Your government will tell you which side of the road you need to drive on, and your employer will set the dress code for your 9 to 5, but when you're at home, you make the rules.
Recently, we thought it would be interesting to see how differently we organize our living spaces and found a few online threads where people shared the non-negotiable do's and don'ts in their households.
From cultivating treats to enforcing a strict chore schedule, the things that folks emphasize can be surprisingly varied—just like the residents themselves.
You are excused from all obligations and chores if a cat is sitting on you.

Image credits: SparklingCitalopram
10 house rules? Jesus.. who has time for that? If people can’t behave like civil human beings they aren’t allowed in, but I don’t employ rules. Life is too short for that nonsense.
That being said, I live alone and I do what I want, when I want, and how I want.

Image credits: NatureGirl16
My cats are VERY friendly and VERY social. If they freak out and hide, get the f**k out.

Image credits: alfieohalfie
1) Get the f**k out if you have a problem with my dog. I'm not gonna lock him in the bedroom, not for you, NOT FOR ANYBODY since it's his house too. (my dog is very gentle and calm and well behaved, but he is a people dog, and he loves to make new friends)
2) Repeat that 9 more times.

Image credits: niiightskyyy
1. We don’t always have to keep it neat, but we have to keep it clean. Some clutter is acceptable, smells are never ok.
2. If I’ve invited you over to do a particular task or activity, come prepared to do just that. Don’t accept my invite thinking you’re gonna show up and lead me on a detour from our original plan. If, for example, I invite you over for a craft night, I’d probably rather do crafts by myself than be stuck entertaining someone who just wants to talk.
3. Be mindful of and respectful to my plants, pets, and partner (edit: not in order of importance lol).
4. If there are multiple guests, don’t start a f*****g fight with someone else. Take it outside and don’t come back until you can behave.

Image credits: breadspac3
I raised six children who are now aged 35, 32, 31, 27, 24 and soon to be 17.
Not really strict rules, but some were rather stupid rules because one child was a little different.
Her three kids were 6, 3 and 2 when I married my wife. The other three we had together. All six were raised by my wife and me and we lived as one big family. The children have called me dad since before my first child was born.
The first stupid rule began when the youngest of my wife’s first three was around 4 years old. If we were eating and there was a big bag of potato chips, he would throw a fit if anyone tried to eat any chips.
In his mind, the entire bag of chips was his, regardless of the size of the bag.
So stupid rule number one was no eating chips out of the bag. Either put them on your plate with your sandwich or in a bowl. That eliminated his “ownership” of a bag of chips.
He's been out of the house for over 13 years, and just the other night when I came home from work, I got out a bowl and put some chips in it just to eat a few. I could have easily eaten a few chips straight from the bag and resealed it, but old habits die hard.

Image credits: Robin Gronovius
1. No toxic people are allowed to visit.
Times 10.

Image credits: anon
Be respectful (no racism, no hate)
No gluten in the air fryer, rice maker or breadmaker. (I have celiac and anyone who contaminates those appliances with gluten is not welcome)
The cats live here, there will be cat hair, but you can move them off the couch
Please let me know if you want tea; I really really like making tea for other people.
If you need a pen, please ask first, I have so many and some are not meant to be used by just anyone (my fountain pens are my babies)

Image credits: anon
1. Don't use my crafting shears for opening packages or cutting tags
....... I guess that's pretty much it lol

Image credits: MooseCannon316
No spontaneous guests.
No wearing shoes inside.
No Neon*zis or f*scists in general allowed in my home.
No disrespecting people living here.
No harming of our pets.
No destruction of our property.
No eating without a plate, making a mess on the floor and throwing around pieces of food.
Most can be summed up as: Behave like a decent human being.

Image credits: anon
If we like you, you can help yourself to wherever you need; cuppa, we’ll you know where the kitchen is, hungry? Fridge is full.
If we don’t like you, you’ll get offered tea, coffee or water. And we would bring it to you, you ain’t roaming loose in my house.

Image credits: anon
1. Don’t set fireworks off indoors.
2. No mullets.
3. Don’t try and tidy up after I’ve cooked for you, my boyfriend will do it.
4. Bring dogs.
5. No ants allowed.
6. Don’t grumble that my downstairs loo looks like a shoe cupboard. It is a shoe cupboard.
7. Admire my ghosts.
8. Tell me if you’re cold. I’ll get you a blanket. Heating is expensive.
9. If you’re expecting a cuppa, bring your own milk. I probably won’t have any.
10. Don’t overstay your welcome.

Image credits: lems93
We don't have like a list or anything, but some rules that jump to mind are:
* No jumping on the sofa.
* Swordfights and bouncy balls outside or in the hallway.
* No sword attacks on unarmed people (shields count).
* Have rooms clean on Saturday mornings (poorly enforced).
* Don't sit on the dinnertable (also poorly enforced).
* Only look for eggs if all chickens are outside the coop.
And regular stuff like eat with your mouth closed, try to use utensils, brush your teeth and put on clean underwear in the morning.

Image credits: Pondering_Giraffe
-shoes at door
-toilet seat default position is down
-TP roll- over
-make the bed if you sleep in it
-pet the poodle
- be kind
-make yourself at home
- guests get the comfy chair
- expect to be fed
- bring wine whenever possible

Image credits: anon
1 - dogs go wherever they want
2 - of dogs want a walk, we walk
That’s it

Image credits: jeswesky
The kitchen counter is for glasses not a*ses. In other words, don’t sit on the counter!

Image credits: danebramaged01
1. My house, my music.
2. Yes, I have some cool, old s**t. Don’t touch it.
3. Eat or drink all you want-pitch in on the next bottle or food if you finish off something expensive.
4. Couch is available for napping, reading, and conversation-always.
5. I prefer some warning that you’re coming by.
6. Be kind to everyone here-you are ALL my people even if you’re not in the same circles.
7. There are always more blankets-let me know if you’re cold.
8. Sitting in comfortable silence here is entirely okay, we don’t need to entertain each other-if you’re here I just like having you around.
9. Unless I’ve told you a plus one is okay, don’t bring strangers to my place.
10. Smoke whatever you’re smoking outside.

Image credits: sh6rty13
Don’t touch the thermostat.

Image credits: TweedleBeetleBattle2
I only have one rule - No knives in bed. The joys of loving a farmer…

Image credits: Newcs91
I have mostly rules for kids:
- argue only in native language,
- no feet above the table (not only ON the table, above the table, as they get creative)
- don't wipe your face in my shirt, even if you want a cuddle
- eating soup with chopsticks is only allowed shirtless
- on long drives whining is allowed 30mins before arrival, not sooner
- don't lick people or the cat, even if they smell good
And so on.

Image credits: Why_So_Slow
(1) take care of your own needs first, the best gift you can give each other is being aware of your own needs, fulfilling them if possible, communicating when you need help.
(2) then look around to see if anyone else needs help and offer it.
(3) Be kind. families help each other
(4) No slime. No putty. No orbeez. Nothing that looks like slime or putty or may be smushed to become slime (looking at YOU orbeez)
(5) shoes on the shoe bench, coats on the coat hook. Neither should pass the front hallway.
(6) be open minded
(7) unlimited hugs!! Unless you don’t want hugs hugs, then no hugs will be forced upon you
(8) the cat is mean. Don’t touch the cat. I know the cat is rubbing against you, she’s still mean, don’t pet her.
(9) the first band aid from petting the cat is free
(10) subsequent bandaids will cost; price tbd

Image credits: Tristavia
I have never written these down but I’ll give it a shot
1. No bigots, racists, homophobes allowed.
2. Be nice to my pets they are my children.
3. Don’t go through my stuff without asking.
4. If you make a mess clean it up.
5. No smoking near or in my home.
6. No unannounced drop ins or uninvited visitors without notice.
7. Unless specified, 11 pm is as late as I want a visitor.
8. If you clog my toilet there is a plunger, don’t leave it clogged.
9. Don’t eat all my snacks.
10. If you damage my property and do not make up for it. I will sue.

Image credits: Kkarotcake
I used to have a free for all house of my own, even after dating SO with his kids for a couple of years. I love hosting and had a guest room. Food and dishes were all on me, stay as long as you please. My friends aren’t the types to need rules.
Since moving in with SO and kids and acting as more of a step for the last year the list of rules is long.. just to keep things livable without burning me out or living in a landfill.
1. Clothes in the hamper. Your hamper. Towels/rags go in the basket on top of the fridge.
2. If I’m doing I’m doing all of the laundry, the sink better be clear. If you decide to do a load, put it away right away. (Maybe you can tell laundry is a source of mess in our house.. before I moved in SO would have a giant “clean” pile of everybody’s clothes mixed. Never got put away. Hampers were occupied by a mix of clean clothes, dirty clothes, and everybody’s out grown out clothes to “sell” just.. no.)
3. Something in, something out. It doesn’t have to be immediate. But if we’re going to have huge Christmas/birthday room better be made BEFORE the event. And if you’re going to randomly buy things you better have a place in mind that same day.
4. No if’s ands or buts about routine things. Tantrums and hard days are normal. But not about everyday things. Tablets are gone at dinner, homework will be done, teeth are getting brushed, baths will be had, books will be read, and children will be sleeping. We will wake up on time everyday and keep our bags packed for the next day. I’m not going to be responsible for tired, tablet-addicted kids who don’t have any of their things ready for school.
5. Bathroom time is alone time. We all share a bathroom- give a heads up if you’re showering for a long time.
6. Clear common areas. If all 4 of us left our papers/toys/hobby supplies/hats/shoes out it would be a train wreck. So none of us will. When you’re done with it, put it away.
7. Respect our furniture and home. I put a lot of time, money, and effort into buying nice things and keeping a clean home. Don’t stand on couches, hang from the bunk beds, sit on tables, etc. We have a huge yard and live next to a park.
8. Ask nicely. And respect no as an answer. That goes for everybody, including the kids when it’s not a mandatory thing like bed time or cleaning up. Nobody likes being forced into fun. We’re all entitled to some alone time. Very necessary rule in a small home with 4 people!
9. Say sorry when you did something wrong. Again, all of us. We go over proper apologies a lot. Focus on how you effected the person, not explaining your intentions. Tell them how you’ll fix it/do better in the future. Then follow through as best you can.
10. We’re a team. Everybody gets age appropriate chores, we all pick things up even if we didn’t necessarily make the mess ourselves. If somebody is having a bad day or gets hurt, we all stop what we’re doing. We all have our “jobs” when it comes to running things smoothly. We have a routine. Stick to it as best you can. And if you’re having a hard time ask instead of just not doing something. If you have extra time try and find something to do for the house instead of screwing around.
It might sound like I’m a hard a*s, but SO isn’t a natural cleaner and has a hard time reaching the kids good habits. With our system the worst day here is better than the best day before I started helping out (before I moved in… wasn’t about to tackle that all on my own or be the bad guy). The kids take a lot of pride in doing their part, toys aren’t lost, board games/art projects/legos/puzzles are used frequently because they know where they are. We’re not living in a landfill. I’m not a full time maid. We’re not arguing constantly or losing things because there’s a routine. We have more time for fun because we’re not living in a depression nest.

Image credits: BuildingMyEmpireMN
I realise I have a few, mostly it is don’t be a t****r, but if you need a list
1. don’t be toxic
2. Don’t insult my home, decor or way of doing stuff.
3. Don’t touch my LPs
4. Please do sit down, relax.
5. Tea or coffee, you can choose, but I won’t give you milk because my bf drinks from the carton.
6. If you need something, ask- don’t snoop. Several of the cupboards are old and broken. Yes I am saving to get them fixed. No I do not want to renovate my gorgeous kitchen - we point 2.
7. Yes I know some of my things are old, but they work. I have no intention of throwing something perfectly fine away.
8. Do not criticise me in my own home.
9. My home is a safe space, please feel free to cry
10. Do not ask me what that thing in the fridge is. I do not know, it is my boyfriends latest fermenting project and I will have to eat it

Image credits: kidwhonevergrowsup
This is a chaos free zone. We will have mutual respect and treat each other as humans. Not exactly 10, but this is it at its core for everything. I am the head of a multigenerational household and this is how we approach everything. Bills, chores, shared space, entertaining g friends -everything. Our home is a safe haven and needs to stay that way. We discuss before folks come over, do big changes or even before we do large family dinners.

Image credits: Nelyahin
1. No yelling
2. No violence
3. Kindness always
4. No judgement
5. No hard d***s
6. Chill
7. Do what makes you happy
8. Laugh as much as possible
9. Bonus points for cooking
10. Ditto for bringing ice cream

Image credits: Lower-Difficulty-227
1. Be respectful
2. Be safe
3. Be helpful
4. Vote
Only 4 rules, but those first three encompass a lot; everything from saying polite words to having the address memorized to cleaning up after ourselves.
And really, that last one could be rolled up into #2 since we're all queer or #3 because we're all working toward a better world, but it's better to make it explicit.

Image credits: insertcaffeine
Yes I do! Some of them are more preferences, and I can be a bit too shy in expressing them.
Don’t close the bathroom door after you’ve exited (the cat’s litterbox is in there)
Do close the toilet lid when flushing! (I feel grossed out by the airborne particles flying everywhere)
No one, except my husband helps me out in the kitchen unless I ask them to. Guests should just relax! Another selfish reason for this is that I get nervous that they will mess up my stuff and create a mess.
Feel free to pick up and look at books in our bookshelf! (As long as you’re careful).
Unless we let you, don’t go into our combined bedroom/office. It’s our private little space.
No sticky, oily or dirty hands on the boardgame pieces or switch controllers. (We provide napkins if there’s snacks, so usually not a problem)
If we have a party, and you get drunk enough that you need to puke: Make sure you stay outside in the yard (during good weather), or in the bathroom! Clean up after yourself properly. We’ll think twice about inviting you next time either way.. This has been a problem at only a few, but memorable, occasions.

Image credits: Magdalena Erliksson
1 No shoes
2 You have to sit down when you pee
3 No going to my bedroom without me allowing it
4 No smoking inside
5 When you smoke outside, close the windows and doors beforehand
6 No rearranging of my things (decoration, personal belongings lying around)
7 If you're hungry, tell me. I can cook smth up for you or find a snack, whatever you want. I will share. Don't just go through my fridge or cupboard
8 If I allow you in my bedroom, you're not allowed to sit on the bed (with your clothes from outside)
9 Music can't be too loud bc my neighbours take it personal and will start a warfare that will last for weeks, so please keep it low. Please also watch how you walk, the same thing applies here. Generally, be as quit as possible, because i can't take the mental torture my neighbour pulls as a revenge.
10 This is a safe space for you and me. We won't judge each other for harmless things, we won't belittle each other. This is a place of love.
1. No politics
2. No religion
3. Leave me alone
4. If you need something see rule #3

Image credits: anon
i’m not an adult, but my rule for myself personally is to start new days FRESH. when it comes to school, i sometimes get down on myself for bad grades because i take school really seriously. my rule for myself is to value my mental health as much as i value my schoolwork. i’ve experienced what being in a bad mental state is during a school year, and it absolutely sucks, so my rule is that mental health comes above everything, you always need to make sure your okay! and if you don’t get a grade your happy with, start fresh tomorrow! everyday is a new day!
They're not really rules, because I think if I had to enforce them regularly I'd be out. They're behaviours I expect in my home, which is my safe space to relax and live.
I'd say the main rule is common sense and being considerate. Easy things like making sure the toilet is flushed and clean, don't invite randoms over, give warning for overnight guests, don't track mud through the house, clean up spills or mess, no smoking in the house, no shouting or unnecessarily raised voices, no bigotry, no bellends, no dogs (we have rabbits).

Image credits: d3gu
If my dogs don't like you, then I don't either so please leave
If you s**t in the toilet, you better spray the he'll out of the bathroom with lysol
If I say I'm ready for bed or I'm tired, that's your cue to leave
If you fart on my sofa, that is automatic banishment, GTFO

Image credits: [deleted]
I have a few.
1. No s*x in my bed unless I am involved.
2. No s*x in my shower. The guest shower is fine.
3. No s*x anywhere but the two places mentioned.
4. Eat whatever you want.
5. Please don't get sloppy drunk while here.
6. Let me know if you want to visit the pool area as I need to escort you.
7. This is not a place for negative energy.
8. No screaming or anything that brings in unhappiness.
9. Be nice to everyone around you.
10. Leave within 36 hours.

Image credits: Nopenotme77
No shoes in the house and no rummaging through my cabinets. I think that's it as far as rules go.

Image credits: anon
No seat tinkles.

Image credits: SnowyRiverMiracles
Mostly it’s a requirement for coming here: Your truck or car must have high clearance as it’s rural, back country roads and you will get stuck which means a possible expensive towing/damage your car.
I'm pregnant so they change constantly and they are usually about smells lol
1. No food in bedrooms
2. No phones at the dinner table
3. Family eats dinner together
4. Clean up after yourself (I’m not your slave)
5. Close the screen door when you go outside I don’t want mozzies and flies inside you weren’t raised in a barn
That’s all the rules we really have for everyone
Dinner is always eaten together
No phones at dinner
Always say hi and goodbye
Let me know if you (kids) are not coming home tonight
Don't complain about my cooking if you're not ready to cook yourself
Put the dishes in the dishwasher
If laundry isn't in the laundrybag it wont get washed
If you do #2 - clean the toiletbowl
If you shave over the sink - clean it after you
If you're not up by 1 pm, don't count on having lunch
I do have grown kids, can you tell? My rules is basically about being nice and civilized.
1) No potato chips or cookies (I’m a binge eater and I can’t control myself around these)
2) No yelling. If we disagree, we talk it out. If we feel that we are getting too upset, we walk away until we calm down. We understand it’s you and me vs the problem.
3)Hugs before bed every night
I have the following house rules for my family:
Help each other
Always tell the truth
Do your best
Be thankful
Dream big and
Hug often.
They work very well for my house. I am always trying to make my house a better version of family today than yesterday. With that said, what are your house rules you can proudly share with me???
And it really works for my happy family.
I don't like rules. I like principles better.
Kindness. Helpfulness. Trustworthiness. Truthfulness. Thoughtfulness. That's a few.
Principles are universal. They can be applied to any situation.
Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between rules and principles. A principle isn't "Be kind." That's a rule.
Principles are like litmus tests for actions. They're for adults to test their own actions against. And for adults to then help kids turn over their own choices. Was it kind? What would have been a kinder choice? How can that be done more kindly? How can that be done safely or more respectful of others?
Sometimes the answer is it can't be made safe or respectful. Riding without a seatbelt can't be made safe. Hitting can't be kind, safe or respectful. So focus on what ways the problem can be solved. When the focus is on what can be done to meet the need, there's no need to cling to what can't be done to meet the need.
Two of my kids are sitting in here with me and I asked them the question. The responses I got were, “You aren’t strict.” and “The rules you have are reasonable.” and “We have to go to bed at a set time, but that’s a good thing.” So, I’d say no. My kids don’t seem to think so.
1.No disrespect of any kind 2.Wash your hands and pick up after yourself and make your bed 3.If you want to bring over a guest ask before you do so 4.DO NOT LEAVE ANY DIRTY DISHES IN THE SINK THROUGHLY SCRAP AND PLACE IN THE DISHWASHER AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT INCLUDE PAPER PLATES. 5.Always use a coaster 6.Place your dirty clothes in the hamper or the laundry chute 7.Be kind 8.No loud music after 10 p m that's why they invented wireles ear buds. 9.You must remember to turn the alarm system back on when you leave and come back 10. Eat drink and be merry
Don’t think we have ten but we have a few..
Don’t yell at others across the house (outside of extenuating circumstances) No surprise guests invited over Clean up after yourself & help when big messes are made (example: cooking meals) Be conscientious of how your actions affect everyone else within our home (your volume when speaking/playing games/electronics)
1 No shoed feet on the couches. De-shoe yourself. 2 Take your shoes off before stepping on the carpet 3 Clean up after yourself. 4 DO NOT cross boundaries, etc. reading journals, snooping through stuff, etc. 5 Ask before you grab something. If you want some food/snacks, please ask. 6 Ask before you throw my dog some food. 7 Roxie (my dog) is allowed on the couch. DO NOT kick her off because you’re uncomfortable. There is a set chair she’s not allowed on, and you can sit there. 8 I go to bed at 8:30 PM each night. That means YOU GOT TO GO WHEN I SAY SO. 9 If I invite YOU over, and you bring a guest unannounced, then neither of you will be coming in:) 10 Call/text/DM/ whatever before you come over. No unannounced visits!
One: No ouija boards
Two: No throwing anything at anyone inside
Three to five: Have to do with table manners
Six to ten: Have to do with keeping the cat alive and safe

Image credits: thegreatterrible
1 Rinse after using the dish
2 No day clothes on the bed.
3 Keep the toilet seat and cover closed unless in use.
4 Don't touch the thermostat
5 Allow me to feed you
6 Don't steal my stuff
7 Don't acknowledge my mess
8 Don't over stay your welcome.
9 Be ready for board/video games
10 Come ready to get tipsy
My home, respect it and the people in it that includes my pugs. Don't overstep my boundaries
Other than that, my home is always open
1. Shoes off at the door
2. Be respectful of my things / ask before touching
3. Food must be on a plate or in a bowl to catch crumbs
4. Don’t go in my bedroom unless you’ve been invited
5. Overnight guests are welcome to shower but don’t hog all the hot water / use my expensive personal skin care items.
6. No smoking
7. If you cook only for yourself, clean up after yourself.
8. No guests dropping in uninvited
9. Don’t let long hair go down the drain please god.
10. Just be a good person
I don't have my home yet, but these would be my rules:
Take shoes off.
Don't make a mess. If you do, clean up after yourself.
Don't leave the toilet seat up.
No dogs, (or with that any other pets) unless absolutely necessary. (An emotional support pet does not count as a necessity when coming over)
Mistreat my cat and you're banned from entering the house again forever.
Feel free to help yourself from the fridge or cupboard, but if you're eating the last piece of something, INFORM US.
Don't open the windows or leave the door open if the cat is not on a leash.
If you need anything, food or something to drink but you're afraid to grab something yourseld, ask me. I'll be happy to serve you with something.
This one is for children: no you can't play on my laptop. I'm using it for work.
(This one is mostly because I heard quite of horror stories of entitled parents and kids) Yes I have a few plushies. No, your child can't take them because they like them. All have memories attached to them and the only person I'm willing gift them to will be my own child.
- No gluten, red meat or pork in my kitchen/dr.
- Shoes off at the door
- No jumping, food or slime on the sofa (commonly ignored by my tiny roomies)
- Food in eating areas only (also often ignored)
- Dishes in sink after eating (😵💫)
- Screen/game time after homework/chores only and 2 hours max
- No screens on Saturdays (Shabbat)
- Keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times (as in, keep them to yourself, often ignored)
- Inside voices (pretty sure my kids think this one is a joke)
- No running (haha, help!)
No shoes on inside.
No eating outside of the kitchen if you’re a minor.
No jumping on my furniture.
If you’re sick or feeling unwell please do not visit.
The rest is up to common sense and respect for being in someone else’s home.
I have a new rule I just made. No one is allowed to stay more than one night. This year my step daughter stayed for about 2 months and then right after she left my brother stayed for two months. It’s been a crappy, stressful year. My house is very small.
No shoes on in the house. Shut the door in the winter I’m not heating Canada. Shut the fridge door too. Don’t clean paint brushes in the kitchen sink. No smoking indoors of anything. Stay out of my room.
Be nice to the furkids. They live here, you don't.
Sam(see profile pic) doesn't go out the front door without someone age 17+ period. No exceptions or excuses.
Clean up after yourself. I'm not your maid.
Text, don't call unless it's an emergency.
Squirt guns are not pointed at Grandma(me)ever. Squirts guns pointed at me are immediately confiscated, even if it's Grandpa holding them.
Do not point toy guns, swords or weapons at pets. They will be confiscated.
1.) No unannounced visits or unwanted visitors. Only adults may open the door unless planned otherwise. 2.) All visitors must remove shoes at the door. 3.) Think before you speak and act. 4.) Remember that respect is given freely, disrespect is earned. 5.) You can eat what's served or figure it out on your own. 6.) Actions have consequences wether good or bad is on you. 7.) Clean up after yourself & your pets and/or kids. 8.) Be kind to our animals or get John Wicked. 9.) Other people's thoughts & feelings matter as much as your own. 10.) Our home is a fortress from the outside world & an investment for future generations. It should be treated with as much respect & regard as a person.
I do not bring people into my house

Image credits: anon
No dogs, no douches, no smoking, no mess, no whining about it being cold, always lock the front/back door when coming inside, no means no and you're banned means get out.
No outside shoes inside. No outside clothes on the bed (if it comes to that lol)
Be nice.
Take off your shoes inside.
No decor with creepy eyes (taxidermy, creepy dolls, cat clocks with the blinky eyes...)
And that pretty much sums it up in our house.
Food stays downstairs (no dirty dishes and crumbs up in the bedroom)
Most are already covered but one I don’t see yet is: If the sink isn’t clean, then the kitchen isn’t clean.