ridiculous, her own father had just made a good comment about my progress with my eating disorder. (Since, you know, I actually ate 5 full bites of the main dishes that day. Yeah, it was bad back then).
She shouldn't even have offered cake to me, to begin with. Let alone insist. Like it was very well known that I had big big trouble eating, and the more you pressured me, the more I had trouble.
Come to think of it, I should have been the one to get mad about it.
I answered the phone too quickly...
I work at a call center. She got mad because she was expecting a 30 min hold time and wasn't ready for me when I answered right away. Yeah she wanted a hold time. I offered to wait a moment while she got ready and she got more mad and hung up on me. -.-.

Image credits: SecretCitizen40
Though anger has its time and place and calls us to action, you have to pick your battles. If you’re angry all the time, you’re shortening your lifespan… and probably pushing away the people around you.
No matter how you spin things, you have to learn how to let some frustrations go, how to calm down quickly, and to accept the world around you as it is (however imperfect). Forgiveness, no matter how difficult, is the healthiest outcome for you.
One side of this is psychological (changing your mindset and how you react to your environment), while the other is physical (how you manage your lifestyle). Exercise, meditation, a healthy diet, spending time in nature, starting a gratitude journal, being around pleasant company, finding the time for your hobbies, etc. are all ways you can manage your stress a bit better.
A friend's wife ordered duck for dinner at a restaurant, and I casually commented that ducks engage in homosexual behavior in the wild. She got upset at the possibility that gay ducks suffer from discrimination by straight ducks, and blamed me for ruining her meal.
The fact that a duck was murdered so she could have a tasty bite somehow completely flew over her head.
My psycho ex got mad at me because I bought socks without consulting him. They were plain white socks.

Image credits: Kizdochkaa
I have an aunt who stopped speaking to me because I don't believe people shape-shift into reptilians.

Image credits: GiGiLafoo
What is the strangest reason someone has ever gotten mad at you, dear Pandas? On the flip side, what is the silliest reason you got angry with somebody?
What do you do to ground yourself and calm down whenever you find yourself all worked up over nothing?
How do you forgive someone who might not deserve forgiveness? Feel free to share a little bit of wisdom with all the other readers in the comments at the bottom of this post!
Feel like this should have been a big ol ? but my best friend of over a decade got VERY upset that I bought a Honda. Because apparently I copied her with my red 2015 Honda while she had a 2007 brown Honda. Mind you at this time we were both nearing 30.
I ended the friendship completely in 2021 after more (and much worse) moments like this. .

Image credits: Jaded_Airport_9313
My parents asked me to sign a contract.
I said I won't sign before I know what I'm getting myself into.
They got angry.

Image credits: hajima_reddit
One time I was at my parents' place. 3 of us were in the kitchen and I put a frozen pizza in the oven. Places it directly on the rack as the instructions said and when it was done, instead of letting me take it out and put it on a plate, my step dad opened the door and fumbled it and dropped it on the oven door upside down and made a mess. They both blamed me for putting it on the rack. I explained it's how the instructions say to do it on the box but they weren't having any of it.
It erupted into a full blown argument which eventually boiled down to "sometimes your mother is right because she's your mother" and I had enough and just walked out.
I had a coworker get upset with me when I put something down on a table in front of her, she said she thought I put it down "too hard" and that it hurt her feelings.

Image credits: goodgirljuice
I had a woman run out of her apartment screaming at me bc apparently when I walk my dog on the public sidewalk passed her unit, her dog goes insane and poops on her floor. She demanded I clean up her dogs mess. I told her to get f****d and reported her to the leasing office for harassment.
Teacher once gave me detention for reading a science book in science class after I had finished my work. I suppose they wanted me to just sit there?

Image credits: NotInherentAfterAll
I used to be a vehicle tester for an autonomous car company. Back then, there were always two of us. A "driver" and a navigator. The person in the driver's seat is not supposed to look anywhere but the road. The navigator tells you where to go.
So we're headed down this road, and he tells me there's a right turn coming up. "So we turn right at 73rd street?" Yes, turn right at 73rd. "So to confirm, turn right at 73rd?" Yes.
So I turned right on 73rd. Which was closed for construction.
He got mad at me for following his explicit directions.
A woman once yelled at me cause I told her how to use the self-serve machine at a grocery store.
I used to work at a store with self-serve machines. These ones were really sensitive, and you had to place the item on the scale/bagging area, and keep it there until you paid.
This lady scanned her item, and put it in her bag and was holding it. She then continued starring at the screen, confused. (Note, the screen AND automated voice kept saying "Place item in bagging area").
I just told her that she needs to put the item on the platform to unfreeze it, and she EXPLODED at me, and said, "HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME THAT WAY!"
I was 17.
I had to leave for my break right away and go cry.
That job very quickly taught me that people are awful.
Not me, but once our math teacher got fiery mad at one of my friend cause he solved a math before the teacher.

Image credits: AnIgnorablePerson
A college "friend" put white acrylic paint all in her hair while doing cosplay for a campus party. Later she complained to me that it was incredibly difficult to get out. When I agreed, she became extremely angry and accused me of being the person that told her to use it. I denied it. I woud never say that because I'm not stupid, but she wouldn't accept that she could be mistaken and stopped talking to me.
Another "friend" over heard the conversation and confirmed to me later that it was another mutual aquaintance that had told her to use the paint. She wouldn't back me up or help because" it wasn't my place to say."
Both of them are out of my life.

Image credits: ferretshark
My mother convinced me to give her new hairdresser a try because she was just starting out and needed customers. She scratched my ears with her comb a few times and I asked her to please be careful, and even apologized for my elf ears (they stick out). She got huffy, I decided I never wanted to see this person again, paid, tipped, and left.
Ten years later, yes, TEN YEARS LATER, I somehow came up in conversation (my mother was still seeing her), and the hairdresser brought up how upset at me for not “letting it go” because she was just starting out, and I should have been more forgiving. She then asked if I managed to marry rich, and then bragged about how she recently lost $30k in the stock market and “didn’t even care,” then asked “can your daughter say that about herself?” All because I asked her to please stop scraping her comb over my ears! Ten years ago!

Image credits: cuntpunt2000
I got yelled at for breathing too loudly while watching TV. Apparently, my enjoyment of the show was "distracting.".

Image credits: MidnightMoonSecret
For not planning a birthday party they explicitly said they didn’t want.

Image credits: Mental-Status3891
My housemate got mad at me and avoiding me because I helped mow the grass without telling her. I still dont get it.

Image credits: seirane
I was probably 4 or 5 and I called my cousin horny when I meant to say corny. I didn't even know what horny meant. My mother scolded me and asked me if I meant to say corny or horny. I repeated horny, again, just being a little kid I confused the two words. She flipped out and smacked me across my face in front of my cousin and sent me to my room. Not even kidding, even at that age I realized I said the wrong word and that I was just a kid and she was irrational.
I told my family that I thought my sister's step son was being abused by his bio mom. My reasoning was, every single time he comes home from his bio moms, he has nightmares and pisses the bed. Every, single, time. He usually is always at my sister's. And he doesn't have nightmares or pee the bed the majority of the time, only after he's spent the night at his bio mom's. My family doesn't even like his bio mom. So I'm pretty f****n confused why they got mad at me when I suggested her or her bf were abusing my nephew.
I had a teacher get mad at me because I sneezed during a test.

Image credits: SavingsHuckleberry4
My husband stonewalled me for a couple of weeks because he had a dream where I was cheating on him.

Image credits: CauliflowerBoomerang
Had a maths teacher in secondary completely lose her s**t at me because, not me, but the person beside me was cheating on the test we were doing??
To this day I still don't understand what I was getting shouted at for initially, but I do know laughing in her face did not help the situation at all, whatsoever.

Image credits: chalgo_05
Teacher pulled me in at lunch time and yelled at me for “stealing the box of tissues”. I was frustrated but not upset because I was innocent and when the bell rang a girl walked in, heard the teacher still going, and said “they’re right behind you miss”. I couldn’t see them behind her because she was yelling right in my twelve-year-old face. She didn’t apologise. Then I became a teacher and realised how unprofessional that was — and all over a box of tissues that wasn’t even gone.
Sophomore year of college I was the only one of my friends who lived off campus. My friend called me and said “yo let’s smoke a blunt at your place?” I said, “sure man, but I’m studying, come over in a couple hours.” He couldn’t wait and smoked the blunt in his dorm room, got caught, got arrested and evicted from the dorms. He told me it was my fault for studying and he wasn’t joking around.
My wife and I had a different opinion on something (long time ago, can't remember the subject), she got mad with me and told me google it.
I googled it and I was right.
She went furious because "I obviously checked got the wrong website, check again".
And I'm saying, "YOU find the website and send me the link".
In college my roommate told me the reason her periods hurt so bad is bc when she stands up all the blood goes to her legs and so her uterus is scraping for blood that’s now in her legs.
i told her that’s not how periods work.
she was infuriated.
Had a roommate text me furious that I had eaten her pizza rolls without asking because she was going to have them for dinner. I made all my own food, I didn't eat her pizza best guess she got home drunk one night, like she did a lot, ate them and didn't remember.
My sister is…not well mentally, she gets an attitude at the smallest thing. She once ripped up a $100 bill (American) because our parents told her they wouldn’t give her any more money. She was given that money to spend, yet she destroyed it.
I once sat down when she was speaking and she BANSHEE SCREAMED in my face to stand up.
I waited in the car exactly where they told me to wait outside the building and then they gave me s**t for being in the wrong place.
An argument ensued, but eventually they realized that I was 100% right, and finally apologized.
My school teachers got mad at me because my knee length skirt was at knee length.

Image credits: rexmonte
Went on vacation with my cousin, she got mad at me for seeing the Eiffel Tower from a highway because “we were supposed to see it together and now I’ve ruined it”.
She also got mad at me when I would walk next to her and apparently I would keep walking towards her and pushing her to the side. Worst vacation ever.

Image credits: Interesting_Ad_1130
When we were separating my ex looked at my text messages and then was furious that I had been speaking negatively about him…he cheated and left his family what did he think I was saying ?!?
My wife had a dream that I was putting socks in the toaster to dry them.
She woke up and was mad at me for doing dumb s**t in her dream.
She wasn't mad for long and soon went back to sleep.

Image credits: Hamsternoir
There was a lady who was so obstinately angry with me because I said a word ‘wrong’
I pronounced *versatile* as ver-sa-ty-l instead of the American version
‘Aren’t you a little bit ashamed? Aren’t you people supposed to speak good English?’ she said, LOL.

Image credits: WhoregasmPerfection
Me and my sister was at Walmart , standing in line for the cashier (this was before self check out was a thing). She went first and I was going right after. She couldn’t afford all of her stuff so she started putting some of her stuff into my row (I used the little separator and started loading my items on the cashier belt). I said no. She got mad and started cussing at me while bystanders could hear. I was 13 she was 27. It was embarrassing but if I’m not gonna let my money get spent on someone else stuff while she got to use every penny on whatever the hell she wanted.
A new manager at my old job got mad at me for not mixing the ranch packet according to the directions, we were trained to do it differently from the package directions. He flipped the f**k out and said I should be fired for insubordination.

Image credits: Tater-Tot-Casserole
Once time in my early 20's in the middle of the day I walked past a dive bar with windows. I couldn't see in the windows due to glare or they might have been mirrored, so I was probably looking at my own reflection. A few seconds later a drunk guy around my age came staggering quickly out of the bar and chased after me. He got in my face and started giving me s**t and wanted to fight me, because he thought I had stared in the window at him...
My father legit yelled at me for buying reduced salt butter and reduced salt bacon. He yelled at me for trying to be healthy and why the heck would I buy that
It was on sale..
A girl 3 years older than me literally tried to fight me in high school because she deluded herself into thinking I was dating/sleeping with her ex (I wasn't) (we were literally just friends). Like she would call me after f*****g him FROM HIS PHONE to rub it in and I would be like great? good job? and she would get so angry at me. I genuinely did not get it.

Image credits: swimmingwithwaffles
A coworker who would often ride the bus with me for half my route, for two or three years, got pretty upset when I said I never ate at a certain fast-food, chicken-restaurant chain because it was owned by one of the families that run this country. I told her even if it was futile, I'll support this oligarchy as little as possible. Now if she had just said "I like their food and eat there anyway" or whatever I could've understood it. But the way she took it was more along the lines of "they help us and employ people and they deserve gratitude!" and so on. Because I'm not from here (but unfortunately born here) she kind of muttered something along the lines of how could an outsider come and criticize how things are run here, etc. I couldn't really engage her on that line of thought much because, I have to admit, we were surrounded by a bunch of people on the bus, people here are shamelessly nosy, and it was just a situation that could've easily gotten out of hand, so I took no risks and kept quiet. Over the following weeks she started drifting away, taking the bus later than me, not engaging in any kind of talk at work (we were on the same team) beyond necessary, and so on,
Kind of sad recounting this, really. We had some good conversations, watched a lot of the same series and shared excitement over many things. We had started working at this place around the same time and been there many years. This made me think twice about being open with anything remotely political honestly. It just never occurred to me that someone who rode the damn bus with me, rubbing elbows with the lowest of the low, could be so offended when I criticized the invisible elite of this country.
I started going to the gym...wife was pissed the f off.
I had a customer call my managers to complain I put her receipt in her bag. I asked her if she wanted the receipt in the bag and she said yes.
The time I got screamed at because I didn’t pull the station wagon far up enough in the driveway to her liking.
I answered the phone for my father in law because he had my son on his back. I also saw it was my sister in law who knew I was over. I handed the phone to him shortly afterwards and he yelled at me with: “I can answer the phone myself.” My sister in law ended up yelling at him on the phone about me just trying to be helpful. Then he got mad he got yelled at for being an a*s.
A girl got mad at me because I didn't want to kiss her.

Image credits: OldCardigan
Had a gf who told me to get out of her car, on a freeway, because I was "smacking" my gum.

Image credits: anon
My dad got mad at me for having bi friends, told me to repeat after him, “im not bi” as if im easily programmable.
Not holding the door for some guy. I hate crowded public spaces, had my head down and was leaving. He asked me what my problem was and thought i knew him somehow and had something against him. Insane.
I once was too close to a person's space.... I was on the other side of the room...
Basically everything my mother is mad at me it's because I'm leaving the family D&D game half an hour early. Last week it was because I didn't like answering her 2am phone call.
Ex best friend of mine...
For about a month and a half chosing her new junkie friends over me even when we had prior thing to do.
One day I had a drink with a friend of mine, throw a bith fit because she wasn't invited, blocked me everywhere.
I had two mutual friends. They had a falling out over something friend B’s husband said to friend A. I should note that I’m much closer to friend A than the friend B. That’s why she’s friend A.
Friend A was ok attending events that friend B was at, but friend B was not willing to be around friend A.
I had offered a couple of times to help mend fences but friend B wouldn’t budge.
At some point friend B realized that her boycott was keeping her from attending events organized by both friend A and myself. Like, why would I invite a casual friend who hates my best friend?
At this point friend B contacts me to ask if i can facilitate a reconciliation. I mentioned it to friend A and said “from our previous conversations, it sounds like she’s expecting an apology from you.” Because that’s literally what she said.
Friend A is like yeah, shove off. And friend B is furious with me because I told friend A what she said. Like, she’s saying this to me as if friend A had no idea that friend B had been purposely avoiding her this whole time. I was apparently the one who told friend A that there was a falling out between them ?
Yeah ok.
In like 2018 i thought big chungus was the funniest s**t ever and the day before, i had listened to a parody of “gucci gang” but the lyrics were altered to “chungus gang”. because i thought i was so funny i started singing it really loud one day to my friends; all the sudden i get called over by a group of teachers who scold me and call me racist. im heavily confused on how im racist for singing chungus gang, but it turns out they misheard me and thought i was saying “chinese guy”. i interject and tell them that i was infact, not saying chinese guy, but singing some stupid a*s song i heard on youtube. *dead silence*. then all the sudden they get mad at me for correcting them and shoo me away.
Because there was no olive oil even though I spent the whole week looking after the kids and the shop was 10 metres away but she could go out without make up and needed to make her f*****g vegan breakfast.
My dad got mad at me because i had my window open in the winter. I was in my bedroom which is upstairs and close to the front door, him and the rest of the family were in the livingroom which was downstairs all the way at the back, my bedroom door was closed and there was a door between the entraince and where they were. I don't know how cold wind would go under my door, down the stairs, through another door and reach them.
Cause i didn't scheduled an appointment for an ex friend to meet my boyfriend for his birthday, as i was his secretary or something.